5 research outputs found

    Issues in autonomous mobile sensor networks

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    Autonomous mobile sensor networks consist of a number of autonomous mobile robots equipped with various sensors and tasked with a common mission. This thesis considers the topology control of such an ad hoc mobile sensor network. In particular, I studied the problem of controlling the size, with respect to a distance metric, of the network for general interactive forcing among agents. Developed is a stability result, allowing one to design force laws to control the spread of the network. Many of the current results assume a known and/or fixed topology of the graph representing the communication between the nodes, i.e. the graph laplacian is assumed constant. They also assume fixed and known force-laws. Hence, the results are limited to time-invariant dynamics. The research considers stability analysis of sensor networks, unconstrained by specific forcing functions or algorithms, and communication topologies. Since the graph topologies are allowed to change as the agents move about, the system dynamics become discontinuous in nature. Filippov’s calculus of differential equations with discontinuous right hand sides is used to formally characterize the multi-agent system with the above attributes. Lyapunov’s Stability Theory, applied to discontinuous systems, is then used to derive bounds on the norm of the system states given bounds on its initial states and input. The above derived stability results lend themselves to the derivation of methods for the design of algorithms or force-laws for mobile sensor networks. The efficacy of the derived results is illustrated through several examples where it is shown how they may be used for synthesizing a topology managing strategy. Examples are given of designing force-laws that limit the network in a desired area


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    Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks (WSANs) are gaining an increased interest because of their suitability for mission-critical applications that require autonomous and intelligent interaction with the environment. Hazardous application environments such as forest fire monitoring, disaster management, search and rescue, homeland security, battlefield reconnaissance, etc. make actors susceptible to physical damage. Failure of a critical (i.e. cut-vertex) actor partitions the inter-actor network into disjointed segments while leaving a coverage hole. Maintaining inter-actor connectivity is extremely important in mission-critical applications of WSANs where actors have to quickly plan an optimal coordinated response to detected events. Some proactive approaches pursued in the literature deploy redundant nodes to provide fault tolerance; however, this necessitates a large actor count that leads to higher cost and becomes impractical. On the other hand, the harsh environment strictly prohibits an external intervention to replace a failed node. Meanwhile, reactive approaches might not be suitable for time-sensitive applications. The autonomous and unattended nature of WSANs necessitates a self-healing and agile recovery process that involves existing actors to mend the severed inter-actor connectivity by reconfiguring the topology. Moreover, though the possibility of simultaneous multiple actor failure is rare, it may be precipitated by a hostile environment and disastrous events. With only localized information, recovery from such failures is extremely challenging. Furthermore, some applications may impose application-level constraints while recovering from a node failure. In this dissertation, we address the challenging connectivity restoration problem while maintaining minimal network state information. We have exploited the controlled movement of existing (internal) actors to restore the lost connectivity while minimizing the impact on coverage. We have pursued distributed greedy heuristics. This dissertation presents four novel approaches for recovering from node failure. In the first approach, volunteer actors exploit their partially utilized transmission power and reposition themselves in such a way that the connectivity is restored. The second approach identifies critical actors in advance, designates them preferably as noncritical backup nodes that replace the failed primary if such contingency arises in the future. In the third approach, we design a distributed algorithm that recovers from a special case of multiple simultaneous failures. The fourth approach factors in application-level constraints on the mobility of actors while recovering from node failure and strives to minimize the impact of critical node failure on coverage and connectivity. The performance of proposed approaches is analyzed and validated through extensive simulations. Simulation results confirm the effectiveness of proposed approaches that outperform the best contemporary schemes found in literature

    Sensing Uncertainty Reduction Using Low Complexity Actuation

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    Realistic sensing environments pose a significant challenge to ensuring the quality of sensing due to the unpredictable nature and dynamics of sensing media. This paper presents a practical approach for reducing sensing uncertainty by exploiting mobility while at the same time elimitaing the mobility overheads of complex navigation and energy expense