7 research outputs found

    The where and wherefore of evolutionary breakpoints

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    The 'action' in genome-level evolution lies not in the large gene-containing segments that are conserved among related species, but in the breakpoint regions between these segments. Two recent papers in BMC Genomics detail the pattern of repetitive elements associated with breakpoints and the epigenetic conditions under which breakage occurs

    Estimating true evolutionary distances under the DCJ model

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    Motivation: Modern techniques can yield the ordering and strandedness of genes on each chromosome of a genome; such data already exists for hundreds of organisms. The evolutionary mechanisms through which the set of the genes of an organism is altered and reordered are of great interest to systematists, evolutionary biologists, comparative genomicists and biomedical researchers. Perhaps the most basic concept in this area is that of evolutionary distance between two genomes: under a given model of genomic evolution, how many events most likely took place to account for the difference between the two genomes

    The rise and fall of breakpoint reuse depending on genome resolution

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>During evolution, large-scale genome rearrangements of chromosomes shuffle the order of homologous genome sequences ("synteny blocks") across species. Some years ago, a controversy erupted in genome rearrangement studies over whether rearrangements recur, causing breakpoints to be reused.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We investigate this controversial issue using the synteny block's for human-mouse-rat reported by Bourque <it>et al</it>. and a series of synteny blocks we generated using Mauve at resolutions ranging from coarse to very fine-scale. We conducted analyses to test how resolution affects the traditional measure of the breakpoint reuse rate<it>.</it></p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that the inversion-based breakpoint reuse rate is low at fine-scale synteny block resolution and that it rises and eventually falls as synteny block resolution decreases. By analyzing the cycle structure of the breakpoint graph of human-mouse-rat synteny blocks for human-mouse and comparing with theoretically derived distributions for random genome rearrangements, we showed that the implied genome rearrangements at each level of resolution become more “random” as synteny block resolution diminishes. At highest synteny block resolutions the Hannenhalli-Pevzner inversion distance deviates from the Double Cut and Join distance, possibly due to small-scale transpositions or simply due to inclusion of erroneous synteny blocks. At synteny block resolutions as coarse as the Bourque <it>et al</it>. blocks, we show the breakpoint graph cycle structure has already converged to the pattern expected for a random distribution of synteny blocks.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The inferred breakpoint reuse rate depends on synteny block resolution in human-mouse genome comparisons. At fine-scale resolution, the cycle structure for the transformation appears less random compared to that for coarse resolution. Small synteny blocks may contain critical information for accurate reconstruction of genome rearrangement history and parameters.</p


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    Models and Algorithms for Whole-Genome Evolution and their Use in Phylogenetic Inference

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    The rapid accumulation of sequenced genomes offers the chance to resolve longstanding questions about the evolutionary histories, or phylogenies, of groups of organisms. The relatively rare occurrence of large-scale evolutionary events in a whole genome, events such as genome rearrangements, duplications and losses, enables us to extract a strong and robust phylogenetic signal from whole-genome data. The work presented in this dissertation focuses on models and algorithms for whole-genome evolution and their use in phylogenetic inference. We designed algorithms to estimate pairwise genomic distances from large-scale genomic changes. We refined the evolutionary models on whole-genome evolution. We also made use of these results to provide fast and accurate methods for phylogenetic inference, that scales up, in both speed and accuracy, to modern high-resolution whole-genome data. We designed algorithms to estimate the true evolutionary distance between two genomes under genome rearrangements, and also under rearrangements, plus gains and losses. We refined the evolutionary model to be the first mathematical model to preserve the structural dichotomy in genomic organization between most prokaryotes and most eukaryotes. Those models and associated distance estimators provide a basis for studying facets of possible mechanisms of evolution through simulation and application to real genomes. Phylogenetic analyses from whole-genome data have been limited to small collections of genomes and low-resolution data; they have also lacked an effective assessment of robustness. We developed an approach that combines our distance estimator, any standard distance-based reconstruction algorithm, and a novel bootstrapping method based on resampling genomic adjacencies. The resulting tool overcomes a serious and long-standing impediment to the use of whole-genome data in phylogenetic inference and provides results comparable in accuracy and robustness to distance-based methods for sequence data. Maximum-likelihood approaches have been successfully applied to phylogenetic inferences for aligned sequences, but such applications remain primitive for whole-genome data. We developed a maximum-likelihood approach to phylogenetic analysis from whole-genome data. In combination with our bootstrap scheme, this new approach yields the first reliable phylogenetic tool for the analysis of whole-genome data at the level of syntenic blocks