16 research outputs found

    Sensing the air we breathe - The OpenSense Zurich dataset

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    Monitoring and managing urban air pollution is a significant challenge for the sustainability of our environment. We quickly survey the air pollution modeling problem, introduce a new dataset of mobile air quality measurements in Zurich, and discuss the challenges of making sense of these data. Copyright © 2012, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved

    Sensing and Information Technologies for the Environment (SITE); Hardware and Software Innovations in Mobile Sensing Technologies

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    This research focuses on the development and integration of low-cost Mobile Urban Sensing Technologies (MUST) and immersive environmental data exploration mechanisms with the ambition to inform citizens about their environments and aid scientists in uncovering the relations between the surface attributes and the urban environment. We propose to use 3D immersive environmental visualization techniques to enable a user-centered interactive analysis and rationalization of the available urban environmental data in relation to further urban attributes. With this ambition, we have developed three mobile apps that explore three strategies of Augmented Reality (AR) 3D visualizations of urban environmental data. While some data could be acquired from urban Geographic Information System (GIS) and existing sensor networks, we also developed an urban sensing kit specifically designed for deployment on mobile platforms such as buses or cars

    SmartAQnet 2020: A New Open Urban Air Quality Dataset from Heterogeneous PM Sensors

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    The increasing attention paid to urban air quality modeling places higher requirements on urban air quality datasets. This article introduces a new urban air quality dataset—the SmartAQnet2020 dataset—which has a large span and high resolution in both time and space dimensions. The dataset contains 248,572,003 observations recorded by over 180 individual measurement devices, including ceilometers, Radio Acoustic Sounding System (RASS), mid- and low-cost stationary measuring equipment equipped with meteorological sensors and particle counters, and low-weight portable measuring equipment mounted on different platforms such as trolley, bike, and UAV

    Artificial Neural Networks applied to improve low-cost air quality monitoring precision

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    It is a fact that air pollution is a major environmental health problem that affects everyone, especially in urban areas. Furthermore, the cost of high-end air pollution monitoring sensors is considerably high, so public administrations are unable to afford to place an elevated number of measuring stations, leading to the loss of information that could be very helpful. Over the last few years, a large number of low-cost sensors have been released, but its use is often problematic, due to their selectivity and precision problems. A calibration process is needed in order to solve an issue with many parameters with no clear relationship among them, which is a field of application of Machine Learning. The objectives of this project are first, integrating three low-cost air quality sensors into a Raspberry Pi and then, training an Artificial Neural Network model that improves precision in the readings made by the sensors.Es un hecho que la contaminación del aire es un gran problema para la salud a nivel mundial, especialmente en zonas urbanas. Además, el coste de los sensores de contaminación de gama alta es considerablemente alto, por lo que los organismos públicos no pueden permitirse emplazar un gran número de estaciones de medida, perdiendo información que podría ser muy útil. A lo largo de los últimos años, han surgido muchos sensores de contaminación de bajo coste, pero su uso suele ser complicado, ya que tienen problemas de selectividad y precisión. Los objetivos de este proyecto son primero integrar tres sensores de contaminación de bajo coste en una Raspberry Pi y sobre todo, entrenar un modelo basado en una red neuronal artificial que mejore la precisión de las lecturas realizadas por los sensores.Està demostrat que la contaminació de l'aire és un gran problema per a la salut a nivell mundial, especialment en zones urbanes. A més, el cost dels sensors de contaminació de gama alta és considerablement alt, motiu pel qual els organismes públics no es poden permetre emplaçar una gran quantitat d'estacions de mesura, perdent informació que podria resultar molt útil. Al llarg dels últims anys, han sorgit molts sensors de contaminació de baix cost, però el seu ús és sovint complicat, ja que tenen problemes de selectivitat i precisió. Els objectius d'aquest projecte són primer de tot integrar tres sensors de contaminació de baix cost en una Raspberry Pi i sobretot, entrenar un model basat en una xarxa neuronal artificial que millori la precisió de les lectures realitzades pels sensors

    End-to-end Privacy Preserving Training and Inference for Air Pollution Forecasting with Data from Rival Fleets

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    Privacy-preserving machine learning (PPML) promises to train machine learning (ML) models by combining data spread across multiple data silos. Theoretically, secure multiparty computation (MPC) allows multiple data owners to train models on their joint data without revealing the data to each other. However, the prior implementations of this secure training using MPC have three limitations: they have only been evaluated on CNNs, and LSTMs have been ignored; fixed point approximations have affected training accuracies compared to training in floating point; and due to significant latency overheads of secure training via MPC, its relevance for practical tasks with streaming data remains unclear. The motivation of this work is to report our experience of addressing the practical problem of secure training and inference of models for urban sensing problems, e.g., traffic congestion estimation, or air pollution monitoring in large cities, where data can be contributed by rival fleet companies while balancing the privacy-accuracy trade-offs using MPC-based techniques. Our first contribution is to design a custom ML model for this task that can be efficiently trained with MPC within a desirable latency. In particular, we design a GCN-LSTM and securely train it on time-series sensor data for accurate forecasting, within 7 minutes per epoch. As our second contribution, we build an end-toend system of private training and inference that provably matches the training accuracy of cleartext ML training. This work is the first to securely train a model with LSTM cells. Third, this trained model is kept secret-shared between the fleet companies and allows clients to make sensitive queries to this model while carefully handling potentially invalid queries. Our custom protocols allow clients to query predictions from privately trained models in milliseconds, all the while maintaining accuracy and cryptographic securit

    Sensing the Air We Breathe — The OpenSense Zurich Dataset

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    Monitoring and managing urban air pollution is a significant challenge for the sustainability of our environment. We quickly survey the air pollution modeling problem,introduce a new dataset of mobile air quality measurements in Zurich, and discuss the challenges of making sense of these data