3 research outputs found

    Dados abertos governamentais: iniciativas e desafios na abertura de dados no Brasil e outras esferas internacionais

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    Introdução: A escalada na abertura de dados governamentais é um fenômeno originado a partir de extensos debates sobre a modernização do Estado, aliado à evolução tecnológica. Na literatura, constata-se uma carência de pesquisas científicas de ordem teórica e prática que apresentem cenários mais atualizados a respeito de iniciativas de abertura de dados governamentais, principalmente em ações de organização da informação nesse segmento, tanto no Brasil quanto no exterior. Objetiva apresentar antecedentes e movimento histórico de abertura de dados, além do panorama atual de iniciativas em alguns países continentais, evidenciando estágios e contribuições relevantes às discussões sobre desafios e oportunidades para seus governos. Método: Constitui uma pesquisa qualitativa, de cunho exploratório e descritivo, empregando técnicas de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental para uma revisão sistemática de cenários de dados abertos governamentais tanto no Brasil quanto em outras esferas internacionais. Resultados: Destaca as contribuições teóricas e metodológicas das Ciências da Informação e da Computação nos principais desafios mapeados na pesquisa, além do declínio de nações como os EUA e Reino Unido, outrora líderes do movimento, e a ascensão de novos protagonistas, como Coréia do Sul, França, Irlanda e Espanha, também apresentando o atual cenário brasileiro. Conclusão: Evidencia que um dos principais êxitos na abertura de dados incide na forma como os governos estão lidando com a Política de Dados Abertos Governamentais, e que aspectos internos de governança estão afetando a publicação de dados na rede, conforme preceitos do movimento aberto recomendados na literatura.Introduction: The escalation in the opening of government data is a phenomenon originated from extensive debates about the modernization of the State, combined with technological evolution. In the literature, there is a lack of scientific research of a theoretical and practical nature that presents more updated scenarios regarding initiatives to open government data, mainly in actions to organize information in this segment, both in Brazil and abroad. This article aims to present the background and historical movement of data opening, in addition to the current panorama of initiatives in some continental countries, showing relevant stages and contributions to the discussions on challenges and opportunities for their governments. Method: It is  qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research using bibliographic and documentary research techniques for a systematic review of government open data scenarios both in Brazil and in other international spheres. Results: The theoretical and methodological contributions of Information and Computer Sciences are highlighted in the main challenges mapped in the research, in addition to the decline of nations such as the USA and the United Kingdom, former leaders of the movement, and the rise of new protagonists, such as Korea South, France, Ireland and Spain, also presenting the current Brazilian scenario. Conclusion: The article shows that one of the main successes in data opening concerns the way governments are dealing with Government Open Data Policy and those internal aspects of governance are affecting the publication of data on the network, according to the precepts of the open movement recommended in the literature

    Semantic Web or Web of Data? A diachronic study (1999 to 2017) of the publications of Tim Berners-Lee and the World Wide Web Consortium

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    The web has been, in the last decades, the place where information retrieval achieved its maximum importance, given its ubiquity and the sheer volume of information. However, its exponential growth made the retrieval task increasingly hard, relying in its effectiveness on idiosyncratic and somewhat biased ranking algorithms. To deal with this problem, a “new” web, called the Semantic Web (SW), was proposed, bringing along concepts like “Web of Data” and “Linked Data,” although the definitions and connections among these concepts are often unclear. Based on a qualitative approach built over a literature review, a definition of SW is presented, discussing the related concepts sometimes used as synonyms. It concludes that the SW is a comprehensive and ambitious construct that includes the great purpose of making the web a global database. It also follows the specifications developed and/or associated with its operationalization and the necessary procedures for the connection of data in an open format on the web. The goals of this comprehensive SW are the union of two outcomes still tenuously connected: the virtually unlimited possibility of connections between data—the web domain—with the potentiality of the automated inference of “intelligent” systems—the semantic component.1011-A149-0360 | Luís Miguel Oliveira Machadoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio