15 research outputs found

    Sentiment Analysis for Stock and Share Marketing

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    Sentiment analysis refers to the use of natural language processing, text analysis, computational linguistics, and biometrics to systematically identify, extract, quantify, and study affective states and subjective information. sentiment analysis aims to determine the attitude of a speaker, writer, or other subject with respect to some topic or the overall contextual polarity or emotional reaction to a document, interaction, or event. This paper will showcase how to perform sentimental analysis on stock/share market twitter data using pig. To begin with, we will be collecting real time tweets from twitter using flume. With the help of AFINN dictionary, we can find positive sentiments from the data which we have dumped into our HDFS/FLUME

    People on Drugs: Credibility of User Statements in Health Communities

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    Online health communities are a valuable source of information for patients and physicians. However, such user-generated resources are often plagued by inaccuracies and misinformation. In this work we propose a method for automatically establishing the credibility of user-generated medical statements and the trustworthiness of their authors by exploiting linguistic cues and distant supervision from expert sources. To this end we introduce a probabilistic graphical model that jointly learns user trustworthiness, statement credibility, and language objectivity. We apply this methodology to the task of extracting rare or unknown side-effects of medical drugs --- this being one of the problems where large scale non-expert data has the potential to complement expert medical knowledge. We show that our method can reliably extract side-effects and filter out false statements, while identifying trustworthy users that are likely to contribute valuable medical information

    Affective computing for smart operations: a survey and comparative analysis of the available tools, libraries and web services

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    In this paper, we make a deep search of the available tools in the market, at the current state of the art of Sentiment Analysis. Our aim is to optimize the human response in Datacenter Operations, using a combination of research tools, that allow us to decrease human error in general operations, managing Complex Infrastructures. The use of Sentiment Analysis tools is the first step for extending our capabilities for optimizing the human interface. Using different data collections from a variety of data sources, our research provides a very interesting outcome. In our final testing, we have found that the three main commercial platforms (IBM Watson, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure) get the same accuracy (89-90%). for the different datasets tested, based on Artificial Neural Network and Deep Learning techniques. The other stand-alone Applications or APIs, like Vader or MeaninCloud, get a similar accuracy level in some of the datasets, using a different approach, semantic Networks, such as Concepnet1, but the model can easily be optimized above 90% of accuracy, just adjusting some parameter of the semantic model. This paper points to future directions for optimizing DataCenter Operations Management and decreasing human error in complex environments