34 research outputs found

    Parameter Prediction for Lorenz Attractor by using Deep Neural Network

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    Nowadays, most modern deep learning models are based on artificial neural networks. This research presents Deep Neural Network to learn the database, which consists of high precision, a strange Lorenz attractor. Lorenz system is one of the simple chaotic systems, which is a nonlinear and characterized by an unstable dynamic behavior. The research aims to predict the parameter of a strange Lorenz attractor either yes or not. The primary method implemented in this paper is the Deep Neural Network by using Phyton Keras library. For the neural network, the different number of hidden layers are used to compare the accuracy of the system prediction. A set of data is used as the input of the neural network, while for the output part, the accuracy of prediction data is expected. As a result, the accuracy of the testing result shows that 100% correct prediction can be achieved when using the training data. Meanwhile, only 60% correct prediction is achieved for the new random data

    Disentangled Variational Auto-Encoder for Semi-supervised Learning

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    Semi-supervised learning is attracting increasing attention due to the fact that datasets of many domains lack enough labeled data. Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE), in particular, has demonstrated the benefits of semi-supervised learning. The majority of existing semi-supervised VAEs utilize a classifier to exploit label information, where the parameters of the classifier are introduced to the VAE. Given the limited labeled data, learning the parameters for the classifiers may not be an optimal solution for exploiting label information. Therefore, in this paper, we develop a novel approach for semi-supervised VAE without classifier. Specifically, we propose a new model called Semi-supervised Disentangled VAE (SDVAE), which encodes the input data into disentangled representation and non-interpretable representation, then the category information is directly utilized to regularize the disentangled representation via the equality constraint. To further enhance the feature learning ability of the proposed VAE, we incorporate reinforcement learning to relieve the lack of data. The dynamic framework is capable of dealing with both image and text data with its corresponding encoder and decoder networks. Extensive experiments on image and text datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework.Comment: 6 figures, 10 pages, Information Sciences 201

    Optimized Kernel Extreme Learning Machine for Myoelectric Pattern Recognition

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    Myoelectric pattern recognition (MPR) is used to detect user’s intention to achieve a smooth interaction between human and machine. The performance of MPR is influenced by the features extracted and the classifier employed. A kernel extreme learning machine especially radial basis function extreme learning machine (RBF-ELM) has emerged as one of the potential classifiers for MPR. However, RBF-ELM should be optimized to work efficiently. This paper proposed an optimization of RBF-ELM parameters using hybridization of particle swarm optimization (PSO) and a wavelet function. These proposed systems are employed to classify finger movements on the amputees and able-bodied subjects using electromyography signals. The experimental results show that the accuracy of the optimized RBF-ELM is 95.71% and 94.27% in the healthy subjects and the amputees, respectively. Meanwhile, the optimization using PSO only attained the average accuracy of 95.53 %, and 92.55 %, on the healthy subjects and the amputees, respectively. The experimental results also show that SW-RBF-ELM achieved the accuracy that is better than other well-known classifiers such as support vector machine (SVM), linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and k-nearest neighbor (kNN)