4 research outputs found

    Increased Brain Reward Responsivity to Food-Related Odors in Obesity

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    Objective Food odors serve as powerful stimuli signaling the food quality and energy density and direct food-specific appetite and consumption. This study explored obesity-related brain activation in response to odors related to high- or low-energy-dense foods. Methods Seventeen participants with obesity (BMI > 30 kg/m2 ; 4 males and 13 females) and twenty-one with normal weight (BMI < 25 kg/m2 ; 9 males and 12 females) underwent a functional magnetic resonance imaging scan in which they received chocolate (high-energy-dense food) and cucumber (low-energy-dense food) odor stimuli. Participants' olfactory and gustatory functions were assessed by the "Sniffin' Sticks" and "Taste Strips" tests, respectively. Results Compared with normal-weight controls, participants with obesity had lower odor sensitivity (phenylethyl alcohol) and decreased odor discrimination ability. However, participants with obesity demonstrated greater brain activation in response to chocolate compared with cucumber odors in the bilateral inferior frontal operculum and cerebellar vermis, right ventral anterior insula extending to putamen, right middle temporal gyrus, and right supramarginal areas. Conclusions The present study provides preliminary evidence that obesity is associated with heightened brain activation of the reward and flavor processing areas in response to chocolate versus cucumber odors, possibly because of the higher energy density and reinforcing value of chocolate compared with cucumber.Peer reviewe

    Comparative Analysis of Sensory Attributes, Acceptance, and Evoked-Emotions between Gluten-Free and Gluten-Containing Cookie Products

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    The demand for gluten-free products has increased over the past few decades as more people have been diagnosed with gluten-related dietary restrictions. Although there has been much research into certain gluten-free food products, there remains a gap in understanding the sensory attribute differences between traditional and gluten-free cookies. The aim of this study was to determine differences in sensory attributes and consumer acceptance of gluten-free versus gluten-containing chocolate chip cookies. Twelve chocolate chips across 11 brands were used in this study with 7 being gluten-free and 5 containing gluten. Eighty-nine participants were involved in the two-day study, with six cookies being evaluated each day. Participants used a 9-point hedonic scale to rate sensory acceptance (appearance, texture, flavor, and overall liking) and a 5-point just-about-right scale (JAR) to rate the level of JAR for specific attribute intensities (chocolate flavor, sweetness, chewiness, and hardness). The circumplex-inspired emotion questionnaire (CEQ) was used to assess emotional responses as well as a 9-point scale used to assess purchase intent. The result of this study found that there were significant differences in attribute liking, purchase intent, JAR attributes, as well as evoked emotions between gluten-containing and gluten-free chocolate chip cookies. In conclusion, gluten-free chocolate chip cookies were found to be less liked in terms of texture and flavor compared to gluten-containing chocolate chip cookies. Our findings offer product developers and sensory professionals enhanced insights into consumer perceptions and acceptance of gluten-free cookies and provide guidance on how to improve the sensory qualities of gluten-free cookie products currently available in the market

    Efeito de diferentes embalagens no armazenamento de doce em massa de araçá amarelo (Psidium cattleianum Sabine) adoçado com xilitol

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    The study of the stability of new products from the processing of underutilized native fruits is essential for the development of the national industry. The objective was to evaluate the effect of different packages on the physico-chemical stability of yellow araçá mass candy sweetened with xylitol. The araçá pulp was evaluated for physical-chemical quality parameters and proceeded to candy processing. The candy was made with 60% pulp, 40% xylitol, 2% low methoxylation pectin and 0.12% calcium chloride, being packaged in four types of packaging (polypropylene, glass, PVC film and film PVC covered with aluminum). The stability of the candy was evaluated during 90 days of storage at room temperature (27.5 ºC), and quality analyzes were performed every 30 days. The water content and total solids of the candies differed significantly between the types of packaging for the times of 30, 60 and 90 days. Thus, the migration of water to the environment occurred more easily in candies packed in polypropylene, film PVC covered with aluminum and PVC film, due to the physical characteristics of the polymeric matrix of plastic packaging. For the pH, between 30 and 90 days of storage, only the film PVC covered with aluminum packaging was not stable. It is inferred that the araçá mass candy is an innovative product, and that storage at room temperature in transparent glass packaging with a metallic lid for up to 90 days is the most viable.O estudo da estabilidade de novos produtos oriundos do processamento de frutas nativas subutilizadas é essencial para o desenvolvimento da indústria nacional. O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes embalagens sobre a estabilidade físico-química de doce em massa de araçá amarelo adoçado com xilitol. A polpa de araçá foi avaliada quanto aos parâmetros físico-químicos de qualidade e seguiu para o processamento do doce. O doce foi elaborado com 60% de polpa, 40% de xilitol, 2% de pectina de Baixo Teor de Metoxilação e 0,12% de cloreto de cálcio, sendo acondicionado em quatro tipos de embalagens (polipropileno, vidro, filme PVC e filme PVC recoberto com alumínio). A estabilidade do doce foi avaliada, durante 90 dias de armazenamento a temperatura ambiente (27,5 ºC), sendo realizadas as análises de qualidade a cada 30 dias. O teor de água e sólidos totais do doce diferiram significativamente entre os tipos de embalagens para os tempos de 30, 60 e 90 dias. Assim, a migração da água para o ambiente ocorreu mais facilmente nos doces embalados em polipropileno, filme PVC recoberto com alumínio e filme PVC, devido as características físicas da matriz polimérica das embalagens plásticas. Para o pH, entre 30 e 90 dias de armazenamento apenas a embalagem de filme PVC recoberto com alumínio não apresentou-se estável. Infere-se que o doce em massa de araçá é um produto inovador, e que o armazenamento a temperatura ambiente em embalagem de vidro transparente com tampa metálica até 90 dias é o mais viável

    Reward Processing and Anhedonia

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