62,802 research outputs found

    The Sigma-Semantics: A Comprehensive Semantics for Functional Programs

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    A comprehensive semantics for functional programs is presented, which generalizes the well-known call-by-value and call-by-name semantics. By permitting a separate choice between call-by value and call-by-name for every argument position of every function and parameterizing the semantics by this choice we abstract from the parameter-passing mechanism. Thus common and distinguishing features of all instances of the sigma-semantics, especially call-by-value and call-by-name semantics, are highlighted. Furthermore, a property can be validated for all instances of the sigma-semantics by a single proof. This is employed for proving the equivalence of the given denotational (fixed-point based) and two operational (reduction based) definitions of the sigma-semantics. We present and apply means for very simple proofs of equivalence with the denotational sigma-semantics for a large class of reduction-based sigma-semantics. Our basis are simple first-order constructor-based functional programs with patterns

    The Sigma-Semantics: A Comprehensive Semantics for Functional Programs

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    A comprehensive semantics for functional programs is presented, which generalizes the well-known call-by-value and call-by-name semantics. By permitting a separate choice between call-by value and call-by-name for every argument position of every function and parameterizing the semantics by this choice we abstract from the parameter-passing mechanism. Thus common and distinguishing features of all instances of the sigma-semantics, especially call-by-value and call-by-name semantics, are highlighted. Furthermore, a property can be validated for all instances of the sigma-semantics by a single proof. This is employed for proving the equivalence of the given denotational (fixed-point based) and two operational (reduction based) definitions of the sigma-semantics. We present and apply means for very simple proofs of equivalence with the denotational sigma-semantics for a large class of reduction-based sigma-semantics. Our basis are simple first-order constructor-based functional programs with patterns

    Towards Closed World Reasoning in Dynamic Open Worlds (Extended Version)

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    The need for integration of ontologies with nonmonotonic rules has been gaining importance in a number of areas, such as the Semantic Web. A number of researchers addressed this problem by proposing a unified semantics for hybrid knowledge bases composed of both an ontology (expressed in a fragment of first-order logic) and nonmonotonic rules. These semantics have matured over the years, but only provide solutions for the static case when knowledge does not need to evolve. In this paper we take a first step towards addressing the dynamics of hybrid knowledge bases. We focus on knowledge updates and, considering the state of the art of belief update, ontology update and rule update, we show that current solutions are only partial and difficult to combine. Then we extend the existing work on ABox updates with rules, provide a semantics for such evolving hybrid knowledge bases and study its basic properties. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that an update operator is proposed for hybrid knowledge bases.Comment: 40 pages; an extended version of the article published in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 10 (4-6): 547 - 564, July. Copyright 2010 Cambridge University Pres

    Towards Parameterized Regular Type Inference Using Set Constraints

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    We propose a method for inferring \emph{parameterized regular types} for logic programs as solutions for systems of constraints over sets of finite ground Herbrand terms (set constraint systems). Such parameterized regular types generalize \emph{parametric} regular types by extending the scope of the parameters in the type definitions so that such parameters can relate the types of different predicates. We propose a number of enhancements to the procedure for solving the constraint systems that improve the precision of the type descriptions inferred. The resulting algorithm, together with a procedure to establish a set constraint system from a logic program, yields a program analysis that infers tighter safe approximations of the success types of the program than previous comparable work, offering a new and useful efficiency vs. precision trade-off. This is supported by experimental results, which show the feasibility of our analysis

    Covariance and Controvariance: a fresh look at an old issue (a primer in advanced type systems for learning functional programmers)

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    Twenty years ago, in an article titled "Covariance and contravariance: conflict without a cause", I argued that covariant and contravariant specialization of method parameters in object-oriented programming had different purposes and deduced that, not only they could, but actually they should both coexist in the same language. In this work I reexamine the result of that article in the light of recent advances in (sub-)typing theory and programming languages, taking a fresh look at this old issue. Actually, the revamping of this problem is just an excuse for writing an essay that aims at explaining sophisticated type-theoretic concepts, in simple terms and by examples, to undergraduate computer science students and/or willing functional programmers. Finally, I took advantage of this opportunity to describe some undocumented advanced techniques of type-systems implementation that are known only to few insiders that dug in the code of some compilers: therefore, even expert language designers and implementers may find this work worth of reading

    Simultaneous Replacement in Normal Programs

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    The simultaneous replacement transformation operation is here defined and studied w.r.t. normal programs. We give applicability conditions able to ensure the correctness of the operation w.r.t. the set of logical consequences of the completed database. We consider separately the cases in which the underlying language is infinite and finite; in this latter case we also distinguish according to the kind of domain closure axioms adopted. As corollaries we obtain results for Fitting's and Kunen's semantics. We also show how simultaneous replacement can mimic other transformation operations such as thinning, fattening and folding, thus producing applicability conditions for them too

    On the tree-transformation power of XSLT

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    XSLT is a standard rule-based programming language for expressing transformations of XML data. The language is currently in transition from version 1.0 to 2.0. In order to understand the computational consequences of this transition, we restrict XSLT to its pure tree-transformation capabilities. Under this focus, we observe that XSLT~1.0 was not yet a computationally complete tree-transformation language: every 1.0 program can be implemented in exponential time. A crucial new feature of version~2.0, however, which allows nodesets over temporary trees, yields completeness. We provide a formal operational semantics for XSLT programs, and establish confluence for this semantics