10 research outputs found

    Energy-Distortion Tradeoff with Multiple Sources and Feedback

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    Abstract The energy-distortion tradeoff for lossy transmission of sources over multi-user networks is studied. The energydistortion function E(D) is de锟絥ed as the minimum energy required to transmit a source to the receiver within the target distortion D, when there is no restriction on the number of channel uses per source sample. For point-to-point channels, E(D) is shown to be equal to the product of the minimum energy per bit Ebmin and the rate distortion function R(D), indicating the optimality of source-channel separation in this setting. It is shown that the optimal E(D) can also be achieved by the Schalkwijk Kailath (SK) scheme, as well as separate coding, in the presence of perfect channel output feedback. Then, it is shown that the optimality of separation in terms of E(D) does not extend to multi-user networks. The scenario with two encoders observing correlated Gaussian sources in which the encoders communicate to the receiver over a Gaussian multipleaccess channel (MAC) with perfect channel output feedback is studied. First a lower bound on E(D) is provided and compared against two upper bounds achievable by separation and an uncoded SK type scheme, respectively. Even though neither of these achievable schemes meets the lower bound in general, it is shown that their energy requirements lie within a constant gap of E(D) in the low distortion regime, for which the energy requirement grows unbounded. It is shown that the SK based scheme outperforms the separation based scheme in certain scenarios, which establishes the sub-optimality of separation in this multi-user setting. I

    Sending a Bivariate Gaussian Source over a Gaussian MAC with Feedback

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    Expected Distortion with Fading MIMO Channel and Side Information Quality

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    Projecte final de carrera fet en col.laboraci贸 amb CTTCCatal脿: Considerem el problema de codificaci贸 conjunta de font i canal d'enviar una font Gaussiana sobre un canal fading multi-antena (MIMO) quan el decodificador t茅 informaci贸 adicional correlada amb la font, amb una qualitat tamb茅 variant amb el temps. Assumim un model block fading per ambdues qualitats del canal i la informaci贸 adicional, i assumim coneixement perfecte de canal a recepci贸, mentre que el transmissor nom茅s disposa de coneixement estad铆stic. Estem interessats en la distorsi贸 quadr脿tica mitja d'aquest sistema. Estudiem separaci贸 en la codificaci贸 canal font, transmissi贸 no codificada i dues t猫cniques de codificaci贸 conjunta de font i canal basades en decodificaci贸 conjunta a recepci贸: NBJD, que no utilitza binning no explicit i decodificaci贸 conjunta a recepci贸 i HDA, que comprimeix la font i transmet l?error. Al decodificador, la paraula comprimida es recupera per decodificaci贸 conjunta amb l?error transm猫s i la informaci贸 adicional. Extenem aquestes t猫cniques a esquemes h铆brids anal貌gics-digitals i esquemes multi-capa. Estudiem num猫ricament el problema i donem resultats per el r猫gim de SNR finita. Proporcionem expresions tancades per el Distortion exponent a regim de alta SNR. ////// Castell脿: Consideramos el problema de codificaci贸n conjunta de fuente y canal de enviar una fuente Gaussiana sobre un canal fading multi-antena (MIMO) cuando el decodificador tiene informaci贸n adicional correlada con la fuente, con una cualidad tambi茅n variante en el tiempo. Asumimos un modelo block fading para ambas calidades del canal y la informaci贸n adicional. Asumimos conocimiento perfecto de canal en recepci贸n, mientras que el transmisor solo dispone de conocimiento estad铆stico. Estamos interesados en la distorsi贸n cuadr谩tica media de este sistema. Estudiamos separaci贸n en la codificaci贸n canal fuente, transmisi贸n no codificada y dos t茅cnicas de codificaci贸n conjunta de fuente y canal basadas en decodificaci贸n conjunta en recepci贸n: NBJD, que no utiliza binning no explicito y decodificaci贸n conjunta, y HDA, que comprime la fuente y transmite el error. Al decodificar, la palabra comprimida es recuperada por decodificaci贸n conjunta entre el error transmitido y la informaci贸n adicional. Extendemos estas t茅cnicas a esquemas h铆bridos anal贸gico-digitales y esquemas multi-capa. Estudiamos num茅ricamente el problema y damos resultados para el r茅gimen de SNR finita. Proporcionamos expresiones cerradas para el Distortion exponent en r茅gimen de alta SNR ////// English: We consider the joint source-channel coding problem of sending a Gaussian source over a multiple input-multiple output (MIMO) fading channel when the decoder has additional correlated side information whose quality is also time-varying. We assume a block fading model for both the channel and side information qualities, and assume perfect state information at the receiver, while the transmitter has only a statistical knowledge. We are interested in the expected squared-error distortion for this system. We study separate source-channel coding, uncoded transmission and two joint source-channel transmission schemes based on joint decoding at the receiver: NBJD, that uses no explicit binning and joint decoding of the side information and the channel output at the decoder and HDA, that compresses the source and transmits the error. At the decoder, the quantized codeword is recovered by means of joint decoding of the error and the side information. We extend such techniques to hybrid digital-analog and multi-layer schemes. We study numerically the problem and give results in the finite SNR regime. We provide closed form expressions for the distortion exponent in the high SNR regime

