5 research outputs found

    On the complexity of semantic self-minimization

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    Partial Kripke structures model only parts of a state space and so enable aggressive abstraction of systems prior to verifying them with respect to a formula of temporal logic. This partiality of models means that verifications may reply with true (all refinements satisfy the formula under check), false (no refinement satisfies the formula under check) or dont know. Generalized model checking is the most precise verification for such models (all dont know answers imply that some refinements satisfy the formula, some dont), but computationally expensive. A compositional model-checking algorithm for partial Kripke structures is efficient, sound (all answers true and false are truthful), but may lose precision by answering dont know instead of a factual true or false. Recent work has shown that such a loss of precision does not occur for this compositional algorithm for most practically relevant patterns of temporal logic formulas. Formulas that never lose precision in this manner are called semantically self-minimizing. In this paper we provide a systematic study of the complexity of deciding whether a formula of propositional logic, propositional modal logic or the propositional modal mu-calculus is semantically self-minimizing. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Deriving abstract transfer functions for analyzing embedded software

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    ManuscriptThis paper addresses the problem of creating abstract transfer functions supporting dataflow analyses. Writing these functions by hand is problematic: transfer functions are difficult to understand, difficult to make precise, and difficult to debug. Bugs in transfer functions are particularly serious since they defeat the soundness of any program analysis running on top of them. Furthermore, implementing transfer functions by hand is wasteful because the resulting code is often difficult to reuse in new analyzers and to analyze new languages. We have developed algorithms and tools for deriving transfer functions for the bitwise and unsigned interval abstract domains. The interval domain is standard; in the bitwise domain, values are vectors of three-valued bits. For both domains, important challenges are to derive transfer functions that are sound in the presence of integer overflow, and to derive precise transfer functions for operations whose semantics are a mismatch for the domain (i.e., bit-vector operations in the interval domain and arithmetic operations in the bitwise domain). We can derive transfer functions, and execute them, in time linear in the bitwidth of the operands. These functions are maximally precise in most cases. Our generated transfer functions are parameterized by a bitwidth and are independent of the language being analyzed, and also of the language in which the analyzer is written. Currently, we generate interval and bitwise transfer functions in C and OCaml for analyzing C source code, ARM object code, and AVR object code. We evaluate our derive functions by using them in an interprocedural dataflow analyzer

    Decision Problems for Partial Specifications: Empirical and Worst-Case Complexities

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    Partial specifications allow approximate models of systems such as Kripke structures, or labeled transition systems to be created. Using the abstraction possible with these models, an avoidance of the state-space explosion problem is possible, whilst still retaining a structure that can have properties checked over it. A single partial specification abstracts a set of systems, whether Kripke, labeled transition systems, or systems with both atomic propositions and named transitions. This thesis deals in part with problems arising from a desire to efficiently evaluate sentences of the modal μ-calculus over a partial specification. Partial specifications also allow a single system to be modeled by a number of partial specifications, which abstract away different parts of the system. Alternatively, a number of partial specifications may represent different requirements on a system. The thesis also addresses the question of whether a set of partial specifications is consistent, that is to say, whether a single system exists that is abstracted by each member of the set. The effect of nominals, special atomic propositions true on only one state in a system, is also considered on the problem of the consistency of many partial specifications. The thesis also addresses the question of whether the systems a partial specification abstracts are all abstracted by a second partial specification, the problem of inclusion. The thesis demonstrates how commonly used “specification patterns” – useful properties specified in the modal μ-calculus, can be efficiently evaluated over partial specifications, and gives upper and lower complexity bounds on the problems related to sets of partial specifications

    Semantic minimization of 3-valued propositional formulae

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    This paper presents an algorithm for a non-standard logicminimization problem that arises in £-valued propositional logic. The problem is motivated by the potential for obtaining better answers in applications that use £-valued logic. An answer of ¤ or ¥ provides precise (definite) information; an answer of ¥§¦© ¨ provides imprecise (indefinite) information. By replacing a formula � with a “better ” formula �, we may improve the precision of the answers obtained. In this paper, we give an algorithm that always produces a formula that is “best ” (in a certain well-defined sense). 1