835 research outputs found

    Deep Neural Network and Data Augmentation Methodology for off-axis iris segmentation in wearable headsets

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    A data augmentation methodology is presented and applied to generate a large dataset of off-axis iris regions and train a low-complexity deep neural network. Although of low complexity the resulting network achieves a high level of accuracy in iris region segmentation for challenging off-axis eye-patches. Interestingly, this network is also shown to achieve high levels of performance for regular, frontal, segmentation of iris regions, comparing favorably with state-of-the-art techniques of significantly higher complexity. Due to its lower complexity, this network is well suited for deployment in embedded applications such as augmented and mixed reality headsets

    Multispectral Palmprint Encoding and Recognition

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    Palmprints are emerging as a new entity in multi-modal biometrics for human identification and verification. Multispectral palmprint images captured in the visible and infrared spectrum not only contain the wrinkles and ridge structure of a palm, but also the underlying pattern of veins; making them a highly discriminating biometric identifier. In this paper, we propose a feature encoding scheme for robust and highly accurate representation and matching of multispectral palmprints. To facilitate compact storage of the feature, we design a binary hash table structure that allows for efficient matching in large databases. Comprehensive experiments for both identification and verification scenarios are performed on two public datasets -- one captured with a contact-based sensor (PolyU dataset), and the other with a contact-free sensor (CASIA dataset). Recognition results in various experimental setups show that the proposed method consistently outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods. Error rates achieved by our method (0.003% on PolyU and 0.2% on CASIA) are the lowest reported in literature on both dataset and clearly indicate the viability of palmprint as a reliable and promising biometric. All source codes are publicly available.Comment: Preliminary version of this manuscript was published in ICCV 2011. Z. Khan A. Mian and Y. Hu, "Contour Code: Robust and Efficient Multispectral Palmprint Encoding for Human Recognition", International Conference on Computer Vision, 2011. MATLAB Code available: https://sites.google.com/site/zohaibnet/Home/code

    Robust inversion and detection techniques for improved imaging performance

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityIn this thesis we aim to improve the performance of information extraction from imaging systems through three thrusts. First, we develop improved image formation methods for physics-based, complex-valued sensing problems. We propose a regularized inversion method that incorporates prior information about the underlying field into the inversion framework for ultrasound imaging. We use experimental ultrasound data to compute inversion results with the proposed formulation and compare it with conventional inversion techniques to show the robustness of the proposed technique to loss of data. Second, we propose methods that combine inversion and detection in a unified framework to improve imaging performance. This framework is applicable for cases where the underlying field is label-based such that each pixel of the underlying field can only assume values from a discrete, limited set. We consider this unified framework in the context of combinatorial optimization and propose graph-cut based methods that would result in label-based images, thereby eliminating the need for a separate detection step. Finally, we propose a robust method of object detection from microscopic nanoparticle images. In particular, we focus on a portable, low cost interferometric imaging platform and propose robust detection algorithms using tools from computer vision. We model the electromagnetic image formation process and use this model to create an enhanced detection technique. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is demonstrated using manually labeled ground-truth data. In addition, we extend these tools to develop a detection based autofocusing algorithm tailored for the high numerical aperture interferometric microscope

    Análise de propriedades intrínsecas e extrínsecas de amostras biométricas para detecção de ataques de apresentação

