15 research outputs found

    Deep learning in classifying depth of anesthesia (DoA)

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    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019. This present study is what we think is one of the first studies to apply Deep Learning to learn depth of anesthesia (DoA) levels based solely on the raw EEG signal from a single channel (electrode) originated from many subjects under full anesthesia. The application of Deep Neural Networks to detect levels of Anesthesia from Electroencephalogram (EEG) is relatively new field and has not been addressed extensively in current researches as done with other fields. The peculiarities of the study emerges from not using any type of pre-processing at all which is usually done to the EEG signal in order to filter it or have it in better shape, but rather accept the signal in its raw nature. This could make the study a peculiar, especially with using new development tool that seldom has been used in deep learning which is the DeepLEarning4J (DL4J), the java programming environment platform made easy and tailored for deep neural network learning purposes. Results up to 97% in detecting two levels of Anesthesia have been reported successfully

    Enhancing Motor Imagery Decoding in Brain Computer Interfaces using Riemann Tangent Space Mapping and Cross Frequency Coupling

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    Objective: Motor Imagery (MI) serves as a crucial experimental paradigm within the realm of Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs), aiming to decoding motor intentions from electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. Method: Drawing inspiration from Riemannian geometry and Cross-Frequency Coupling (CFC), this paper introduces a novel approach termed Riemann Tangent Space Mapping using Dichotomous Filter Bank with Convolutional Neural Network (DFBRTS) to enhance the representation quality and decoding capability pertaining to MI features. DFBRTS first initiates the process by meticulously filtering EEG signals through a Dichotomous Filter Bank, structured in the fashion of a complete binary tree. Subsequently, it employs Riemann Tangent Space Mapping to extract salient EEG signal features within each sub-band. Finally, a lightweight convolutional neural network is employed for further feature extraction and classification, operating under the joint supervision of cross-entropy and center loss. To validate the efficacy, extensive experiments were conducted using DFBRTS on two well-established benchmark datasets: the BCI competition IV 2a (BCIC-IV-2a) dataset and the OpenBMI dataset. The performance of DFBRTS was benchmarked against several state-of-the-art MI decoding methods, alongside other Riemannian geometry-based MI decoding approaches. Results: DFBRTS significantly outperforms other MI decoding algorithms on both datasets, achieving a remarkable classification accuracy of 78.16% for four-class and 71.58% for two-class hold-out classification, as compared to the existing benchmarks.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Motor Imagery Classification Based on Bilinear Sub-Manifold Learning of Symmetric Positive-Definite Matrices

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    In motor imagery brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), the symmetric positive-definite (SPD) covariance matrices of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals carry important discriminative information. In this paper, we intend to classify motor imagery EEG signals by exploiting the fact that the space of SPD matrices endowed with Riemannian distance is a high-dimensional Riemannian manifold. To alleviate the overfitting and heavy computation problems associated with conventional classification methods on high-dimensional manifold, we propose a framework for intrinsic sub-manifold learning from a high-dimensional Riemannian manifold. Considering a special case of SPD space, a simple yet efficient bilinear sub-manifold learning (BSML) algorithm is derived to learn the intrinsic sub-manifold by identifying a bilinear mapping that maximizes the preservation of the local geometry and global structure of the original manifold. Two BSML-based classification algorithms are further proposed to classify the data on a learned intrinsic sub-manifold. Experimental evaluation of the classification of EEG revealed that the BSML method extracts the intrinsic sub-manifold approximately 5× faster and with higher classification accuracy compared with competing algorithms. The BSML also exhibited strong robustness against a small training dataset, which often occurs in BCI studies

