1,047 research outputs found

    An advanced Framework for efficient IC optimization based on analytical models engine

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    En base als reptes sorgits a conseqüència de l'escalat de la tecnologia, la present tesis desenvolupa i analitza un conjunt d'eines orientades a avaluar la sensibilitat a la propagació d'esdeveniments SET en circuits microelectrònics. S'han proposant varies mètriques de propagació de SETs considerant l'impacto dels emmascaraments lògic, elèctric i combinat lògic-elèctric. Aquestes mètriques proporcionen una via d'anàlisi per quantificar tant les regions més susceptibles a propagar SETs com les sortides més susceptibles de rebre'ls. S'ha desenvolupat un conjunt d'algorismes de cerca de camins sensibilitzables altament adaptables a múltiples aplicacions, un sistema lògic especific i diverses tècniques de simplificació de circuits. S'ha demostrat que el retard d'un camí donat depèn dels vectors de sensibilització aplicats a les portes que formen part del mateix, essent aquesta variació de retard comparable a la atribuïble a les variacions paramètriques del proces.En base a los desafíos surgidos a consecuencia del escalado de la tecnología, la presente tesis desarrolla y analiza un conjunto de herramientas orientadas a evaluar la sensibilidad a la propagación de eventos SET en circuitos microelectrónicos. Se han propuesto varias métricas de propagación de SETs considerando el impacto de los enmascaramientos lógico, eléctrico y combinado lógico-eléctrico. Estas métricas proporcionan una vía de análisis para cuantificar tanto las regiones más susceptibles a propagar eventos SET como las salidas más susceptibles a recibirlos. Ha sido desarrollado un conjunto de algoritmos de búsqueda de caminos sensibilizables altamente adaptables a múltiples aplicaciones, un sistema lógico especifico y diversas técnicas de simplificación de circuitos. Se ha demostrado que el retardo de un camino dado depende de los vectores de sensibilización aplicados a las puertas que forman parte del mismo, siendo esta variación de retardo comparable a la atribuible a las variaciones paramétricas del proceso.Based on the challenges arising as a result of technology scaling, this thesis develops and evaluates a complete framework for SET propagation sensitivity. The framework comprises a number of processing tools capable of handling circuits with high complexity in an efficient way. Various SET propagation metrics have been proposed considering the impact of logic, electric and combined logic-electric masking. Such metrics provide a valuable vehicle to grade either in-circuit regions being more susceptible of propagating SETs toward the circuit outputs or circuit outputs more susceptible to produce SET. A quite efficient and customizable true path finding algorithm with a specific logic system has been constructed and its efficacy demonstrated on large benchmark circuits. It has been shown that the delay of a path depends on the sensitization vectors applied to the gates within the path. In some cases, this variation is comparable to the one caused by process parameters variation

    Identifying worst case test vectors for FPGA exposed to total ionization dose using design for testability techniques

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    Electronic devices often operate in harsh environments which contain a variation of radiation sources. Radiation may cause different kinds of damage to proper operation of the devices. Their sources can be found in terrestrial environments, or in extra-terrestrial environments like in space, or in man-made radiation sources like nuclear reactors, biomedical devices and high energy particles physics experiments equipment. Depending on the operation environment of the device, the radiation resultant effect manifests in several forms like total ionizing dose effect (TID), or single event effects (SEEs) such as single event upset (SEU), single event gate rupture (SEGR), and single event latch up (SEL). TID effect causes an increase in the delay and the leakage current of CMOS circuits which may damage the proper operation of the integrated circuit. To ensure proper operation of these devices under radiation, thorough testing must be made especially in critical applications like space and military applications. Although the standard which describes the procedure for testing electronic devices under radiation emphasizes the use of worst case test vectors (WCTVs), they are never used in radiation testing due to the difficulty of generating these vectors for circuits under test. For decades, design for testability (DFT) has been the best choice for test engineers to test digital circuits in industry. It has become a very mature technology that can be relied on. DFT is usually used with automatic test patterns generation (ATPG) software to generate test vectors to test application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), especially with sequential circuits, against faults like stuck at faults and path delay faults. Surprisingly, however, radiation testing has not yet made use of this reliable technology. In this thesis, a novel methodology is proposed to extend the usage of DFT to generate WCTVs for delay failure in Flash based field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) exposed to total ionizing dose (TID). The methodology is validated using MicroSemi ProASIC3 FPGA and cobalt 60 facility

    A comprehensive comparison between design for testability techniques for total dose testing of flash-based FPGAs

