216,606 research outputs found

    Domain transfer for deep natural language generation from abstract meaning representations

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    Stochastic natural language generation systems that are trained from labelled datasets are often domainspecific in their annotation and in their mapping from semantic input representations to lexical-syntactic outputs. As a result, learnt models fail to generalize across domains, heavily restricting their usability beyond single applications. In this article, we focus on the problem of domain adaptation for natural language generation. We show how linguistic knowledge from a source domain, for which labelled data is available, can be adapted to a target domain by reusing training data across domains. As a key to this, we propose to employ abstract meaning representations as a common semantic representation across domains. We model natural language generation as a long short-term memory recurrent neural network encoderdecoder, in which one recurrent neural network learns a latent representation of a semantic input, and a second recurrent neural network learns to decode it to a sequence of words. We show that the learnt representations can be transferred across domains and can be leveraged effectively to improve training on new unseen domains. Experiments in three different domains and with six datasets demonstrate that the lexical-syntactic constructions learnt in one domain can be transferred to new domains and achieve up to 75-100% of the performance of in-domain training. This is based on objective metrics such as BLEU and semantic error rate and a subjective human rating study. Training a policy from prior knowledge from a different domain is consistently better than pure in-domain training by up to 10%

    Semantics-based selection of everyday concepts in visual lifelogging

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    Concept-based indexing, based on identifying various semantic concepts appearing in multimedia, is an attractive option for multimedia retrieval and much research tries to bridge the semantic gap between the media’s low-level features and high-level semantics. Research into concept-based multimedia retrieval has generally focused on detecting concepts from high quality media such as broadcast TV or movies, but it is not well addressed in other domains like lifelogging where the original data is captured with poorer quality. We argue that in noisy domains such as lifelogging, the management of data needs to include semantic reasoning in order to deduce a set of concepts to represent lifelog content for applications like searching, browsing or summarisation. Using semantic concepts to manage lifelog data relies on the fusion of automatically-detected concepts to provide a better understanding of the lifelog data. In this paper, we investigate the selection of semantic concepts for lifelogging which includes reasoning on semantic networks using a density-based approach. In a series of experiments we compare different semantic reasoning approaches and the experimental evaluations we report on lifelog data show the efficacy of our approach

    Evaluating automatic cross-domain Dutch semantic role annotation

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    In this paper we present the first corpus where one million Dutch words from a variety of text genres have been annotated with semantic roles. 500K have been completely manually verified and used as training material to automatically label another 500K. All data has been annotated following an adapted version of the PropBank guidelines. The corpus’s rich text type diversity and the availability of manually verified syntactic dependency structures allowed us to experiment with an existing semantic role labeler for Dutch. In order to test the system’s portability across various domains, we experimented with training on individual domains and compared this with training on multiple domains by adding more data. Our results show that training on large data sets is necessary but that including genre-specific training material is also crucial to optimize classification. We observed that a small amount of in-domain training data is already sufficient to improve our semantic role labeler

    A Shared Ontology Approach to Semantic Representation of BIM Data

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    Architecture, engineering, construction and facility management (AEC-FM) projects involve a large number of participants that must exchange information and combine their knowledge for successful completion of a project. Currently, most of the AEC-FM domains store their information about a project in text documents or use XML, relational, or object-oriented formats that make information integration difficult. The AEC-FM industry is not taking advantage of the full potential of the Semantic Web for streamlining sharing, connecting, and combining information from different domains. The Semantic Web is designed to solve the information integration problem by creating a web of structured and connected data that can be processed by machines. It allows combining information from different sources with different underlying schemas distributed over the Internet. In the Semantic Web, all data instances and data schema are stored in a graph data store, which makes it easy to merge data from different sources. This paper presents a shared ontology approach to semantic representation of building information. The semantic representation of building information facilitates finding and integrating building information distributed in several knowledge bases. A case study demonstrates the development of a semantic based building design knowledge base