68 research outputs found

    Detecting Traffic Information From Social Media Texts With Deep Learning Approaches

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    Mining traffic-relevant information from social media data has become an emerging topic due to the real-time and ubiquitous features of social media. In this paper, we focus on a specific problem in social media mining which is to extract traffic relevant microblogs from Sina Weibo, a Chinese microblogging platform. It is transformed into a machine learning problem of short text classification. First, we apply the continuous bag-of-word model to learn word embedding representations based on a data set of three billion microblogs. Compared to the traditional one-hot vector representation of words, word embedding can capture semantic similarity between words and has been proved effective in natural language processing tasks. Next, we propose using convolutional neural networks (CNNs), long short-term memory (LSTM) models and their combination LSTM-CNN to extract traffic relevant microblogs with the learned word embeddings as inputs. We compare the proposed methods with competitive approaches, including the support vector machine (SVM) model based on a bag of n-gram features, the SVM model based on word vector features, and the multi-layer perceptron model based on word vector features. Experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed deep learning approaches

    Emotion Classification of Indonesian Tweets using Bidirectional LSTM

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    Emotion classification can be a powerful tool to derive narratives from social media data. Traditional machine learning models that perform emotion classification on Indonesian Twitter data exist but rely on closed-source features. Recurrent neural networks can meet or exceed the performance of state-of-the-art traditional machine learning techniques using exclusively open-source data and models. Specifically, these results show that recurrent neural network variants can produce more than an 8% gain in accuracy in comparison with logistic regression and SVM techniques and a 15% gain over random forest when using FastText embeddings. This research found a statistical significance in the performance of a single-layer bidirectional long short-term memory model over a two-layer stacked bidirectional long short-term memory model. This research also found that a single-layer bidirectional long short-term memory recurrent neural network met the performance of a state-of-the-art logistic regression model with supplemental closed-source features from a study by Saputri et al. [8] when classifying the emotion of Indonesian tweets

    Sentiment Analysis with Deep Learning Models: A Comparative Study on a Decade of Sinhala Language Facebook Data

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    The relationship between Facebook posts and the corresponding reaction feature is an interesting subject to explore and understand. To achieve this end, we test state-of-the-art Sinhala sentiment analysis models against a data set containing a decade worth of Sinhala posts with millions of reactions. For the purpose of establishing benchmarks and with the goal of identifying the best model for Sinhala sentiment analysis, we also test, on the same data set configuration, other deep learning models catered for sentiment analysis. In this study we report that the 3 layer Bidirectional LSTM model achieves an F1 score of 84.58% for Sinhala sentiment analysis, surpassing the current state-of-the-art model; Capsule B, which only manages to get an F1 score of 82.04%. Further, since all the deep learning models show F1 scores above 75% we conclude that it is safe to claim that Facebook reactions are suitable to predict the sentiment of a text.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX; typos correcte

    Deepfake tweets classification using stacked Bi-LSTM and words embedding

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    The spread of altered media in the form of fake videos, audios, and images, has been largely increased over the past few years. Advanced digital manipulation tools and techniques make it easier to generate fake content and post it on social media. In addition, tweets with deep fake content make their way to social platforms. The polarity of such tweets is significant to determine the sentiment of people about deep fakes. This paper presents a deep learning model to predict the polarity of deep fake tweets. For this purpose, a stacked bi-directional long short-term memory (SBi-LSTM) network is proposed to classify the sentiment of deep fake tweets. Several well-known machine learning classifiers are investigated as well such as support vector machine, logistic regression, Gaussian Naive Bayes, extra tree classifier, and AdaBoost classifier. These classifiers are utilized with term frequency-inverse document frequency and a bag of words feature extraction approaches. Besides, the performance of deep learning models is analyzed including long short-term memory network, gated recurrent unit, bi-direction LSTM, and convolutional neural network+LSTM. Experimental results indicate that the proposed SBi-LSTM outperforms both machine and deep learning models and achieves an accuracy of 0.92
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