4,245 research outputs found

    Neuroimaging of structural pathology and connectomics in traumatic brain injury: Toward personalized outcome prediction.

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    Recent contributions to the body of knowledge on traumatic brain injury (TBI) favor the view that multimodal neuroimaging using structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI and fMRI, respectively) as well as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has excellent potential to identify novel biomarkers and predictors of TBI outcome. This is particularly the case when such methods are appropriately combined with volumetric/morphometric analysis of brain structures and with the exploration of TBI-related changes in brain network properties at the level of the connectome. In this context, our present review summarizes recent developments on the roles of these two techniques in the search for novel structural neuroimaging biomarkers that have TBI outcome prognostication value. The themes being explored cover notable trends in this area of research, including (1) the role of advanced MRI processing methods in the analysis of structural pathology, (2) the use of brain connectomics and network analysis to identify outcome biomarkers, and (3) the application of multivariate statistics to predict outcome using neuroimaging metrics. The goal of the review is to draw the community's attention to these recent advances on TBI outcome prediction methods and to encourage the development of new methodologies whereby structural neuroimaging can be used to identify biomarkers of TBI outcome

    Computational modelling of imaging markers to support the diagnosis and monitoring of multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis is a leading cause of neurological disability in young adults which affects more than 2.5 million people worldwide. An important substrate of disability accrual is the loss of neurons and connections between them (neurodegeneration) which can be captured by serial brain imaging, especially in the cerebral grey matter. In this thesis in four separate subprojects, I aimed to assess the strength of imaging-derived grey matter volume as a biomarker in the diagnosis, predicting the evolution of multiple sclerosis, and developing a staging system to stratify patients. In total, I retrospectively studied 1701 subjects, of whom 1548 had longitudinal brain imaging data. I used advanced computational models to investigate cross-sectional and longitudinal datasets. In the cross-sectional study, I demonstrated that grey matter volumes could distinguish multiple sclerosis from another demyelinating disorder (neuromyelitis optica) with an accuracy of 74%. In longitudinal studies, I showed that over time the deep grey matter nuclei had the fastest rate of volume loss (up to 1.66% annual loss) across the brain regions in multiple sclerosis. The volume of the deep grey matter was the strongest predictor of disability progression. I found that multiple sclerosis affects different brain areas with a specific temporal order (or sequence) that starts with the deep grey matter nuclei, posterior cingulate cortex, precuneus, and cerebellum. Finally, with multivariate mechanistic and causal modelling, I showed that brain volume loss causes disability and cognitive worsening which can be delayed with a potential neuroprotective treatment (simvastatin). This work provides conclusive evidence that grey matter volume loss affects some brain regions more severely, can predict future disability progression, can be used as an outcome measure in phase II clinical trials, and causes clinical and cognitive worsening. This thesis also provides a subject staging system based on which patients can be scored during multiple sclerosis

    Improving longitudinal spinal cord atrophy measurements for clinical trials in multiple sclerosis by using the generalised boundary shift integral (GBSI)

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    Spinal cord atrophy is a common and clinically relevant feature of multiple sclerosis (MS), and can be used to monitor disease progression and as an outcome measure in clinical trials. Spinal cord atrophy is conventionally estimated with segmentation-based methods (e.g., cross-sectional spinal cord area (CSA)), where spinal cord change is calculated indirectly by numerical difference between timepoints. In this thesis, I validated the generalised boundary shift integral (GBSI), as the first registration-based method for longitudinal spinal cord atrophy measurement. The GBSI registers the baseline and follow-up spinal cord scans in a common half-way space, to directly determine atrophy on the cord edges. First, on a test dataset (9 MS patients and 9 controls), I have found that GBSI presented with lower random measurement error, than CSA, reflected by lower standard deviation, coefficient of variation and median absolute deviation. Then, on multi-centre, multi-manufacturer, and multi–field‐strength scans (282 MS patients and 82 controls), I confirmed that GBSI provided lower measurement variability in all MS subtypes and controls, than CSA, resulting into better separation between MS patients and controls, improved statistical power, and reduced sample size estimates. Finally, on a phase 2 clinical trial (220 primary-progressive MS patients), I demonstrated that spinal cord atrophy measurements on GBSI could be obtained from brain scans, considering their quality and association with corresponding spinal cord MRI-derived measurements. Not least, 1-year spinal cord atrophy measurements on GBSI, but not CSA, were associated with upper and lower limb motor function. In conclusion, spinal cord atrophy on the GBSI had higher measurement precision and stronger clinical correlates, than the segmentation method, and could be derived from high-quality brain acquisitions. Longitudinal spinal cord atrophy on GBSI could become a gold standard for clinical trials including spinal cord atrophy as an outcome measure, but should remain a secondary outcome measure, until further advancements increase the ease of acquisition and processing

    Applications of Deep Learning Techniques for Automated Multiple Sclerosis Detection Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Review

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    Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a type of brain disease which causes visual, sensory, and motor problems for people with a detrimental effect on the functioning of the nervous system. In order to diagnose MS, multiple screening methods have been proposed so far; among them, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has received considerable attention among physicians. MRI modalities provide physicians with fundamental information about the structure and function of the brain, which is crucial for the rapid diagnosis of MS lesions. Diagnosing MS using MRI is time-consuming, tedious, and prone to manual errors. Research on the implementation of computer aided diagnosis system (CADS) based on artificial intelligence (AI) to diagnose MS involves conventional machine learning and deep learning (DL) methods. In conventional machine learning, feature extraction, feature selection, and classification steps are carried out by using trial and error; on the contrary, these steps in DL are based on deep layers whose values are automatically learn. In this paper, a complete review of automated MS diagnosis methods performed using DL techniques with MRI neuroimaging modalities is provided. Initially, the steps involved in various CADS proposed using MRI modalities and DL techniques for MS diagnosis are investigated. The important preprocessing techniques employed in various works are analyzed. Most of the published papers on MS diagnosis using MRI modalities and DL are presented. The most significant challenges facing and future direction of automated diagnosis of MS using MRI modalities and DL techniques are also provided

    Dimensional Neuroimaging Endophenotypes: Neurobiological Representations of Disease Heterogeneity Through Machine Learning

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    Machine learning has been increasingly used to obtain individualized neuroimaging signatures for disease diagnosis, prognosis, and response to treatment in neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. Therefore, it has contributed to a better understanding of disease heterogeneity by identifying disease subtypes that present significant differences in various brain phenotypic measures. In this review, we first present a systematic literature overview of studies using machine learning and multimodal MRI to unravel disease heterogeneity in various neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer disease, schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, autism spectrum disorder, multiple sclerosis, as well as their potential in transdiagnostic settings. Subsequently, we summarize relevant machine learning methodologies and discuss an emerging paradigm which we call dimensional neuroimaging endophenotype (DNE). DNE dissects the neurobiological heterogeneity of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders into a low dimensional yet informative, quantitative brain phenotypic representation, serving as a robust intermediate phenotype (i.e., endophenotype) largely reflecting underlying genetics and etiology. Finally, we discuss the potential clinical implications of the current findings and envision future research avenues

    Graph theoretical framework of brain networks in multiple sclerosis: a review of concepts

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    Network science provides powerful access to essential organizational principles of the human brain. It has been applied in combination with graph theory to characterize brain connectivity patterns. In multiple sclerosis (MS), analysis of the brain networks derived from either structural or functional imaging provides new insights into pathological processes within the gray and white matter. Beyond focal lesions and diffuse tissue damage, network connectivity patterns could be important for closely tracking and predicting the disease course. In this review, we describe concepts of graph theory, highlight novel issues of tissue reorganization in acute and chronic neuroinflammation and address pitfalls with regard to network analysis in MS patients. We further provide an outline of functional and structural connectivity patterns observed in MS, spanning from disconnection and disruption on one hand to adaptation and compensation on the other. Moreover, we link network changes and their relation to clinical disability based on the current literature. Finally, we discuss the perspective of network science in MS for future research and postulate its role in the clinical framework

    Investigation of pathophysiological mechanisms in clinically isolated syndrome using advanced imaging techniques

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    This thesis concerns an observational study of patients recruited after their first episode of neurological symptoms suggestive of demyelination in the central nervous system and diagnosed either with clinically isolated syndrome or relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. In multiple sclerosis, brain tissues can exhibit extensive neuroaxonal microstructural and metabolic abnormalities, but little is known about their presence and significance at the time of the first demyelinating episode. I used a novel multi-parametric quantitative MRI approach, combining neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI), which gives information about tissue microstructure, and 23Na MRI, which estimates total sodium concentration, a marker of metabolic dysfunction, in the brains of clinically isolated syndrome patients. I found microstructural and sodium homeostasis alterations in cortical areas of patients that showed clinical relevance. Within the diffuse axonal dispersion found in the normal-appearing white matter, the corpus callosum shared with lesions, signs of axonal damage and metabolic dysfunction, thus emerging as a possible target for early neuroprotective interventions. Structural cortical networks (SCNs) represent patterns of coordinated morphological modifications in cortical areas and they have shown pathophysiological changes in many brain disorders, including multiple sclerosis. I investigated alterations of SCNs at the individual level in this early cohort. Patients showed altered small-world topology, an efficient network organization combining dense local clustering with relatively few long-distance connections. These disruptions were worse for patients with higher lesion load and worse cognitive processing speed indicating that pathophysiological changes in the cortical morphology can influence clinical outcomes. Finally, I hypothesised that the patients in the cohort presenting with optic neuritis may have disturbances in neuropsychological functions related to visual processes. I found that cognitive visuospatial processing is affected after unilateral optic neuritis and improves over time with visual recovery, independently of the structural damage in the visual and central nervous system


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    Background and objectives:Multiple Sclerosis is a common relapsing demyelinating diseasecausing the significant degradation of cognitive and motor skills and contributes towards areduced life expectancy of 5 to 10 years. The identification of Multiple Sclerosis Lesionsat early stages of a patient’s life can play a significant role in the diagnosis, treatment andprognosis for that individual. In recent years the process of disease detection has been aidedthrough the implementation of radiomic pipelines for texture extraction and classificationutilising Computer Vision and Machine Learning techniques. Eight Multiple Sclerosis Patient datasets have been supplied, each containing one standardclinical T2 MRI sequence and four diffusion-weighted sequences (T2, FA, ADC, AD, RD).This work proposes a Multimodal Multiple Sclerosis Lesion segmentation methodology util-ising supervised texture analysis, feature selection and classification. Three Machine Learningmodels were applied to Multimodal MRI data and tested using unseen patient datasets to eval-uate the classification performance of various extracted features, feature selection algorithmsand classifiers to MRI volumes uncommonly applied to MS Lesion detection. Method: First Order Statistics, Haralick Texture Features, Gray-Level Run-Lengths, His-togram of Oriented Gradients and Local Binary Patterns were extracted from MRI volumeswhich were minimally pre-processed using a skull stripping and background removal algorithm.mRMR and LASSO feature selection algorithms were applied to identify a subset of rankingsfor use in Machine Learning using Support Vector Machine, Random Forests and ExtremeLearning Machine classification. Results: ELM achieved a top slice classification accuracy of 85% while SVM achieved 79%and RF 78%. It was found that combining information from all MRI sequences increased theclassification performance when analysing unseen T2 scans in almost all cases. LASSO andmRMR feature selection methods failed to increase accuracy, and the highest-scoring groupof features were Haralick Texture Features, derived from Grey-Level Co-occurrence matrices

    Assessment and optimisation of MRI measures of atrophy as potential markers of disease progression in multiple sclerosis

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    There is a need for sensitive measures of disease progression in multiple sclerosis (MS) to monitor treatment effects and understand disease evolution. MRI measures of brain atrophy have been proposed for this purpose. This thesis investigates a number of measurement techniques to assess their relative ability to monitor disease progression in clinically isolated syndromes (CIS) and early relapsing remitting MS (RRMS). Presented, is work demonstrating that measurement techniques and MR acquisitions can be optimised to give small but significant improvements in measurement sensitivity and precision, which provided greater statistical power. Direct comparison of numerous techniques demonstrated significant differences between them. Atrophy measurements from SIENA and the BBSI (registration-based techniques) were significantly more precise than segmentation and subtraction of brain volumes, although larger percentage losses were observed in grey matter fraction. Ventricular enlargement (VE) gave similar statistical power and these techniques were robust and reliable; scan-rescan measurement error was <0.01% of brain volume for BBSI and SIENA and <0.04ml for VE. Annual atrophy rates (using SIENA) were -0.78% in RRMS and -0.52% in CIS patients who progressed to MS, which were significantly greater than the rate observed in controls (-0.07%). Sample size calculations for future trials of disease-modifying treatments in RRMS, using brain atrophy as an outcome measure, are described. For SIENA, the BBSI and VE respectively, an estimated 123, 157 and 140 patients per treatment arm respectively would be required to show a 30% slowing of atrophy rate over two years. In CIS subjects brain atrophy rate was a significant prognostic factor, independent of T2 MRI lesions at baseline, for development of MS by five year follow-up. It was also the most significant MR predictor of disability in RRMS subjects. Cognitive assessment of RRMS patients at five year follow-up is described, and brain atrophy rate was a significant predictor of overall cognitive performance, and more specifically, of performance in tests of memory. The work in this thesis has identified methods for sensitively measuring progressive brain atrophy in MS. It has shown that brain atrophy changes in early MS are related to early clinical evolution, providing complementary information to clinical assessment that could be utilised to monitor disease progression

    Translation of quantitative MRI analysis tools for clinical neuroradiology application

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    Quantification of imaging features can assist radiologists by reducing subjectivity, aiding detection of subtle pathology, and increasing reporting consistency. Translation of quantitative image analysis techniques to clinical use is currently uncommon and challenging. This thesis explores translation of quantitative imaging support tools for clinical neuroradiology use. I have proposed a translational framework for development of quantitative imaging tools, using dementia as an exemplar application. This framework emphasises the importance of clinical validation, which is not currently prioritised. Aspects of the framework were then applied to four disease areas: hippocampal sclerosis (HS) as a cause of epilepsy; dementia; multiple sclerosis (MS) and gliomas. A clinical validation study for an HS quantitative report showed that when image interpreters used the report, they were more accurate and confident in their assessments, particularly for challenging bilateral cases. A similar clinical validation study for a dementia reporting tool found improved sensitivity for all image interpreters and increased assessment accuracy for consultant radiologists. These studies indicated benefits from quantitative reports that contextualise a patient’s results with appropriate normative reference data. For MS, I addressed a technical translational challenge by applying lesion and brain quantification tools to standard clinical image acquisitions which do not include a conventional T1-weighted sequence. Results were consistent with those from conventional sequence inputs and therefore I pursued this concept to establish a clinically applicable normative reference dataset for development of a quantitative reporting tool for clinical use. I focused on current radiology reporting of gliomas to establish which features are commonly missed and may be important for clinical management decisions. This informs both the potential utility of a quantitative report for gliomas and its design and content. I have identified numerous translational challenges for quantitative reporting and explored aspects of how to address these for several applications across clinical neuroradiology