3,329 research outputs found

    Incremental semi-supervised learning for anomalous trajectory detection

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    The acquisition of a scene-specific normal behaviour model underlies many existing approaches to the problem of automated video surveillance. Since it is unrealistic to acquire a comprehensive set of labelled behaviours for every surveyed scenario, modelling normal behaviour typically corresponds to modelling the distribution of a large collection of unlabelled examples. In general, however, it would be desirable to be able to filter an unlabelled dataset to remove potentially anomalous examples. This thesis proposes a simple semi-supervised learning framework that could allow a human operator to efficiently filter the examples used to construct a normal behaviour model by providing occasional feedback: Specifically, the classification output of the model under construction is used to filter the incoming sequence of unlabelled examples so that human approval is requested before incorporating any example classified as anomalous, while all other examples are automatically used for training. A key component of the proposed framework is an incremental one-class learning algorithm which can be trained on a sequence of normal examples while allowing new examples to be classified at any stage during training. The proposed algorithm represents an initial set of training examples with a kernel density estimate, before using merging operations to incrementally construct a Gaussian mixture model while minimising an information-theoretic cost function. This algorithm is shown to outperform an existing state-of-the-art approach without requiring off-line model selection. Throughout this thesis behaviours are considered in terms of whole motion trajectories: in order to apply the proposed algorithm, trajectories must be encoded with fixed length vectors. To determine an appropriate encoding strategy, an empirical comparison is conducted to determine the relative class-separability afforded by several different trajectory representations for a range of datasets. The results obtained suggest that the choice of representation makes a small but consistent difference to class separability, indicating that cubic B-Spline control points (fitted using least-squares regression) provide a good choice for use in subsequent experiments. The proposed semi-supervised learning framework is tested on three different real trajectory datasets. In all cases the rate of human intervention requests drops steadily, reaching a usefully low level of 1% in one case. A further experiment indicates that once a sufficient number of interventions has been provided, a high level of classification performance can be achieved even if subsequent requests are ignored. The automatic incorporation of unlabelled data is shown to improve classification performance in all cases, while a high level of classification performance is maintained even when unlabelled data containing a high proportion of anomalous examples is presented

    Multi-criteria Anomaly Detection using Pareto Depth Analysis

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    We consider the problem of identifying patterns in a data set that exhibit anomalous behavior, often referred to as anomaly detection. In most anomaly detection algorithms, the dissimilarity between data samples is calculated by a single criterion, such as Euclidean distance. However, in many cases there may not exist a single dissimilarity measure that captures all possible anomalous patterns. In such a case, multiple criteria can be defined, and one can test for anomalies by scalarizing the multiple criteria using a linear combination of them. If the importance of the different criteria are not known in advance, the algorithm may need to be executed multiple times with different choices of weights in the linear combination. In this paper, we introduce a novel non-parametric multi-criteria anomaly detection method using Pareto depth analysis (PDA). PDA uses the concept of Pareto optimality to detect anomalies under multiple criteria without having to run an algorithm multiple times with different choices of weights. The proposed PDA approach scales linearly in the number of criteria and is provably better than linear combinations of the criteria.Comment: Removed an unnecessary line from Algorithm

    Abnormal Event Detection in Videos using Spatiotemporal Autoencoder

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    We present an efficient method for detecting anomalies in videos. Recent applications of convolutional neural networks have shown promises of convolutional layers for object detection and recognition, especially in images. However, convolutional neural networks are supervised and require labels as learning signals. We propose a spatiotemporal architecture for anomaly detection in videos including crowded scenes. Our architecture includes two main components, one for spatial feature representation, and one for learning the temporal evolution of the spatial features. Experimental results on Avenue, Subway and UCSD benchmarks confirm that the detection accuracy of our method is comparable to state-of-the-art methods at a considerable speed of up to 140 fps

    Region-based Appearance and Flow Characteristics for Anomaly Detection in Infrared Surveillance Imagery

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    Anomaly detection is a classical problem within automated visual surveillance, namely the determination of the normal from the abnormal when operational data availability is highly biased towards one class (normal) due to both insufficient sample size, and inadequate distribution coverage for the other class (abnormal). In this work, we propose the dual use of both visual appearance and localized motion characteristics, derived from optic flow, applied on a per-region basis to facilitate object-wise anomaly detection within this context. Leveraging established object localization techniques from a region proposal network, optic flow is extracted from each object region and combined with appearance in the far infrared (thermal) band to give a 3-channel spatiotemporal tensor representation for each object (1 × thermal - spatial appearance; 2 × optic flow magnitude as x and y components - temporal motion). This formulation is used as the basis for training contemporary semi-supervised anomaly detection approaches in a region-based manner such that anomalous objects can be detected as a combination of appearance and/or motion within the scene. Evaluation is performed using the LongTerm infrared (thermal) Imaging (LTD) benchmark dataset against which successful detection of both anomalous object appearance and motion characteristics are demonstrated using a range of semi-supervised anomaly detection approaches
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