2 research outputs found

    Semantics-driven collocation discovery

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    Collocations are combinations of two lexically dependent elements, of which one (the base) is freely chosen because of its meaning, and the choice of the other (the collocate) depends on the base. Collocations are difficult to master by language learners. This difficulty becomes evident in that even when learners know the meaning they want to express, they often struggle to choose the right collocate. Collocation dictionaries, in which collocates are grouped into semantic categories, are useful tools. However, they are scarce since they are the result of costintensive manual elaboration. In this paper, we present for Spanish an algorithm that automatically retrieves for a given base and a given semantic category the corresponding collocates.The present work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), through a predoctoral grant (BES-2012-057036) in the framework of the project HARenES (FFI2011-30219-C02-02) and the Maria de Maeztu Excellence Program (MDM-2015-0502)

    Semantics-driven collocation discovery

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    Collocations are combinations of two lexically dependent elements, of which one (the base) is freely chosen because of its meaning, and the choice of the other (the collocate) depends on the base. Collocations are difficult to master by language learners. This difficulty becomes evident in that even when learners know the meaning they want to express, they often struggle to choose the right collocate. Collocation dictionaries, in which collocates are grouped into semantic categories, are useful tools. However, they are scarce since they are the result of costintensive manual elaboration. In this paper, we present for Spanish an algorithm that automatically retrieves for a given base and a given semantic category the corresponding collocates.Las colocaciones, entendidas como combinaciones de dos elementos entre los cuales existe una dependencia léxica, es decir, donde uno de los elementos (la base) se escoge libremente por su significado, pero el otro (colocativo) depende de la base, suelen ser difíciles de utilizar por los hablantes no nativos de una lengua. Esta dificultad se hace visible en que estos, a menudo, aún sabiendo el significado que quieren expresar, tienen problemas a la hora de elegir el colocativo adecuado. Los diccionarios de colocaciones, donde los colocativos son agrupados en categorías semánticas son una herramienta muy útil, pero son recursos escasos y de costosa elaboración. En este artículo se presenta, para el español, un algoritmo que proporciona, dada una base y una categoría semántica, colocativos pertinentes a dicha categoría.The present work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), through a predoctoral grant (BES-2012-057036) in the framework of the project HARenES (FFI2011-30219-C02-02) and the Maria de Maeztu Excellence Program (MDM-2015-0502)