16,312 research outputs found

    Homology of generalized partition posets

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    We define a poset of partitions associated to an operad. We prove that the operad is Koszul if and only if the poset is Cohen-Macaulay. In one hand, this characterisation allows us to compute the homology of the poset. This homology is given by the Koszul dual operad. On the other hand, we get new methods for proving that an operad is Koszul.Comment: Final version. To appear in JPA

    Derived Categories of Nodal Algebras

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    In this article we classify indecomposable objects of the derived categories of finitely-generated modules over certain infinite-dimensional algebras. The considered class of algebras (which we call nodal algebras) contains such well-known algebras as the complete ring of a double nodal point \kk[[x,y]]/(xy) and the completed path algebra of the Gelfand quiver. As a corollary we obtain a description of the derived category of Harish-Chandra modules over SL2(R)SL_{2}({\mathbb R}). We also give an algorithm, which allows to construct projective resolutions of indecomposable complexes. In the appendix we prove the Krull-Schmidt theorem for homotopy categories

    A somewhat gentle introduction to differential graded commutative algebra

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    Differential graded (DG) commutative algebra provides powerful techniques for proving theorems about modules over commutative rings. These notes are a somewhat colloquial introduction to these techniques. In order to provide some motivation for commutative algebraists who are wondering about the benefits of learning and using these techniques, we present them in the context of a recent result of Nasseh and Sather-Wagstaff. These notes were used for the course "Differential Graded Commutative Algebra" that was part of the Workshop on Connections Between Algebra and Geometry held at the University of Regina, May 29--June 1, 2012.Comment: 78 page

    The monodromy groups of Dolgachev's CY moduli spaces are Zariski dense

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    Let Mn,2n+2\mathcal{M}_{n,2n+2} be the coarse moduli space of CY manifolds arising from a crepant resolution of double covers of Pn\mathbb{P}^n branched along 2n+22n+2 hyperplanes in general position. We show that the monodromy group of a good family for Mn,2n+2\mathcal{M}_{n,2n+2} is Zariski dense in the corresponding symplectic or orthogonal group if n≥3n\geq 3. In particular, the period map does not give a uniformization of any partial compactification of the coarse moduli space as a Shimura variety whenever n≥3n\geq 3. This disproves a conjecture of Dolgachev. As a consequence, the fundamental group of the coarse moduli space of mm ordered points in Pn\mathbb{P}^n is shown to be large once it is not a point. Similar Zariski-density result is obtained for moduli spaces of CY manifolds arising from cyclic covers of Pn\mathbb{P}^n branched along mm hyperplanes in general position. A classification towards the geometric realization problem of B. Gross for type AA bounded symmetric domains is given.Comment: 48 page
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