26 research outputs found

    A Soft Robotic Cover with Dual Thermal Display and Sensing Capabilities

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    We propose a new robotic cover prototype that achieves thermal display while also being soft. We focus on the thermal cue because previous human studies have identified it as part of the touch pleasantness. The robotic cover surface can be regulated to the desired temperature by circulating water through a thermally conductive pipe embedded in the cover, of which temperature is controlled. Besides, an observer for estimating heat from human contact is implemented; it can detect human interaction while displaying the desired temperature without temperature sensing on the surface directly. We assessed the validity of the prototype in experiments of temperature control and contact detection by human hand

    Variable Stiffness Link (VSL): Toward inherently safe robotic manipulators

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    © 2017 IEEE. Nowadays, the field of industrial robotics focuses particularly on collaborative robots that are able to work closely together with a human worker in an inherently safe way. To detect and prevent harmful collisions, a number of solutions both from the actuation and sensing sides have been suggested. However, due to the rigid body structures of the majority of systems, the risk of harmful collisions with human operators in a collaborative environment remains. In this paper, we propose a novel concept for a collaborative robot made of Variable Stiffness Links (VSLs). The idea is to use a combination of silicone based structures and fabric materials to create stiffness-controllable links that are pneumatically actuated. According to the application, it is possible to change the stiffness of the links by varying the value of pressure inside their structure. Moreover, the pressure readings from the pressure sensors inside the regulators can be utilised to detect collisions between the manipulator body and a human worker, for instance. A set of experiments are performed with the aim to assess the performance of the VSL when embedded in a robotic manipulator. The effects of different loads and pressures on the workspace of the manipulator are evaluated together with the efficiency of the collision detection control system and hardware

    A model-based residual approach for human-robot collaboration during manual polishing operations

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    A fully robotized polishing of metallic surfaces may be insufficient in case of parts with complex geometric shapes, where a manual intervention is still preferable. Within the EU SYMPLEXITY project, we are considering tasks where manual polishing operations are performed in strict physical Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) between a robot holding the part and a human operator equipped with an abrasive tool. During the polishing task, the robot should firmly keep the workpiece in a prescribed sequence of poses, by monitoring and resisting to the external forces applied by the operator. However, the user may also wish to change the orientation of the part mounted on the robot, simply by pushing or pulling the robot body and changing thus its configuration. We propose a control algorithm that is able to distinguish the external torques acting at the robot joints in two components, one due to the polishing forces being applied at the end-effector level, the other due to the intentional physical interaction engaged by the human. The latter component is used to reconfigure the manipulator arm and, accordingly, its end-effector orientation. The workpiece position is kept instead fixed, by exploiting the intrinsic redundancy of this subtask. The controller uses a F/T sensor mounted at the robot wrist, together with our recently developed model-based technique (the residual method) that is able to estimate online the joint torques due to contact forces/torques applied at any place along the robot structure. In order to obtain a reliable residual, which is necessary to implement the control algorithm, an accurate robot dynamic model (including also friction effects at the joints and drive gains) needs to be identified first. The complete dynamic identification and the proposed control method for the human-robot collaborative polishing task are illustrated on a 6R UR10 lightweight manipulator mounting an ATI 6D sensor

    A Data-Driven Approach for Contact Detection, Classification and Reaction in Physical Human-Robot Collaboration

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    This paper considers a scenario where a robot and a human operator share the same workspace, and the robot is able to both carry out autonomous tasks and physically interact with the human in order to achieve common goals. In this context, both intentional and accidental contacts between human and robot might occur due to the complexity of tasks and environment, to the uncertainty of human behavior, and to the typical lack of awareness of each other actions. Here, a two stage strategy based on Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) is designed to detect intentional and accidental contacts: the occurrence of a contact with the human is detected at the first stage, while the classification between intentional and accidental is performed at the second stage. An admittance control strategy or an evasive action is then performed by the robot, respectively. The approach also works in the case the robot simultaneously interacts with the human and the environment, where the interaction wrench of the latter is modeled via Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs). Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) are included, at the control level, to guarantee the satisfaction of robot and task constraints while performing the proper interaction strategy. The approach has been validated on a real setup composed of a Kinova Jaco2 robot.Comment: Accepted to 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automatio

    Virtual Sensors For Advanced Controllers In Rehabilitation Robotics

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    In order to properly control rehabilitation robotic devices, the measurement of interaction force and motion between patient and robot is an essential part. Usually, however, this is a complex task that requires the use of accurate sensors which increase the cost and the complexity of the robotic device. In this work, we address the development of virtual sensors that can be used as an alternative of actual force and motion sensors for the Universal Haptic Pantograph (UHP) rehabilitation robot for upper limbs training. These virtual sensors estimate the force and motion at the contact point where the patient interacts with the robot using the mathematical model of the robotic device and measurement through low cost position sensors. To demonstrate the performance of the proposed virtual sensors, they have been implemented in an advanced position/force controller of the UHP rehabilitation robot and experimentally evaluated. The experimental results reveal that the controller based on the virtual sensors has similar performance to the one using direct measurement (less than 0.005 m and 1.5 N difference in mean error). Hence, the developed virtual sensors to estimate interaction force and motion can be adopted to replace actual precise but normally high-priced sensors which are fundamental components for advanced control of rehabilitation robotic devices.This work was supported in part by the Basque Country Governments (GV/EJ) under grant PRE-2014-1-152, UPV/EHU's PPG17/56 project, Basque Country Governments IT914-16 project, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness' MINECO & FEDER inside DPI2017-82694-R project, Euskampus, FIK and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation PDI-020100-2009-21 project

    Robot Control for Task Performance and Enhanced Safety under Impact

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    A control law combining motion performance quality and low stiffness reaction to unintended contacts is proposed in this work. It achieves prescribed performance evolution of the position error under disturbances up to a level related to model uncertainties and responds compliantly and with low stiffness to significant disturbances arising from impact forces. The controller employs a velocity reference signal in a model-based control law utilizing a non-linear time-dependent term, which embeds prescribed performance specifications and vanishes in case of significant disturbances. Simulation results with a three degrees of freedom (DOF) robot illustrate the motion performance and self-regulation of the output stiffness achieved by this controller under an external force, and highlights its advantages with respect to constant and switched impedance schemes. Experiments with a KUKA LWR4+ demonstrate its performance under impact with a human while following a desired trajectory

    On Switching between Motion and Force Control

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    Author's accepted manuscript (postprint).© 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Available from 16/08/2021.acceptedVersio