17 research outputs found

    Class-Weighted Convolutional Features for Visual Instance Search

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    Image retrieval in realistic scenarios targets large dynamic datasets of unlabeled images. In these cases, training or fine-tuning a model every time new images are added to the database is neither efficient nor scalable. Convolutional neural networks trained for image classification over large datasets have been proven effective feature extractors for image retrieval. The most successful approaches are based on encoding the activations of convolutional layers, as they convey the image spatial information. In this paper, we go beyond this spatial information and propose a local-aware encoding of convolutional features based on semantic information predicted in the target image. To this end, we obtain the most discriminative regions of an image using Class Activation Maps (CAMs). CAMs are based on the knowledge contained in the network and therefore, our approach, has the additional advantage of not requiring external information. In addition, we use CAMs to generate object proposals during an unsupervised re-ranking stage after a first fast search. Our experiments on two public available datasets for instance retrieval, Oxford5k and Paris6k, demonstrate the competitiveness of our approach outperforming the current state-of-the-art when using off-the-shelf models trained on ImageNet. The source code and model used in this paper are publicly available at http://imatge-upc.github.io/retrieval-2017-cam/.Comment: To appear in the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), September 201

    Dynamic match kernel with deep convolutional features for image retrieval

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    For image retrieval methods based on bag of visual words, much attention has been paid to enhancing the discriminative powers of the local features. Although retrieved images are usually similar to a query in minutiae, they may be significantly different from a semantic perspective, which can be effectively distinguished by convolutional neural networks (CNN). Such images should not be considered as relevant pairs. To tackle this problem, we propose to construct a dynamic match kernel by adaptively calculating the matching thresholds between query and candidate images based on the pairwise distance among deep CNN features. In contrast to the typical static match kernel which is independent to the global appearance of retrieved images, the dynamic one leverages the semantical similarity as a constraint for determining the matches. Accordingly, we propose a semantic-constrained retrieval framework by incorporating the dynamic match kernel, which focuses on matched patches between relevant images and filters out the ones for irrelevant pairs. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the proposed kernel complements recent methods, such as hamming embedding, multiple assignment, local descriptors aggregation, and graph-based re-ranking, while it outperforms the static one under various settings on off-the-shelf evaluation metrics. We also propose to evaluate the matched patches both quantitatively and qualitatively. Extensive experiments on five benchmark data sets and large-scale distractors validate the merits of the proposed method against the state-of-the-art methods for image retrieval

    Attributes and categories for generic instance search from one example

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    This paper aims for generic instance search from one example where the instance can be an arbitrary 3D object like shoes, not just near-planar and one-sided instances like buildings and logos. Firstly, we evaluate state-of-the-art instance search methods on this problem. We observe that what works for buildings loses its generality on shoes. Secondly, we propose to use automatically learned category-specific attributes to address the large appearance variations present in generic instance search. On the problem of searching among instances from the same category as the query, the category-specific attributes outperform existing approaches by a large margin. On a shoe dataset containing 6624 shoe images recorded from all viewing angles, we improve the performance from 36.73 to 56.56 using category-specific attributes. Thirdly, we extend our methods to search objects without restricting to the specifically known category. We show the combination of category-level information and the category-specific attributes is superior to combining category-level information with low-level features such as Fisher vector