15,750 research outputs found

    Improving Semantic Embedding Consistency by Metric Learning for Zero-Shot Classification

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    This paper addresses the task of zero-shot image classification. The key contribution of the proposed approach is to control the semantic embedding of images -- one of the main ingredients of zero-shot learning -- by formulating it as a metric learning problem. The optimized empirical criterion associates two types of sub-task constraints: metric discriminating capacity and accurate attribute prediction. This results in a novel expression of zero-shot learning not requiring the notion of class in the training phase: only pairs of image/attributes, augmented with a consistency indicator, are given as ground truth. At test time, the learned model can predict the consistency of a test image with a given set of attributes , allowing flexible ways to produce recognition inferences. Despite its simplicity, the proposed approach gives state-of-the-art results on four challenging datasets used for zero-shot recognition evaluation.Comment: in ECCV 2016, Oct 2016, amsterdam, Netherlands. 201

    Low-shot learning with large-scale diffusion

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    This paper considers the problem of inferring image labels from images when only a few annotated examples are available at training time. This setup is often referred to as low-shot learning, where a standard approach is to re-train the last few layers of a convolutional neural network learned on separate classes for which training examples are abundant. We consider a semi-supervised setting based on a large collection of images to support label propagation. This is possible by leveraging the recent advances on large-scale similarity graph construction. We show that despite its conceptual simplicity, scaling label propagation up to hundred millions of images leads to state of the art accuracy in the low-shot learning regime

    Deeper Insights into Graph Convolutional Networks for Semi-Supervised Learning

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    Many interesting problems in machine learning are being revisited with new deep learning tools. For graph-based semisupervised learning, a recent important development is graph convolutional networks (GCNs), which nicely integrate local vertex features and graph topology in the convolutional layers. Although the GCN model compares favorably with other state-of-the-art methods, its mechanisms are not clear and it still requires a considerable amount of labeled data for validation and model selection. In this paper, we develop deeper insights into the GCN model and address its fundamental limits. First, we show that the graph convolution of the GCN model is actually a special form of Laplacian smoothing, which is the key reason why GCNs work, but it also brings potential concerns of over-smoothing with many convolutional layers. Second, to overcome the limits of the GCN model with shallow architectures, we propose both co-training and self-training approaches to train GCNs. Our approaches significantly improve GCNs in learning with very few labels, and exempt them from requiring additional labels for validation. Extensive experiments on benchmarks have verified our theory and proposals.Comment: AAAI-2018 Oral Presentatio
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