    Expected Distortion with Fading MIMO Channel and Side Information Quality

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    Projecte final de carrera fet en col.laboraci贸 amb CTTCCatal脿: Considerem el problema de codificaci贸 conjunta de font i canal d'enviar una font Gaussiana sobre un canal fading multi-antena (MIMO) quan el decodificador t茅 informaci贸 adicional correlada amb la font, amb una qualitat tamb茅 variant amb el temps. Assumim un model block fading per ambdues qualitats del canal i la informaci贸 adicional, i assumim coneixement perfecte de canal a recepci贸, mentre que el transmissor nom茅s disposa de coneixement estad铆stic. Estem interessats en la distorsi贸 quadr脿tica mitja d'aquest sistema. Estudiem separaci贸 en la codificaci贸 canal font, transmissi贸 no codificada i dues t猫cniques de codificaci贸 conjunta de font i canal basades en decodificaci贸 conjunta a recepci贸: NBJD, que no utilitza binning no explicit i decodificaci贸 conjunta a recepci贸 i HDA, que comprimeix la font i transmet l?error. Al decodificador, la paraula comprimida es recupera per decodificaci贸 conjunta amb l?error transm猫s i la informaci贸 adicional. Extenem aquestes t猫cniques a esquemes h铆brids anal貌gics-digitals i esquemes multi-capa. Estudiem num猫ricament el problema i donem resultats per el r猫gim de SNR finita. Proporcionem expresions tancades per el Distortion exponent a regim de alta SNR. ////// Castell脿: Consideramos el problema de codificaci贸n conjunta de fuente y canal de enviar una fuente Gaussiana sobre un canal fading multi-antena (MIMO) cuando el decodificador tiene informaci贸n adicional correlada con la fuente, con una cualidad tambi茅n variante en el tiempo. Asumimos un modelo block fading para ambas calidades del canal y la informaci贸n adicional. Asumimos conocimiento perfecto de canal en recepci贸n, mientras que el transmisor solo dispone de conocimiento estad铆stico. Estamos interesados en la distorsi贸n cuadr谩tica media de este sistema. Estudiamos separaci贸n en la codificaci贸n canal fuente, transmisi贸n no codificada y dos t茅cnicas de codificaci贸n conjunta de fuente y canal basadas en decodificaci贸n conjunta en recepci贸n: NBJD, que no utiliza binning no explicito y decodificaci贸n conjunta, y HDA, que comprime la fuente y transmite el error. Al decodificar, la palabra comprimida es recuperada por decodificaci贸n conjunta entre el error transmitido y la informaci贸n adicional. Extendemos estas t茅cnicas a esquemas h铆bridos anal贸gico-digitales y esquemas multi-capa. Estudiamos num茅ricamente el problema y damos resultados para el r茅gimen de SNR finita. Proporcionamos expresiones cerradas para el Distortion exponent en r茅gimen de alta SNR ////// English: We consider the joint source-channel coding problem of sending a Gaussian source over a multiple input-multiple output (MIMO) fading channel when the decoder has additional correlated side information whose quality is also time-varying. We assume a block fading model for both the channel and side information qualities, and assume perfect state information at the receiver, while the transmitter has only a statistical knowledge. We are interested in the expected squared-error distortion for this system. We study separate source-channel coding, uncoded transmission and two joint source-channel transmission schemes based on joint decoding at the receiver: NBJD, that uses no explicit binning and joint decoding of the side information and the channel output at the decoder and HDA, that compresses the source and transmits the error. At the decoder, the quantized codeword is recovered by means of joint decoding of the error and the side information. We extend such techniques to hybrid digital-analog and multi-layer schemes. We study numerically the problem and give results in the finite SNR regime. We provide closed form expressions for the distortion exponent in the high SNR regime