5,339 research outputs found

    Adversarial Training in Affective Computing and Sentiment Analysis: Recent Advances and Perspectives

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    Over the past few years, adversarial training has become an extremely active research topic and has been successfully applied to various Artificial Intelligence (AI) domains. As a potentially crucial technique for the development of the next generation of emotional AI systems, we herein provide a comprehensive overview of the application of adversarial training to affective computing and sentiment analysis. Various representative adversarial training algorithms are explained and discussed accordingly, aimed at tackling diverse challenges associated with emotional AI systems. Further, we highlight a range of potential future research directions. We expect that this overview will help facilitate the development of adversarial training for affective computing and sentiment analysis in both the academic and industrial communities

    Cross-Attention is Not Enough: Incongruity-Aware Multimodal Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Recognition

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    Fusing multiple modalities for affective computing tasks has proven effective for performance improvement. However, how multimodal fusion works is not well understood, and its use in the real world usually results in large model sizes. In this work, on sentiment and emotion analysis, we first analyze how the salient affective information in one modality can be affected by the other in crossmodal attention. We find that inter-modal incongruity exists at the latent level due to crossmodal attention. Based on this finding, we propose a lightweight model via Hierarchical Crossmodal Transformer with Modality Gating (HCT-MG), which determines a primary modality according to its contribution to the target task and then hierarchically incorporates auxiliary modalities to alleviate inter-modal incongruity and reduce information redundancy. The experimental evaluation on three benchmark datasets: CMU-MOSI, CMU-MOSEI, and IEMOCAP verifies the efficacy of our approach, showing that it: 1) outperforms major prior work by achieving competitive results and can successfully recognize hard samples; 2) mitigates the inter-modal incongruity at the latent level when modalities have mismatched affective tendencies; 3) reduces model size to less than 1M parameters while outperforming existing models of similar sizes.Comment: *Equal contributio

    Emotion Embeddings \unicode{x2014} Learning Stable and Homogeneous Abstractions from Heterogeneous Affective Datasets

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    Human emotion is expressed in many communication modalities and media formats and so their computational study is equally diversified into natural language processing, audio signal analysis, computer vision, etc. Similarly, the large variety of representation formats used in previous research to describe emotions (polarity scales, basic emotion categories, dimensional approaches, appraisal theory, etc.) have led to an ever proliferating diversity of datasets, predictive models, and software tools for emotion analysis. Because of these two distinct types of heterogeneity, at the expressional and representational level, there is a dire need to unify previous work on increasingly diverging data and label types. This article presents such a unifying computational model. We propose a training procedure that learns a shared latent representation for emotions, so-called emotion embeddings, independent of different natural languages, communication modalities, media or representation label formats, and even disparate model architectures. Experiments on a wide range of heterogeneous affective datasets indicate that this approach yields the desired interoperability for the sake of reusability, interpretability and flexibility, without penalizing prediction quality. Code and data are archived under https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7405327 .Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    The Many Moods of Emotion

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    This paper presents a novel approach to the facial expression generation problem. Building upon the assumption of the psychological community that emotion is intrinsically continuous, we first design our own continuous emotion representation with a 3-dimensional latent space issued from a neural network trained on discrete emotion classification. The so-obtained representation can be used to annotate large in the wild datasets and later used to trained a Generative Adversarial Network. We first show that our model is able to map back to discrete emotion classes with a objectively and subjectively better quality of the images than usual discrete approaches. But also that we are able to pave the larger space of possible facial expressions, generating the many moods of emotion. Moreover, two axis in this space may be found to generate similar expression changes as in traditional continuous representations such as arousal-valence. Finally we show from visual interpretation, that the third remaining dimension is highly related to the well-known dominance dimension from psychology

    Multi-task Learning of Pairwise Sequence Classification Tasks Over Disparate Label Spaces

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    We combine multi-task learning and semi-supervised learning by inducing a joint embedding space between disparate label spaces and learning transfer functions between label embeddings, enabling us to jointly leverage unlabelled data and auxiliary, annotated datasets. We evaluate our approach on a variety of sequence classification tasks with disparate label spaces. We outperform strong single and multi-task baselines and achieve a new state-of-the-art for topic-based sentiment analysis.Comment: To appear at NAACL 2018 (long