16 research outputs found

    Learning Audio Sequence Representations for Acoustic Event Classification

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    Acoustic Event Classification (AEC) has become a significant task for machines to perceive the surrounding auditory scene. However, extracting effective representations that capture the underlying characteristics of the acoustic events is still challenging. Previous methods mainly focused on designing the audio features in a 'hand-crafted' manner. Interestingly, data-learnt features have been recently reported to show better performance. Up to now, these were only considered on the frame-level. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised learning framework to learn a vector representation of an audio sequence for AEC. This framework consists of a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) encoder and a RNN decoder, which respectively transforms the variable-length audio sequence into a fixed-length vector and reconstructs the input sequence on the generated vector. After training the encoder-decoder, we feed the audio sequences to the encoder and then take the learnt vectors as the audio sequence representations. Compared with previous methods, the proposed method can not only deal with the problem of arbitrary-lengths of audio streams, but also learn the salient information of the sequence. Extensive evaluation on a large-size acoustic event database is performed, and the empirical results demonstrate that the learnt audio sequence representation yields a significant performance improvement by a large margin compared with other state-of-the-art hand-crafted sequence features for AEC

    Large-Scale Weakly Labeled Semi-Supervised Sound Event Detection in Domestic Environments

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    Submitted to DCASE2018 WorkshopInternational audienceThis paper presents DCASE 2018 task 4. The task evaluates systems for the large-scale detection of sound events using weakly labeled data (without time boundaries). The target of the systems is to provide not only the event class but also the event time boundaries given that multiple events can be present in an audio recording. Another challenge of the task is to explore the possibility to exploit a large amount of unbalanced and unlabeled training data together with a small weakly labeled training set to improve system performance. The data are Youtube video excerpts from domestic context which have many applications such as ambient assisted living. The domain was chosen due to the scientific challenges (wide variety of sounds, time-localized events.. .) and potential industrial applications

    Robust Audio-Codebooks for Large-Scale Event Detection in Consumer Videos

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    Abstract In this paper we present our audio based system for detecting "events" within consumer videos (e.g. You Tube) and report our experiments on the TRECVID Multimedia Event Detection (MED) task and development data. Codebook or bag-of-words models have been widely used in text, visual and audio domains and form the state-of-the-art in MED tasks. The overall effectiveness of these models on such datasets depends critically on the choice of low-level features, clustering approach, sampling method, codebook size, weighting schemes and choice of classifier. In this work we empirically evaluate several approaches to model expressive and robust audio codebooks for the task of MED while ensuring compactness. First, we introduce the Large Scale Pooling Features (LSPF) and Stacked Cepstral Features for encoding local temporal information in audio codebooks. Second, we discuss several design decisions for generating and representing expressive audio codebooks and show how they scale to large datasets. Third, we apply text based techniques like Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to learn acoustictopics as a means of providing compact representation while maintaining performance. By aggregating these decisions into our model, we obtained 11% relative improvement over our baseline audio systems

    Semi-supervised triplet loss based learning of ambient audio embeddings

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    International audienceDeep neural networks are particularly useful to learn relevant repre-sentations from data. Recent studies have demonstrated the poten-tial of unsupervised representation learning for ambient sound anal-ysis using various flavors of the triplet loss. They have comparedthis approach to supervised learning. However, in real situations,it is common to have a small labeled dataset and a large unlabeledone. In this paper, we combine unsupervised and supervised tripletloss based learning into a semi-supervised representation learningapproach. We propose two flavors of this approach, whereby thepositive samples for those triplets whose anchors are unlabeled areobtained either by applying a transformation to the anchor, or byselecting the nearest sample in the training set. We compare ourapproach to supervised and unsupervised representation learning aswell as the ratio between the amount of labeled and unlabeled data.We evaluate all the above approaches on an audio tagging task usingthe DCASE 2018 Task 4 dataset, and we show the impact of thisratio on the tagging performance

    Sound Event Detection from Partially Annotated Data: Trends and Challenges

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    International audienceThis paper proposes an overview of the latest advances and challenges in sound event detection and classification with systems trained on partially annotated data. The paper fo-cuses on the scientific aspects highlighted by the task 4 of DCASE 2018 challenge: large-scale weakly labeled semi-supervised sound event detection in domestic environments. Given a small training set composed of weakly labeled audio clips (without timestamps) and a larger training set composed of unlabeled audio clips, the target of the task is to provide not only the event class but also the event time boundaries given that multiple events can be present in an audio clip. This paper proposes a detailed analysis of the impact of the time segmentation, the event classification and the methods used to exploit unlabeled data on the final performance of sound event detection systems

    Characterization of Ambient Noise

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    An Air Force sponsor is interested in improving an acoustic detection model by providing better estimates on how to characterize the background noise of various environments. This would inform decision makers on the probability of acoustic detection of different systems of interest given different levels of noise. Data mining and statistical learning techniques are applied to a National Park Service acoustic summary data set to find overall trends over varying environments. Linear regression, conditional inference trees, and random forest techniques are discussed. Findings indicate only sixteen geospatial variables at different resolutions are necessary to characterize the first ten ⅓ octave band frequencies of the L90 band using just the linear regression. The accuracy of the regression model is within 2 to 6 decibels and depends on the frequency of interest. This research is the first of its kind to apply multiple linear regression and a conditional inference tree to the national park service acoustic dataset for insights on predicting noise levels with dramatically less variables than needed in random forest algorithms. Recommended next steps are to supplement the national park service dataset with more geographic information system variables in common global databases, not unique to the United States