22 research outputs found

    Security slicing for auditing XML, XPath, and SQL injection vulnerabilities

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    XML, XPath, and SQL injection vulnerabilities are among the most common and serious security issues for Web applications and Web services. Thus, it is important for security auditors to ensure that the implemented code is, to the extent pos- sible, free from these vulnerabilities before deployment. Although existing taint analysis approaches could automatically detect potential vulnerabilities in source code, they tend to generate many false warnings. Furthermore, the produced traces, i.e. data- flow paths from input sources to security-sensitive operations, tend to be incomplete or to contain a great deal of irrelevant infor- mation. Therefore, it is difficult to identify real vulnerabilities and determine their causes. One suitable approach to support security auditing is to compute a program slice for each security-sensitive operation, since it would contain all the information required for performing security audits (Soundness). A limitation, however, is that such slices may also contain information that is irrelevant to security (Precision), thus raising scalability issues for security audits. In this paper, we propose an approach to assist security auditors by defining and experimenting with pruning techniques to reduce original program slices to what we refer to as security slices, which contain sound and precise information. To evaluate the proposed pruning mechanism by using a number of open source benchmarks, we compared our security slices with the slices generated by a state-of-the-art program slicing tool. On average, our security slices are 80% smaller than the original slices, thus suggesting significant reduction in auditing costs

    The approaches to quantify web application security scanners quality: A review

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    The web application security scanner is a computer program that assessed web application security with penetration testing technique. The benefit of automated web application penetration testing is huge, which web application security scanner not only reduced the time, cost, and resource required for web application penetration testing but also eliminate test engineer reliance on human knowledge. Nevertheless, web application security scanners are possessing weaknesses of low test coverage, and the scanners are generating inaccurate test results. Consequently, experimentations are frequently held to quantitatively quantify web application security scanner's quality to investigate the web application security scanner's strengths and limitations. However, there is a discovery that neither a standard methodology nor criterion is available for quantifying the web application security scanner's quality. Hence, in this paper systematic review is conducted and analysed the methodology and criterion used for quantifying web application security scanners' quality. In this survey, the experiment methodologies and criterions that had been used to quantify web application security scanner's quality is classified and review using the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) protocol. The objectives are to provide practitioners with the understanding of methodologies and criterions that available for measuring web application security scanners' test coverage, attack coverage, and vulnerability detection rate, while provides the critical hint for development of the next testing framework, model, methodology, or criterions, to measure web application security scanner quality

    Security Analytics: Using Deep Learning to Detect Cyber Attacks

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    Security attacks are becoming more prevalent as cyber attackers exploit system vulnerabilities for financial gain. The resulting loss of revenue and reputation can have deleterious effects on governments and businesses alike. Signature recognition and anomaly detection are the most common security detection techniques in use today. These techniques provide a strong defense. However, they fall short of detecting complicated or sophisticated attacks. Recent literature suggests using security analytics to differentiate between normal and malicious user activities. The goal of this research is to develop a repeatable process to detect cyber attacks that is fast, accurate, comprehensive, and scalable. A model was developed and evaluated using several production log files provided by the University of North Florida Information Technology Security department. This model uses security analytics to complement existing security controls to detect suspicious user activity occurring in real time by applying machine learning algorithms to multiple heterogeneous server-side log files. The process is linearly scalable and comprehensive; as such it can be applied to any enterprise environment. The process is composed of three steps. The first step is data collection and transformation which involves identifying the source log files and selecting a feature set from those files. The resulting feature set is then transformed into a time series dataset using a sliding time window representation. Each instance of the dataset is labeled as green, yellow, or red using three different unsupervised learning methods, one of which is Partitioning around Medoids (PAM). The final step uses Deep Learning to train and evaluate the model that will be used for detecting abnormal or suspicious activities. Experiments using datasets of varying sizes of time granularity resulted in a very high accuracy and performance. The time required to train and test the model was surprisingly fast even for large datasets. This is the first research paper that develops a model to detect cyber attacks using security analytics; hence this research builds a foundation on which to expand upon for future research in this subject area

    A closer look at Intrusion Detection System for web applications

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    Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is one of the security measures being used as an additional defence mechanism to prevent the security breaches on web. It has been well known methodology for detecting network-based attacks but still immature in the domain of securing web application. The objective of the paper is to thoroughly understand the design methodology of the detection system in respect to web applications. In this paper, we discuss several specific aspects of a web application in detail that makes challenging for a developer to build an efficient web IDS. The paper also provides a comprehensive overview of the existing detection systems exclusively designed to observe web traffic. Furthermore, we identify various dimensions for comparing the IDS from different perspectives based on their design and functionalities. We also provide a conceptual framework of an IDS with prevention mechanism to offer a systematic guidance for the implementation of the system specific to the web applications. We compare its features with five existing detection systems, namely AppSensor, PHPIDS, ModSecurity, Shadow Daemon and AQTRONIX WebKnight. The paper will highly facilitate the interest groups with the cutting edge information to understand the stronger and weaker sections of the web IDS and provide a firm foundation for developing an intelligent and efficient system

    Machine Learning-Enabled IoT Security: Open Issues and Challenges Under Advanced Persistent Threats

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    Despite its technological benefits, Internet of Things (IoT) has cyber weaknesses due to the vulnerabilities in the wireless medium. Machine learning (ML)-based methods are widely used against cyber threats in IoT networks with promising performance. Advanced persistent threat (APT) is prominent for cybercriminals to compromise networks, and it is crucial to long-term and harmful characteristics. However, it is difficult to apply ML-based approaches to identify APT attacks to obtain a promising detection performance due to an extremely small percentage among normal traffic. There are limited surveys to fully investigate APT attacks in IoT networks due to the lack of public datasets with all types of APT attacks. It is worth to bridge the state-of-the-art in network attack detection with APT attack detection in a comprehensive review article. This survey article reviews the security challenges in IoT networks and presents the well-known attacks, APT attacks, and threat models in IoT systems. Meanwhile, signature-based, anomaly-based, and hybrid intrusion detection systems are summarized for IoT networks. The article highlights statistical insights regarding frequently applied ML-based methods against network intrusion alongside the number of attacks types detected. Finally, open issues and challenges for common network intrusion and APT attacks are presented for future research.Comment: ACM Computing Surveys, 2022, 35 pages, 10 Figures, 8 Table

    Cloud computing security taxonomy: From an atomistic to a holistic view

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    Countless discussions around security challenges affecting cloud computing are often large textual accounts, which can be cumbersome to read and prone to misinterpretation. The growing reliance on cloud computing means that not only should we focus on evaluating its security challenges but devote greater attention towards how challenges are viewed and communicated. With many cloud computing implementations in use and a growing evolution of the cloud paradigm (including fog, edge and cloudlets), comprehending, correlating and classifying diverse perspectives to security challenges increasingly becomes critical. Current classifications are only suited for limited use; both as effective tools for research and countermeasures design. The taxonomic approach has been used as a modeling technique towards classifying concepts across many domains. This paper surveys multiple perspectives of cloud security challenges and systematically develops corresponding graphical taxonomy based upon meta-synthesis of important cloud security concepts in literature. The contributions and significance of this work are as follows: (1) a holistic view simplifies visualization for the reader by providing illustrative graphics of existing textual perspectives, highlighting entity relationships among cloud entities/players thereby exposing security areas at every layer of the cloud. (2) a holistic taxonomy that facilitates the design of enforcement or corrective countermeasures based upon the source or origin of a security incident. (3) a holistic taxonomy highlights security boundary and identifies apt areas to implement security countermeasures

    An Analysis of the Preparedness of Educational Institutions to Ensure the Security of Their Institutional Information