    Towards correlation-based time window selection method for motor imagery BCIs

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    The start of the cue is often used to initiate the feature window used to control motor imagery (MI)-based brain-computer interface (BCI) systems. However, the time latency during an MI period varies between trials for each participant. Fixing the starting time point of MI features can lead to decreased system performance in MI-based BCI systems. To address this issue, we propose a novel correlation-based time window selection (CTWS) algorithm for MI-based BCIs. Specifically, the optimized reference signals for each class were selected based on correlation analysis and performance evaluation. Furthermore, the starting points of time windows for both training and testing samples were adjusted using correlation analysis. Finally, the feature extraction and classification algorithms were used to calculate the classification accuracy. With two datasets, the results demonstrate that the CTWS algorithm significantly improved the system performance when compared to directly using feature extraction approaches. Importantly, the average improvement in accuracy of the CTWS algorithm on the datasets of healthy participants and stroke patients was 16.72% and 5.24%, respectively when compared to traditional common spatial pattern (CSP) algorithm. In addition, the average accuracy increased 7.36% and 9.29%, respectively when the CTWS was used in conjunction with Sub-Alpha-Beta Log-Det Divergences (Sub-ABLD) algorithm. These findings suggest that the proposed CTWS algorithm holds promise as a general feature extraction approach for MI-based BCIs

    Improved Motor Imagery Classification Using Adaptive Spatial Filters Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

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    As a typical self-paced brain-computer interface (BCI) system, the motor imagery (MI) BCI has been widely applied in fields such as robot control, stroke rehabilitation, and assistance for patients with stroke or spinal cord injury. Many studies have focused on the traditional spatial filters obtained through the common spatial pattern (CSP) method. However, the CSP method can only obtain fixed spatial filters for specific input signals. Besides, CSP method only focuses on the variance difference of two types of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, so the decoding ability of EEG signals is limited. To obtain more effective spatial filters for better extraction of spatial features that can improve classification to MI-EEG, this paper proposes an adaptive spatial filter solving method based on particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO). A training and testing framework based on filter bank and spatial filters (FBCSP-ASP) is designed for MI EEG signal classification. Comparative experiments are conducted on two public datasets (2a and 2b) from BCI competition IV, which show the outstanding average recognition accuracy of FBCSP-ASP. The proposed method has achieved significant performance improvement on MI-BCI. The classification accuracy of the proposed method has reached 74.61% and 81.19% on datasets 2a and 2b, respectively. Compared with the baseline algorithm (FBCSP), the proposed algorithm improves 11.44% and 7.11% on two datasets respectively. Furthermore, the analysis based on mutual information, t-SNE and Shapley values further proves that ASP features have excellent decoding ability for MI-EEG signals, and explains the improvement of classification performance by the introduction of ASP features.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figure

    Brain wave classification using long short - term memory based OPTICAL predictor

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    Brain-computer interface (BCI) systems having the ability to classify brain waves with greater accuracy are highly desirable. To this end, a number of techniques have been proposed aiming to be able to classify brain waves with high accuracy. However, the ability to classify brain waves and its implementation in real-time is still limited. In this study, we introduce a novel scheme for classifying motor imagery (MI) tasks using electroencephalography (EEG) signal that can be implemented in real-time having high classification accuracy between different MI tasks. We propose a new predictor, OPTICAL, that uses a combination of common spatial pattern (CSP) and long short-term memory (LSTM) network for obtaining improved MI EEG signal classification. A sliding window approach is proposed to obtain the time-series input from the spatially filtered data, which becomes input to the LSTM network. Moreover, instead of using LSTM directly for classification, we use regression based output of the LSTM network as one of the features for classification. On the other hand, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is used to reduce the dimensionality of the CSP variance based features. The features in the reduced dimensional plane after performing LDA are used as input to the support vector machine (SVM) classifier together with the regression based feature obtained from the LSTM network. The regression based feature further boosts the performance of the proposed OPTICAL predictor. OPTICAL showed significant improvement in the ability to accurately classify left and right-hand MI tasks on two publically available datasets. The improvements in the average misclassification rates are 3.09% and 2.07% for BCI Competition IV Dataset I and GigaDB dataset, respectively. The Matlab code is available at https://github.com/ShiuKumar/OPTICAL