2,114 research outputs found

    SAFDetection:Sensor Analysis based Fault Detection in Tightly-CoupledMulti-Robot Team Tasks

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    This dissertation addresses the problem of detecting faults based on sensor analysis for tightly-coupled multi-robot team tasks. The approach I developed is called SAFDetection, which stands for Sensor Analysis based Fault Detection, pronounced “Safe Detection”. When dealing with robot teams, it is challenging to detect all types of faults because of the complicated environment they operate in and the large spectrum of components used in the robot system. The SAFDetection approach provides a novel methodology for detecting robot faults in situations when motion models and models of multi-robot dynamic interactions are unavailable. The fundamental idea of SAFDetection is to build the robots’ normal behavior model based on the robots’ sensor data. This normal behavior model not only describes the motion pattern for the single robot, but also indicates the interaction among the robots in the same team. Inspired by data mining theory, it combines data clustering techniques with the generation of a probabilistic state transition diagram to model the normal operation of the multi-robot system. The contributions of the SAFDetection approach include: (1) providing a way for a robot system to automatically generate a normal behavior model with little prior knowledge; (2) enabling a robot system to detect physical, logic and interactive faults online; (3) providing a way to build a fault detection capability that is independent of the particular type of fault that occurs; and (4) providing a way for a robot team to generate a normal behavior model for the team based the individual robot’s normal behavior models. SAFDetection has two different versions of implementation on multi-robot teams: the centralized approach and the distributed approach; the preferred approach depends on the size of the robot team, the robot computational capability and the network environment. The SAFDetection approach has been successfully implemented and tested in three robot task scenarios: box pushing (with two robots) and follow-the-leader (implemented with two- and five-robot teams). These experiments have validated the SAFDetection approach and demonstrated its robustness, scalability, and applicability to a wide range of tightly-coupled multi-robot applications

    An objective based classification of aggregation techniques for wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks have gained immense popularity in recent years due to their ever increasing capabilities and wide range of critical applications. A huge body of research efforts has been dedicated to find ways to utilize limited resources of these sensor nodes in an efficient manner. One of the common ways to minimize energy consumption has been aggregation of input data. We note that every aggregation technique has an improvement objective to achieve with respect to the output it produces. Each technique is designed to achieve some target e.g. reduce data size, minimize transmission energy, enhance accuracy etc. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of aggregation techniques that can be used in distributed manner to improve lifetime and energy conservation of wireless sensor networks. Main contribution of this work is proposal of a novel classification of such techniques based on the type of improvement they offer when applied to WSNs. Due to the existence of a myriad of definitions of aggregation, we first review the meaning of term aggregation that can be applied to WSN. The concept is then associated with the proposed classes. Each class of techniques is divided into a number of subclasses and a brief literature review of related work in WSN for each of these is also presented

    QED: using Quality-Environment-Diversity to evolve resilient robot swarms

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    In swarm robotics, any of the robots in a swarm may be affected by different faults, resulting in significant performance declines. To allow fault recovery from randomly injected faults to different robots in a swarm, a model-free approach may be preferable due to the accumulation of faults in models and the difficulty to predict the behaviour of neighbouring robots. One model-free approach to fault recovery involves two phases: during simulation, a quality-diversity algorithm evolves a behaviourally diverse archive of controllers; during the target application, a search for the best controller is initiated after fault injection. In quality-diversity algorithms, the choice of the behavioural descriptor is a key design choice that determines the quality of the evolved archives, and therefore the fault recovery performance. Although the environment is an important determinant of behaviour, the impact of environmental diversity is often ignored in the choice of a suitable behavioural descriptor. This study compares different behavioural descriptors, including two generic descriptors that work on a wide range of tasks, one hand-coded descriptor which fits the domain of interest, and one novel type of descriptor based on environmental diversity, which we call Quality-Environment-Diversity (QED). Results demonstrate that the above-mentioned model-free approach to fault recovery is feasible in the context of swarm robotics, reducing the fault impact by a factor 2-3. Further, the environmental diversity obtained with QED yields a unique behavioural diversity profile that allows it to recover from high-impact faults

    Decentralized Multi-Floor Exploration by a Swarm of Miniature Robots Teaming with Wall-Climbing Units

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of collectively exploring unknown and dynamic environments with a decentralized heterogeneous multi-robot system consisting of multiple units of two variants of a miniature robot. The first variant-a wheeled ground unit-is at the core of a swarm of floor-mapping robots exhibiting scalability, robustness and flexibility. These properties are systematically tested and quantitatively evaluated in unstructured and dynamic environments, in the absence of any supporting infrastructure. The results of repeated sets of experiments show a consistent performance for all three features, as well as the possibility to inject units into the system while it is operating. Several units of the second variant-a wheg-based wall-climbing unit-are used to support the swarm of mapping robots when simultaneously exploring multiple floors by expanding the distributed communication channel necessary for the coordinated behavior among platforms. Although the occupancy-grid maps obtained can be large, they are fully distributed. Not a single robotic unit possesses the overall map, which is not required by our cooperative path-planning strategy.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE-MRS 2019, Rutgers University, New Brunswick (NJ), US

    Online Structure, Parameter, and Utility Updating of Bayesian Decision Networks for Cooperative Decision-Theoretic Agents

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    Multi-agent systems, systems consisting of more than one acting and decision making entities, are of great interest to researchers because they have advantages for some specific tasks where it would be more effective to use multiple small and simple robots rather than a large and complex one. One of the major problems with multi-agent systems is developing a means to organize or control the overall behavior of the system. Typically, multi-agent control involves one of two structures. In some designs, there is a hierarchy with some robots being leaders and other followers. Other designs involve robot specialization towards one particular task or individual robots which loosely or strongly cooperate in some manner to yield the desired behavior. This thesis studies using bayesian decision networks (BDNs) as a method to control individual robots to achieve some group or cooperative behavior. BDNs are powerful tools enabling designers of intelligent agents to model the agent\u27s environment and the behavior of other agents without expert knowledge about a system. The probabilistic nature of these networks allows agents to learn about themselves and their environment by updating their bayesian network (BN) with new observations. While two methods of learning and responding to change in the environment with BNs, parameter learning and structure learning, have been studied by many researchers as a means to control a single robot or teams of robots, a third method, utility updating, has seen little study. This work is thus a novel study of BN control since it incorporates all three methods to develop a decision theoretic agent (DTA). The agent is applied to a modified version of a personal rapid transit (PRT) problem (or personal automated transport (PAT)) that is simulated in Matlab. PRT is a proposed public transport method which offers automated on-demand transportation between any two nodes of the transportation network. The PRT problem of interest is that of autonomous control. This can be likened to one of multi-agent control of many identical agents. Several agents are developed to solve the problem, a rule based agent and BN-agents which use various subsets of the three network updating methods. The experimental results show that the DTA that uses parameter, structure, and utility updating could be a superior solution to agents based only on some subset of those methods
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