7 research outputs found

    Separating complexity classes using autoreducibility

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    Autoreducibility of NP-Complete Sets

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    We study the polynomial-time autoreducibility of NP-complete sets and obtain separations under strong hypotheses for NP. Assuming there is a p-generic set in NP, we show the following: - For every kβ‰₯2k \geq 2, there is a kk-T-complete set for NP that is kk-T autoreducible, but is not kk-tt autoreducible or (kβˆ’1)(k-1)-T autoreducible. - For every kβ‰₯3k \geq 3, there is a kk-tt-complete set for NP that is kk-tt autoreducible, but is not (kβˆ’1)(k-1)-tt autoreducible or (kβˆ’2)(k-2)-T autoreducible. - There is a tt-complete set for NP that is tt-autoreducible, but is not btt-autoreducible. Under the stronger assumption that there is a p-generic set in NP ∩\cap coNP, we show: - For every kβ‰₯2k \geq 2, there is a kk-tt-complete set for NP that is kk-tt autoreducible, but is not (kβˆ’1)(k-1)-T autoreducible. Our proofs are based on constructions from separating NP-completeness notions. For example, the construction of a 2-T-complete set for NP that is not 2-tt-complete also separates 2-T-autoreducibility from 2-tt-autoreducibility

    Separating Complexity Classes using Autoreducibility

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    A set is autoreducible if it can be reduced to itself by a Turing machine that does not ask its own input to the oracle. We use autoreducibility to separate the polynomial-time hierarchy from exponential space by showing that all Turing-complete sets for certain levels of the exponential-time hierarchy are autoreducible but there exists some Turing-complete set for doubly exponential space that is not. Although we already knew how to separate these classes using diagonalization, our proofs separate classes solely by showing they have dierent structural properties, thus applying Post's Program to complexity theory. We feel such techniques may prove unknown separations in the future. In particular, if we could settle the question as to whether all Turing-complete sets for doubly exponential time are autoreducible, we would separate either polynomial time from polynomial space, and nondeterministic logarithmic space from nondeterministic polynomial time, or else the polynomial..

    Separating Complexity Classes using Autoreducibility

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    Abstract A set is autoreducible if it can be reduced to itself by a Turing machine that does not ask its own input to the oracle. We use autoreducibility to separate the polynomial-time hierarchy from exponential space by showing that all Turing-complete sets for certain levels of the exponential-time hierarchy are autoreducible but there exists some Turing-complete set for doubly exponential space that is not. Although we already knew how to separate these classes using diagonalization, our proofs separate classes solely by showing they have different structural properties, thus applying Post's Program to complexity theory. We feel such techniques may prove unknown separations in the future. In particular, if we could settle the question as to whether all Turing-complete sets for doubly exponential time are autoreducible, we would separate either polynomial time from polynomial space, and nondeterministic logarithmic space from nondeterministic polynomial time, or else the polynomial-time hierarchy from exponential time