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    Radiation sources exist in different kinds of environments where electronic devices often operate. Correct device operation is usually affected negatively by radiation. The radiation resultant effect manifests in several forms depending on the operating environment of the device like total ionizing dose effect (TID), or single event effects (SEEs) such as single event upset (SEU), single event gate rupture (SEGR), and single event latch up (SEL). CMOS circuits and Floating gate MOS circuits suffer from an increase in the delay and the leakage current due to TID effect. This may damage the proper operation of the integrated circuit. Exhaustive testing is needed for devices operating in harsh conditions like space and military applications to ensure correct operations in the worst circumstances. The use of worst case test vectors (WCTVs) for testing is strongly recommended by MIL-STD-883, method 1019, which is the standard describing the procedure for testing electronic devices under radiation. However, the difficulty of generating these test vectors hinders their use in radiation testing. Testing digital circuits in the industry is usually done nowadays using design for testability (DFT) techniques as they are very mature and can be relied on. DFT techniques include, but not limited to, ad-hoc technique, built-in self test (BIST), muxed D scan, clocked scan and enhanced scan. DFT is usually used with automatic test patterns generation (ATPG) software to generate test vectors to test application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), especially with sequential circuits, against faults like stuck at faults and path delay faults. Despite all these recommendations for DFT, radiation testing has not benefited from this reliable technology yet. Also, with the big variation in the DFT techniques, choosing the right technique is the bottleneck to achieve the best results for TID testing. In this thesis, a comprehensive comparison between different DFT techniques for TID testing of flash-based FPGAs is made to help designers choose the best suitable DFT technique depending on their application. The comparison includes muxed D scan technique, clocked scan technique and enhanced scan technique. The comparison is done using ISCAS-89 benchmarks circuits. Points of comparisons include FPGA resources utilization, difficulty of designs bring-up, added delay by DFT logic and robust testable paths in each technique

    Static noise analysis for digital integrated circuits in partially depleted silicon-on-insulator technology

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    Tabu Search Based Circuit Optimization

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    In this paper we address the problem of optimizing mixed CMOS/BiCMOS circuits. The problem is for- mulated as a constrained combinatorial optimization problem and solved using an tabu search algorithm. Only gates on the critical sensitizable paths are consid- ered for optimization. Such a strategy leads to sizable circuit speed improvement with minimum increase in the overall circuit capacitance. Compared to earlier approaches, the presented technique produces circuits with remarkable increase in speed (greater than 20%) for very small increase in overall circuit capacitance (less than 3%). Keywords: Tabu Search, Circuit Optimization, Search Algorithms, CMOS/BiCMOS, Mixed Technologies, Critical Path, False Path

    Tabu Search Based Circuit Optimization

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    In this paper we address the problem of optimizing mixed CMOS/BiCMOS circuits. The problem is for- mulated as a constrained combinatorial optimization problem and solved using an tabu search algorithm. Only gates on the critical sensitizable paths are consid- ered for optimization. Such a strategy leads to sizable circuit speed improvement with minimum increase in the overall circuit capacitance. Compared to earlier approaches, the presented technique produces circuits with remarkable increase in speed (greater than 20%) for very small increase in overall circuit capacitance (less than 3%). Keywords: Tabu Search, Circuit Optimization, Search Algorithms, CMOS/BiCMOS, Mixed Technologies, Critical Path, False Path

    Heuristics Based Test Overhead Reduction Techniques in VLSI Circuits

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    The electronic industry has evolved at a mindboggling pace over the last five decades. Moore’s Law [1] has enabled the chip makers to push the limits of the physics to shrink the feature sizes on Silicon (Si) wafers over the years. A constant push for power-performance-area (PPA) optimization has driven the higher transistor density trends. The defect density in advanced process nodes has posed a challenge in achieving sustainable yield. Maintaining a low Defect-per-Million (DPM) target for a product to be viable with stringent Time-to-Market (TTM) has become one of the most important aspects of the chip manufacturing process. Design-for-Test (DFT) plays an instrumental role in enabling low DPM. DFT however impacts the PPA of a chip. This research describes an approach of minimizing the scan test overhead in a chip based on circuit topology heuristics. These heuristics are applied on a full-scan design to convert a subset of the scan flip-flops (SFF) into D flip-flops (DFF). The K Longest Path per Gate (KLPG) [2] automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) algorithm is used to generate tests for robust paths in the circuit. Observability driven multi cycle path generation [3][4] and test are used in this work to minimize coverage loss caused by the SFF conversion process. The presence of memory arrays in a design exacerbates the coverage loss due to the shadow cast by the array on its neighboring logic. A specialized behavioral modeling for the memory array is required to enable test coverage of the shadow logic. This work develops a memory model integrated into the ATPG engine for this purpose. Multiple clock domains pose challenges in the path generation process. The inter-domain clocking relationship and corresponding logic sensitization are modeled in our work to generate synchronous inter-domain paths over multiple clock cycles. Results are demonstrated on ISCAS89 and ITC99 benchmark circuits. Power saving benefit is quantified using an open-source standard-cell library