7 research outputs found

    Trustworthy machine learning through the lens of privacy and security

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    Nowadays, machine learning (ML) becomes ubiquitous and it is transforming society. However, there are still many incidents caused by ML-based systems when ML is deployed in real-world scenarios. Therefore, to allow wide adoption of ML in the real world, especially in critical applications such as healthcare, finance, etc., it is crucial to develop ML models that are not only accurate but also trustworthy (e.g., explainable, privacy-preserving, secure, and robust). Achieving trustworthy ML with different machine learning paradigms (e.g., deep learning, centralized learning, federated learning, etc.), and application domains (e.g., computer vision, natural language, human study, malware systems, etc.) is challenging, given the complicated trade-off among utility, scalability, privacy, explainability, and security. To bring trustworthy ML to real-world adoption with the trust of communities, this study makes a contribution of introducing a series of novel privacy-preserving mechanisms in which the trade-off between model utility and trustworthiness is optimized in different application domains, including natural language models, federated learning with human and mobile sensing applications, image classification, and explainable AI. The proposed mechanisms reach deployment levels of commercialized systems in real-world trials while providing trustworthiness with marginal utility drops and rigorous theoretical guarantees. The developed solutions enable safe, efficient, and practical analyses of rich and diverse user-generated data in many application domains

    Prediction of Adverse Biological Effects of Chemicals Using Knowledge Graph Embeddings

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    We have created a knowledge graph based on major data sources used in ecotoxicological risk assessment. We have applied this knowledge graph to an important task in risk assessment, namely chemical effect prediction. We have evaluated nine knowledge graph embedding models from a selection of geometric, decomposition, and convolutional models on this prediction task. We show that using knowledge graph embeddings can increase the accuracy of effect prediction with neural networks. Furthermore, we have implemented a fine-tuning architecture which adapts the knowledge graph embeddings to the effect prediction task and leads to a better performance. Finally, we evaluate certain characteristics of the knowledge graph embedding models to shed light on the individual model performance