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    The purpose of this exploratory study was to analyze and examine the differences in the preparedness of educational institutions toward ensuring the security of their data by comparing their self-reported perceptions of security risks and their assessments of the corresponding risk-mitigating practices. Factors that were studied with reference to securing institutional data were aligned with the five components of information systems: hardware, software, data, procedures and people. The study examined the perceptions of security threats associated with these factors and explored the perceptions of the effectiveness of critical measures with respect to these factors within the constraints applicable to educational institutions. Given the dynamic nature of the threats to information security, this study further explored mechanisms and frequencies with which the different types of educational institutions conduct key security practices and stay up-to-date in their information security policies and procedures. The population of interest for this study consisted of a cross-sectional representation of the following types of educational institutions in the state of Florida: public and private PK-12 institutions, public and private universities, and virtual schools. At every stage of this exploratory study, comparative analyses were conducted. The researcher found no statistically significant differences between the types of educational institutions in their perceptions of security risks. However, in terms of their perceptions of the effectiveness of security measures, frequencies of key security practices and policy updates, budget allocations, and overall assessment of security preparedness, the educational institutions showed statistically significant differences

    The effects of security protocols on cybercrime at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.The use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) within the educational sector is increasing rapidly. University systems are becoming increasingly dependent on computerized information systems (CIS) in order to carry out their daily routine. Moreover, CIS no longer process staff records and financial data only, as they once did. Nowadays, universities use CIS to assist in automating the overall system. This automation includes the use of multiple databases, data detail periodicity (i.e. gender, race/ethnicity, enrollment, degrees granted, and program major), record identification (e.g. social security number ‘SSN’), linking to other databases (i.e. linking unit record data with external databases such as university and employment data). The increasing demand and exposure to Internet resources and infrastructure by individuals and universities have made IT infrastructure easy targets for cybercriminals who employ sophisticated attacks such as Advanced Persistent Threats, Distributed Denial of Service attacks and Botnets in order to steal confidential data, identities of individuals and money. Hence, in order to stay in business, universities realise that it is imperative to secure vital Information Systems from easily being exploited by emerging and existing forms of cybercrimes. This study was conducted to determine and evaluate the various forms of cybercrimes and their consequences on the university network at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The study was also aimed at proposing means of mitigating cybercrimes and their effects on the university network. Hence, an exploratory research design supported by qualitative research approach was used in this study. Staff of the Institute of Computing, Information and Communication technology (ICICT) were interviewed. The findings of the study present different security measures, and security tools that can be used to effectively mitigate cybercrimes. It was found that social engineering, denial of service attacks, website defacement were among the types of cybercrimes occurring on the university network. It is therefore recommended that behavioural approach in a form of motivation of staff behaviour, salary increases, and cash incentive to reduce cybercrime perpetrated by these staff

    Design of an E-learning system using semantic information and cloud computing technologies

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    Humanity is currently suffering from many difficult problems that threaten the life and survival of the human race. It is very easy for all mankind to be affected, directly or indirectly, by these problems. Education is a key solution for most of them. In our thesis we tried to make use of current technologies to enhance and ease the learning process. We have designed an e-learning system based on semantic information and cloud computing, in addition to many other technologies that contribute to improving the educational process and raising the level of students. The design was built after much research on useful technology, its types, and examples of actual systems that were previously discussed by other researchers. In addition to the proposed design, an algorithm was implemented to identify topics found in large textual educational resources. It was tested and proved to be efficient against other methods. The algorithm has the ability of extracting the main topics from textual learning resources, linking related resources and generating interactive dynamic knowledge graphs. This algorithm accurately and efficiently accomplishes those tasks even for bigger books. We used Wikipedia Miner, TextRank, and Gensim within our algorithm. Our algorithm‘s accuracy was evaluated against Gensim, largely improving its accuracy. Augmenting the system design with the implemented algorithm will produce many useful services for improving the learning process such as: identifying main topics of big textual learning resources automatically and connecting them to other well defined concepts from Wikipedia, enriching current learning resources with semantic information from external sources, providing student with browsable dynamic interactive knowledge graphs, and making use of learning groups to encourage students to share their learning experiences and feedback with other learners.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Telemática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Luis Sánchez Fernández.- Secretario: Luis de la Fuente Valentín.- Vocal: Norberto Fernández Garcí