1,575 research outputs found


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    This work addresses a real-life problem corresponding to the separation of the nonlinear mixture of images which arises when we scan a paper document and the image from the back page shows through. The proposed solution consists of a non-iterative procedure that is based on two simple observations: (1) the high frequency content of images is sparse, and (2) the image printed on each side of the paper appears more strongly in the mixture acquired from that side than in the mixture acquired from the opposite side. These ideas had already been used in the context of nonlinear denoising source separation (DSS). However, in that method the degree of separation achieved by applying these ideas was relatively weak, and the separation had to be improved by iterating within the DSS scheme. In this paper the application of these ideas is improved by changing the competition function and the wavelet transform that is used. These improvements allow us to achieve a good separation in one shot, without the need to integrate the process into an iterative DSS scheme. The resulting separation process is both nonlinear and non-local. We present experimental results that show that the method achieves a good separation quality

    Image Decomposition and Separation Using Sparse Representations: An Overview

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    This paper gives essential insights into the use of sparsity and morphological diversity in image decomposition and source separation by reviewing our recent work in this field. The idea to morphologically decompose a signal into its building blocks is an important problem in signal processing and has far-reaching applications in science and technology. Starck , proposed a novel decomposition method—morphological component analysis (MCA)—based on sparse representation of signals. MCA assumes that each (monochannel) signal is the linear mixture of several layers, the so-called morphological components, that are morphologically distinct, e.g., sines and bumps. The success of this method relies on two tenets: sparsity and morphological diversity. That is, each morphological component is sparsely represented in a specific transform domain, and the latter is highly inefficient in representing the other content in the mixture. Once such transforms are identified, MCA is an iterative thresholding algorithm that is capable of decoupling the signal content. Sparsity and morphological diversity have also been used as a novel and effective source of diversity for blind source separation (BSS), hence extending the MCA to multichannel data. Building on these ingredients, we will provide an overview the generalized MCA introduced by the authors in and as a fast and efficient BSS method. We will illustrate the application of these algorithms on several real examples. We conclude our tour by briefly describing our software toolboxes made available for download on the Internet for sparse signal and image decomposition and separation

    From neural PCA to deep unsupervised learning

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    A network supporting deep unsupervised learning is presented. The network is an autoencoder with lateral shortcut connections from the encoder to decoder at each level of the hierarchy. The lateral shortcut connections allow the higher levels of the hierarchy to focus on abstract invariant features. While standard autoencoders are analogous to latent variable models with a single layer of stochastic variables, the proposed network is analogous to hierarchical latent variables models. Learning combines denoising autoencoder and denoising sources separation frameworks. Each layer of the network contributes to the cost function a term which measures the distance of the representations produced by the encoder and the decoder. Since training signals originate from all levels of the network, all layers can learn efficiently even in deep networks. The speedup offered by cost terms from higher levels of the hierarchy and the ability to learn invariant features are demonstrated in experiments.Comment: A revised version of an article that has been accepted for publication in Advances in Independent Component Analysis and Learning Machines (2015), edited by Ella Bingham, Samuel Kaski, Jorma Laaksonen and Jouko Lampine

    Wavelet Domain Image Separation

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of blind signal and image separation using a sparse representation of the images in the wavelet domain. We consider the problem in a Bayesian estimation framework using the fact that the distribution of the wavelet coefficients of real world images can naturally be modeled by an exponential power probability density function. The Bayesian approach which has been used with success in blind source separation gives also the possibility of including any prior information we may have on the mixing matrix elements as well as on the hyperparameters (parameters of the prior laws of the noise and the sources). We consider two cases: first the case where the wavelet coefficients are assumed to be i.i.d. and second the case where we model the correlation between the coefficients of two adjacent scales by a first order Markov chain. This paper only reports on the first case, the second case results will be reported in a near future. The estimation computations are done via a Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) procedure. Some simulations show the performances of the proposed method. Keywords: Blind source separation, wavelets, Bayesian estimation, MCMC Hasting-Metropolis algorithm.Comment: Presented at MaxEnt2002, the 22nd International Workshop on Bayesian and Maximum Entropy methods (Aug. 3-9, 2002, Moscow, Idaho, USA). To appear in Proceedings of American Institute of Physic

    Separating a Real-Life Nonlinear Image Mixture

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    When acquiring an image of a paper document, the image printed on the back page sometimes shows through. The mixture of the front- and back-page images thus obtained is markedly nonlinear, and thus constitutes a good real-life test case for nonlinear blind source separation. This paper addresses a difficult version of this problem, corresponding to the use of "onion skin" paper, which results in a relatively strong nonlinearity of the mixture, which becomes close to singular in the lighter regions of the images. The separation is achieved through the MISEP technique, which is an extension of the well known INFOMAX method. The separation results are assessed with objective quality measures. They show an improvement over the results obtained with linear separation, but have room for further improvement
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