16 research outputs found

    Using Text Surrounding Method to Enhance Retrieval of Online Images by Google Search Engine

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    Purpose: the current research aimed to compare the effectiveness of various tags and codes for retrieving images from the Google. Design/methodology: selected images with different characteristics in a registered domain were carefully studied. The exception was that special conceptual features have been apportioned for each group of images separately. In this regard, each image group surrounding texts was dissimilar. Images were allocated with captionsincluding language in Farsi and English, alt text, image title, file name, free and controlled languages and appropriation text to images properties. Findings: allocating texts to images on a website causes Google to retrieve more images. Chi-square test for identification of significant differences among retrieved images in 5 Codes and revealed that in different codes, various numbers of images that were retrieved were significantly different. Caption allocation in English proved to have the best effect in retrieving images in the study sample, whereas file name had less effect in image retrieval ranking. Results of the Kruskal-Wallis test to assess the group differences in 5 codes revealed that differences were significant. Originality/Value: This paper tries to recall the importance of some elements which a search engine like Google may consider in indexing and retrieval of images. Widespread use of image tagging on the web enables Google and also other search engines to successfully retrieve images

    Polysemy in Design Review Conversations

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    This paper examines the role of polysemy, defined as the quality of having multiple meanings, in design review conversations. It examines the polysemy, particularly of nouns, involved in a dataset of design review conversations with reference to design ideas. The purpose is to determine whether polysemy is related to successful development of design ideas and more creative design outcomes. The results show that the polysemy of nouns involved in the conversations of the finally developed, successful, design ideas exceeds in the most cases the average polysemy involved in the conversations pertaining to the unsuccessful design ideas. Furthermore, the polysemy of these nouns is linked to high overall creativity of the design idea. The paper concludes by discussing issues and directions for further investigation of polysem

    Exploring user experience with image schemas, sentiments, and semantics

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    Although the concept of user experience includes two key aspects, experience of meaning (usability) and experience of emotion (affect), the empirical work that measures both the usability and affective aspects of user experience is currently limited. This is particularly important considering that affect could significantly influence a user’s perception of usability. This paper uses image schemas to quantitatively and systematically evaluate both these aspects. It proposes a method for evaluating user experience that is based on using image schemas, sentiment analysis, and computational semantics. The aim is to link the sentiments expressed by users during their interactions with a product to the specific image schemas used in the designs. The method involves semantic and sentiment analysis of the verbal responses of the users to identify (i) task-related words linked to the task for which a certain image schema has been used and (ii) affect-related words associated with the image schema employed in the interaction. The main contribution is in linking image schemas with interaction and affect. The originality of the method is twofold. First, it uses a domain-specific ontology of image schemas specifically developed for the needs of this study. Second, it employs a novel ontology-based algorithm that extracts the image schemas employed by the user to complete a specific task and identifies and links the sentiments expressed by the user with the specific image schemas used in the task. The proposed method is evaluated using a case study involving 40 participants who completed a set task with two different products. The results show that the method successfully links the users’ experiences to the specific image schemas employed to complete the task. This method facilitates significant improvements in product design practices and usability studies in particular, as it allows qualitative and quantitative evaluation of designs by identifying specific image schemas and product design features that have been positively or negatively received by the users. This allows user experience to be assessed in a systematic way, which leads to a better understanding of the value associated with particular design features

    Semantic retrieval of trademarks based on conceptual similarity

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    Trademarks are signs of high reputational value. Thus, they require protection. This paper studies conceptual similarities between trademarks, which occurs when two or more trademarks evoke identical or analogous semantic content. This paper advances the state-of-the-art by proposing a computational approach based on semantics that can be used to compare trademarks for conceptual similarity. A trademark retrieval algorithm is developed that employs natural language processing techniques and an external knowledge source in the form of a lexical ontology. The search and indexing technique developed uses similarity distance, which is derived using Tversky's theory of similarity. The proposed retrieval algorithm is validated using two resources: a trademark database of 1400 disputed cases and a database of 378,943 company names. The accuracy of the algorithm is estimated using measures from two different domains: the R-precision score, which is commonly used in information retrieval and human judgment/collective human opinion, which is used in human-machine systems

    Context-awareness for adaptive information retrieval systems

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDThis research study investigates optimization of IRS to individual information needs in order of relevance. The research addressed development of algorithms that optimize the ranking of documents retrieved from IRS. In this thesis, we present two aspects of context-awareness in IR. Firstly, the design of context of information. The context of a query determines retrieved information relevance. Thus, executing the same query in diverse contexts often leads to diverse result rankings. Secondly, the relevant context aspects should be incorporated in a way that supports the knowledge domain representing users’ interests. In this thesis, the use of evolutionary algorithms is incorporated to improve the effectiveness of IRS. A context-based information retrieval system is developed whose retrieval effectiveness is evaluated using precision and recall metrics. The results demonstrate how to use attributes from user interaction behaviour to improve the IR effectivenes