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    Orientadores: Anderson de Rezende Rocha, Hélio PedriniTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Os recentes avanços nas áreas de pesquisa em biometria, forense e segurança da informação trouxeram importantes melhorias na eficácia dos sistemas de reconhecimento biométricos. No entanto, um desafio ainda em aberto é a vulnerabilidade de tais sistemas contra ataques de apresentação, nos quais os usuários impostores criam amostras sintéticas, a partir das informações biométricas originais de um usuário legítimo, e as apresentam ao sensor de aquisição procurando se autenticar como um usuário válido. Dependendo da modalidade biométrica, os tipos de ataque variam de acordo com o tipo de material usado para construir as amostras sintéticas. Por exemplo, em biometria facial, uma tentativa de ataque é caracterizada quando um usuário impostor apresenta ao sensor de aquisição uma fotografia, um vídeo digital ou uma máscara 3D com as informações faciais de um usuário-alvo. Em sistemas de biometria baseados em íris, os ataques de apresentação podem ser realizados com fotografias impressas ou com lentes de contato contendo os padrões de íris de um usuário-alvo ou mesmo padrões de textura sintéticas. Nos sistemas biométricos de impressão digital, os usuários impostores podem enganar o sensor biométrico usando réplicas dos padrões de impressão digital construídas com materiais sintéticos, como látex, massa de modelar, silicone, entre outros. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de soluções para detecção de ataques de apresentação considerando os sistemas biométricos faciais, de íris e de impressão digital. As linhas de investigação apresentadas nesta tese incluem o desenvolvimento de representações baseadas nas informações espaciais, temporais e espectrais da assinatura de ruído; em propriedades intrínsecas das amostras biométricas (e.g., mapas de albedo, de reflectância e de profundidade) e em técnicas de aprendizagem supervisionada de características. Os principais resultados e contribuições apresentadas nesta tese incluem: a criação de um grande conjunto de dados publicamente disponível contendo aproximadamente 17K videos de simulações de ataques de apresentações e de acessos genuínos em um sistema biométrico facial, os quais foram coletados com a autorização do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Unicamp; o desenvolvimento de novas abordagens para modelagem e análise de propriedades extrínsecas das amostras biométricas relacionadas aos artefatos que são adicionados durante a fabricação das amostras sintéticas e sua captura pelo sensor de aquisição, cujos resultados de desempenho foram superiores a diversos métodos propostos na literature que se utilizam de métodos tradicionais de análise de images (e.g., análise de textura); a investigação de uma abordagem baseada na análise de propriedades intrínsecas das faces, estimadas a partir da informação de sombras presentes em sua superfície; e, por fim, a investigação de diferentes abordagens baseadas em redes neurais convolucionais para o aprendizado automático de características relacionadas ao nosso problema, cujos resultados foram superiores ou competitivos aos métodos considerados estado da arte para as diferentes modalidades biométricas consideradas nesta tese. A pesquisa também considerou o projeto de eficientes redes neurais com arquiteturas rasas capazes de aprender características relacionadas ao nosso problema a partir de pequenos conjuntos de dados disponíveis para o desenvolvimento e a avaliação de soluções para a detecção de ataques de apresentaçãoAbstract: Recent advances in biometrics, information forensics, and security have improved the recognition effectiveness of biometric systems. However, an ever-growing challenge is the vulnerability of such systems against presentation attacks, in which impostor users create synthetic samples from the original biometric information of a legitimate user and show them to the acquisition sensor seeking to authenticate themselves as legitimate users. Depending on the trait used by the biometric authentication, the attack types vary with the type of material used to build the synthetic samples. For instance, in facial biometric systems, an attempted attack is characterized by the type of material the impostor uses such as a photograph, a digital video, or a 3D mask with the facial information of a target user. In iris-based biometrics, presentation attacks can be accomplished with printout photographs or with contact lenses containing the iris patterns of a target user or even synthetic texture patterns. In fingerprint biometric systems, impostor users can deceive the authentication process using replicas of the fingerprint patterns built with synthetic materials such as latex, play-doh, silicone, among others. This research aimed at developing presentation attack detection (PAD) solutions whose objective is to detect attempted attacks considering different attack types, in each modality. The lines of investigation presented in this thesis aimed at devising and developing representations based on spatial, temporal and spectral information from noise signature, intrinsic properties of the biometric data (e.g., albedo, reflectance, and depth maps), and supervised feature learning techniques, taking into account different testing scenarios including cross-sensor, intra-, and inter-dataset scenarios. The main findings and contributions presented in this thesis include: the creation of a large and publicly available benchmark containing 17K videos of presentation attacks and bona-fide presentations simulations in a facial biometric system, whose collect were formally authorized by the Research Ethics Committee at Unicamp; the development of novel approaches to modeling and analysis of extrinsic properties of biometric samples related to artifacts added during the manufacturing of the synthetic samples and their capture by the acquisition sensor, whose results were superior to several approaches published in the literature that use traditional methods for image analysis (e.g., texture-based analysis); the investigation of an approach based on the analysis of intrinsic properties of faces, estimated from the information of shadows present on their surface; and the investigation of different approaches to automatically learning representations related to our problem, whose results were superior or competitive to state-of-the-art methods for the biometric modalities considered in this thesis. We also considered in this research the design of efficient neural networks with shallow architectures capable of learning characteristics related to our problem from small sets of data available to develop and evaluate PAD solutionsDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computação140069/2016-0 CNPq, 142110/2017-5CAPESCNP

    Filtering of image sequences: on line edge detection and motion reconstruction

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    L'argomento della Tesi riguarda líelaborazione di sequenze di immagini, relative ad una scena in cui uno o pi˘ oggetti (possibilmente deformabili) si muovono e acquisite da un opportuno strumento di misura. A causa del processo di misura, le immagini sono corrotte da un livello di degradazione. Si riporta la formalizzazione matematica dellíinsieme delle immagini considerate, dellíinsieme dei moti ammissibili e della degradazione introdotta dallo strumento di misura. Ogni immagine della sequenza acquisita ha una relazione con tutte le altre, stabilita dalla legge del moto della scena. Líidea proposta in questa Tesi Ë quella di sfruttare questa relazione tra le diverse immagini della sequenza per ricostruire grandezze di interesse che caratterizzano la scena. Nel caso in cui si conosce il moto, líinteresse Ë quello di ricostruire i contorni dellíimmagine iniziale (che poi possono essere propagati attraverso la stessa legge del moto, in modo da ricostruire i contorni della generica immagine appartenente alla sequenza in esame), stimando líampiezza e del salto del livello di grigio e la relativa localizzazione. Nel caso duale si suppone invece di conoscere la disposizione dei contorni nellíimmagine iniziale e di avere un modello stocastico che descriva il moto; líobiettivo Ë quindi stimare i parametri che caratterizzano tale modello. Infine, si presentano i risultati dellíapplicazione delle due metodologie succitate a dati reali ottenuti in ambito biomedicale da uno strumento denominato pupillometro. Tali risultati sono di elevato interesse nellíottica di utilizzare il suddetto strumento a fini diagnostici

    Automated Optical Inspection and Image Analysis of Superconducting Radio-Frequency Cavities

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    The inner surface of superconducting cavities plays a crucial role to achieve highest accelerating fields and low losses. For an investigation of this inner surface of more than 100 cavities within the cavity fabrication for the European XFEL and the ILC HiGrade Research Project, an optical inspection robot OBACHT was constructed. To analyze up to 2325 images per cavity, an image processing and analysis code was developed and new variables to describe the cavity surface were obtained. The accuracy of this code is up to 97% and the PPV 99% within the resolution of 15.63 μm\mu \mathrm{m}. The optical obtained surface roughness is in agreement with standard profilometric methods. The image analysis algorithm identified and quantified vendor specific fabrication properties as the electron beam welding speed and the different surface roughness due to the different chemical treatments. In addition, a correlation of ρ=0.93\rho = -0.93 with a significance of 6σ6\,\sigma between an obtained surface variable and the maximal accelerating field was found