10 research outputs found

    Sensor-driven online coverage planning for autonomous underwater vehicles

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    Abstract-At present, autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) mine countermeasure (MCM) surveys are normally pre-planned by operators using ladder or zig-zag paths. Such surveys are conducted with side-looking sonar sensors whose performance is dependant on environmental, target, sensor, and AUV platform parameters. It is difficult to obtain precise knowledge of all of these parameters to be able to design optimal mission plans offline. This research represents the first known sensor driven online approach to seabed coverage for MCM. A method is presented where paths are planned using a multi-objective optimization. Information theory is combined with a new concept coined branch entropy based on a hexagonal cell decomposition. The result is a planning algorithm that not only produces shorter paths than conventional means, but is also capable of accounting for environmental factors detected in situ. Hardware-in-the-loop simulations and in water trials conducted on the IVER2 AUV show the effectiveness of the proposed method. Index Terms-autonomous underwater vehicles, coverage path planning, information gain, hardware-in-the-loop, mine countermeasure, sidescan sonar, adaptive mission plannin

    Sensor driven online coverage planning for autonomous underwater vehicles

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    Control of free-ranging automated guided vehicles in container terminals

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    Container terminal automation has come to the fore during the last 20 years to improve their efficiency. Whereas a high level of automation has already been achieved in vertical handling operations (stacking cranes), horizontal container transport still has disincentives to the adoption of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) due to a high degree of operational complexity of vehicles. This feature has led to the employment of simple AGV control techniques while hindering the vehicles to utilise their maximum operational capability. In AGV dispatching, vehicles cannot amend ongoing delivery assignments although they have yet to receive the corresponding containers. Therefore, better AGV allocation plans would be discarded that can only be achieved by task reassignment. Also, because of the adoption of predetermined guide paths, AGVs are forced to deploy a highly limited range of their movement abilities while increasing required travel distances for handling container delivery jobs. To handle the two main issues, an AGV dispatching model and a fleet trajectory planning algorithm are proposed. The dispatcher achieves job assignment flexibility by allowing AGVs towards to container origins to abandon their current duty and receive new tasks. The trajectory planner advances Dubins curves to suggest diverse optional paths per origin-destination pair. It also amends vehicular acceleration rates for resolving conflicts between AGVs. In both of the models, the framework of simulated annealing was applied to resolve inherent time complexity. To test and evaluate the sophisticated AGV control models for vehicle dispatching and fleet trajectory planning, a bespoke simulation model is also proposed. A series of simulation tests were performed based on a real container terminal with several performance indicators, and it is identified that the presented dispatcher outperforms conventional vehicle dispatching heuristics in AGV arrival delay time and setup travel time, and the fleet trajectory planner can suggest shorter paths than the corresponding Manhattan distances, especially with fewer AGVs.Open Acces

    Belief Space-Guided Navigation for Robots and Autonomous Vehicles

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    Navigating through the environment is a fundamental capability for mobile robots, which is still very challenging today. Most robotic applications these days, such as mining, disaster response, and agriculture, require the robots to move and perform tasks in a variety of environments which are stochastic and sometimes even unpredictable. A robot often cannot directly observe its current state but instead estimates a distribution over the set of possible states based on sensor measurements that are both noisy and partial. The actual robot position differs from its prediction after applying a motion command, due to actuation noise. Classic algorithms for navigation should adapt themselves to where the behavior of the environment is stochastic, and the execution of the motions has great uncertainty. To solve such challenging problems, we propose to guide the robot's navigation in the belief space. Belief space-guided navigation differs fundamentally from planning without uncertainty where the state of the robot is always assumed to be known precisely. The robot senses its environment, estimates its current state due to perception uncertainty, and decides whether a new (or priori) action is appropriate. Based on that determination, it actuates its sensors to move with motion uncertainty in the environment. This inspires us to connect robot perception and motion planning, and reason about the uncertainty to improve the quality of plan so that the robot can follow a collision-free, feasible kinodynamic, and task-optimal trajectory. In this dissertation, we explore the belief space-guided robotic navigation problems, which include belief space-based scene understanding for autonomous vehicles and introduce belief space guided robotic planning. We first investigate how belief space can facilitate scene understanding under the context of lane marking quality assessment in the application of autonomous driving. We propose a new problem by measuring the quality of roads and ensuring they are ready for autonomous driving. We focus on developing three quality metrics for lane markings (LMs), correctness metric, shape metric, and visibility metric, and algorithms to assess LM qualities to facilitate scene understanding. As another example of using belief space for better scene understanding, we utilize crowdsourced images from multiple vehicles to help verify LMs for high-definition (HD) map maintenance. An LM is consistent if belief functions from the map and the image satisfy statistical hypothesis testing. We further extend the Bayesian belief model into a sequential belief update using crowdsourced images. LMs with a higher probability of existence are kept in the HD map whereas those with a lower probability of existence are removed from the HD map. Belief space can also help us to tightly connect perception and motion planning. As an example, we develop a motion planning strategy for autonomous vehicles. Named as virtual lane boundary approach, this framework considers obstacle avoidance, trajectory smoothness (to satisfy vehicle kinodynamic constraints), trajectory continuity (to avoid sudden movements), global positioning system (GPS) following quality (to execute the global plan), and lane following or partial direction following (to meet human expectation). Consequently, vehicle motion is more human-compatible than existing approaches. As another example of how belief space can help guide robots for different tasks, we propose to use it for the probabilistic boundary coverage of unknown target fields (UTFs). We employ Gaussian processes as a local belief function to approximate a field boundary distribution in an ellipse-shaped local region. The local belief function allows us to predict UTF boundary trends and establish an adjacent ellipse for further exploration. The process is governed by a depth-first search process until UTF is approximately enclosed by connected ellipses when the boundary coverage process ends. We formally prove that our boundary coverage process guarantees the enclosure above a given coverage ratio with a preset probability threshold