    Semantically enhanced document clustering

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    This thesis advocates the view that traditional document clustering could be significantly improved by representing documents at different levels of abstraction at which the similarity between documents is considered. The improvement is with regard to the alignment of the clustering solutions to human judgement. The proposed methodology employs semantics with which the conceptual similarity be-tween documents is measured. The goal is to design algorithms which implement the meth-odology, in order to solve the following research problems: (i) how to obtain multiple deter-ministic clustering solutions; (ii) how to produce coherent large-scale clustering solutions across domains, regardless of the number of clusters; (iii) how to obtain clustering solutions which align well with human judgement; and (iv) how to produce specific clustering solu-tions from the perspective of the user’s understanding for the domain of interest. The developed clustering methodology enhances separation between and improved coher-ence within clusters generated across several domains by using levels of abstraction. The methodology employs a semantically enhanced text stemmer, which is developed for the pur-pose of producing coherent clustering, and a concept index that provides generic document representation and reduced dimensionality of document representation. These characteristics of the methodology enable addressing the limitations of traditional text document clustering by employing computationally expensive similarity measures such as Earth Mover’s Distance (EMD), which theoretically aligns the clustering solutions closer to human judgement. A threshold for similarity between documents that employs many-to-many similarity matching is proposed and experimentally proven to benefit the traditional clustering algorithms in pro-ducing clustering solutions aligned closer to human judgement. 4 The experimental validation demonstrates the scalability of the semantically enhanced document clustering methodology and supports the contributions: (i) multiple deterministic clustering solutions and different viewpoints to a document collection are obtained; (ii) the use of concept indexing as a document representation technique in the domain of document clustering is beneficial for producing coherent clusters across domains; (ii) SETS algorithm provides an improved text normalisation by using external knowledge; (iv) a method for measuring similarity between documents on a large scale by using many-to-many matching; (v) a semantically enhanced methodology that employs levels of abstraction that correspond to a user’s background, understanding and motivation. The achieved results will benefit the research community working in the area of document management, information retrieval, data mining and knowledge management


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    Los procesos metodológicos en materia de desarrollo de productos de joyería contemporánea en Latinoamérica y Europa, atraviesan por una situación donde la necesidad en el uso de nuevos modelos de aprendizaje y desarrollo profesional se generan como consecuencia de una demanda del entorno cada vez más exigente. Frente a esto, el diseñador y productor de joyas ha sentido la necesidad de responder de manera creativa e inmediata a través del diseño de sus productos y/o servicios. Bajo estas consideraciones, el diseño se presenta cada vez más, como una alternativa para el fortalecimiento del desarrollo de su actividad; siendo por tanto un factor fundamental desde la fase inicial, en la que deben considerarse los elementos específicos y/o variables apropiadas en relación al producto, con objeto de garantizar la mejora de resultados mediante la actuación en los métodos de trabajo. Al respecto, la importancia del buen desempeño de los procesos metodológicos se corresponde con el punto de partida de la investigación, se identifican registros sobre la elaboración de joyas y se tiene en cuenta que, en su gran mayoría, estas consideraciones se definen en la técnica. Se realiza una investigación de índole cualitativa y/o cuantitativa, fundamentada: primero en el análisis de la información específica relacionada con el entorno de desarrollo del producto-joya contemporánea; esto se realiza a partir de estudios basados en enfoques técnicos (Wicks, 1996 y Llorente, 2001), científicos y de diseño (Hernandis, 2000; Pollalis & Dimitriou, 2008; Llaberia, 2009). Segundo, se estudia y se contrasta la perspectiva del usuario con la de los expertos en joyería contemporánea y en diseño, mediante la recopilación de datos en cuestionario; proceso para el que se consideran muestras representativas en cada uno de los grupos. El análisis cuantitativo se realiza mediante cálculos realizados con un paquete estadístico; posteriormente, se ilustran los resultados obtenidos, en una encuesta de tipo no verbo-céntrico como método para tratar los datos. Por último, se presentan publicaciones en eventos de carácter científico con el fin de exponer los resultados finales y de aportar insumos epistemológicos al desarrollo del estudio y su evolución. El trabajo permite obtener nuevos resultados enfocados hacia el campo del desarrollo de las joyas; y la investigación contribuye en la incorporación de datos actualizados, basados en las preferencias y expectativas del consumidor, que contemplan lo que el experto de las joyas ofrece desde la perspectiva del diseño, siendo de utilidad primordial para el productor y diseñador de las joyas en América Latina y en Europa, desde un abordaje integral al aplicar la metodología sistémica.Medina Gómez, AL. (2013). ANÁLISIS DE LOS ASPECTOS METODOLÓGICOS PARA EL DESARROLLO DE LOS PRODUCTOS DE JOYERÍA CONTEMPORÁNEA: UNA OBSERVACIÓN EN LATINOAMÉRICA Y EUROPA [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/29537TESI