8,693 research outputs found

    Kernel Manifold Alignment

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    We introduce a kernel method for manifold alignment (KEMA) and domain adaptation that can match an arbitrary number of data sources without needing corresponding pairs, just few labeled examples in all domains. KEMA has interesting properties: 1) it generalizes other manifold alignment methods, 2) it can align manifolds of very different complexities, performing a sort of manifold unfolding plus alignment, 3) it can define a domain-specific metric to cope with multimodal specificities, 4) it can align data spaces of different dimensionality, 5) it is robust to strong nonlinear feature deformations, and 6) it is closed-form invertible which allows transfer across-domains and data synthesis. We also present a reduced-rank version for computational efficiency and discuss the generalization performance of KEMA under Rademacher principles of stability. KEMA exhibits very good performance over competing methods in synthetic examples, visual object recognition and recognition of facial expressions tasks

    A robust approach to model-based classification based on trimming and constraints

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    In a standard classification framework a set of trustworthy learning data are employed to build a decision rule, with the final aim of classifying unlabelled units belonging to the test set. Therefore, unreliable labelled observations, namely outliers and data with incorrect labels, can strongly undermine the classifier performance, especially if the training size is small. The present work introduces a robust modification to the Model-Based Classification framework, employing impartial trimming and constraints on the ratio between the maximum and the minimum eigenvalue of the group scatter matrices. The proposed method effectively handles noise presence in both response and exploratory variables, providing reliable classification even when dealing with contaminated datasets. A robust information criterion is proposed for model selection. Experiments on real and simulated data, artificially adulterated, are provided to underline the benefits of the proposed method