969 research outputs found

    Semantic data ingestion for intelligent, value-driven big data analytics

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    In this position paper we describe a conceptual model for intelligent Big Data analytics based on both semantic and machine learning AI techniques (called AI ensembles). These processes are linked to business outcomes by explicitly modelling data value and using semantic technologies as the underlying mode for communication between the diverse processes and organisations creating AI ensembles. Furthermore, we show how data governance can direct and enhance these ensembles by providing recommendations and insights that to ensure the output generated produces the highest possible value for the organisation

    Storage Solutions for Big Data Systems: A Qualitative Study and Comparison

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    Big data systems development is full of challenges in view of the variety of application areas and domains that this technology promises to serve. Typically, fundamental design decisions involved in big data systems design include choosing appropriate storage and computing infrastructures. In this age of heterogeneous systems that integrate different technologies for optimized solution to a specific real world problem, big data system are not an exception to any such rule. As far as the storage aspect of any big data system is concerned, the primary facet in this regard is a storage infrastructure and NoSQL seems to be the right technology that fulfills its requirements. However, every big data application has variable data characteristics and thus, the corresponding data fits into a different data model. This paper presents feature and use case analysis and comparison of the four main data models namely document oriented, key value, graph and wide column. Moreover, a feature analysis of 80 NoSQL solutions has been provided, elaborating on the criteria and points that a developer must consider while making a possible choice. Typically, big data storage needs to communicate with the execution engine and other processing and visualization technologies to create a comprehensive solution. This brings forth second facet of big data storage, big data file formats, into picture. The second half of the research paper compares the advantages, shortcomings and possible use cases of available big data file formats for Hadoop, which is the foundation for most big data computing technologies. Decentralized storage and blockchain are seen as the next generation of big data storage and its challenges and future prospects have also been discussed

    Analysis and assessment of a knowledge based smart city architecture providing service APIs

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    Abstract The main technical issues regarding smart city solutions are related to data gathering, aggregation, reasoning, data analytics, access, and service delivering via Smart City APIs (Application Program Interfaces). Different kinds of Smart City APIs enable smart city services and applications, while their effectiveness depends on the architectural solutions to pass from data to services for city users and operators, exploiting data analytics, and presenting services via APIs. Therefore, there is a strong activity on defining smart city architectures to cope with this complexity, putting in place a significant range of different kinds of services and processes. In this paper, the work performed in the context of Sii-Mobility smart city project on defining a smart city architecture addressing a wide range of processes and data is presented. To this end, comparisons of the state of the art solutions of smart city architectures for data aggregation and for Smart City API are presented by putting in evidence the usage semantic ontologies and knowledge base in the data aggregation in the production of smart services. The solution proposed aggregate and re-conciliate data (open and private, static and real time) by using reasoning/smart algorithms for enabling sophisticated service delivering via Smart City API. The work presented has been developed in the context of the Sii-Mobility national smart city project on mobility and transport integrated with smart city services with the aim of reaching a more sustainable mobility and transport systems. Sii-Mobility is grounded on Km4City ontology and tools for smart city data aggregation, analytics support and service production exploiting smart city API. To this end, Sii-Mobility/Km4City APIs have been compared to the state of the art solutions. Moreover, the proposed architecture has been assessed in terms of performance, computational and network costs in terms of measures that can be easily performed on private cloud on premise. The computational costs and workloads of the data ingestion and data analytics processes have been assessed to identify suitable measures to estimate needed resources. Finally, the API consumption related data in the recent period are presented

    Enabling data-driven decision-making for a Finnish SME: a data lake solution

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    In the era of big data, data-driven decision-making has become a key success factor for companies of all sizes. Technological development has made it possible to store, process and analyse vast amounts of data effectively. The availability of cloud computing services has lowered the costs of data analysis. Even small businesses have access to advanced technical solutions, such as data lakes and machine learning applications. Data-driven decision-making requires integrating relevant data from various sources. Data has to be extracted from distributed internal and external systems and stored into a centralised system that enables processing and analysing it for meaningful insights. Data can be structured, semi-structured or unstructured. Data lakes have emerged as a solution for storing vast amounts of data, including a growing amount of unstructured data, in a cost-effective manner. The rise of the SaaS model has led to companies abandoning on-premise software. This blurs the line between internal and external data as the company’s own data is actually maintained by a third-party. Most enterprise software targeted for small businesses are provided through the SaaS model. Small businesses are facing the challenge of adopting data-driven decision-making, while having limited visibility to their own data. In this thesis, we study how small businesses can take advantage of data-driven decision-making by leveraging cloud computing services. We found that the report- ing features of SaaS based business applications used by our case company, a sales oriented SME, were insufficient for detailed analysis. Data-driven decision-making required aggregating data from multiple systems, causing excessive manual labour. A cloud based data lake solution was found to be a cost-effective solution for creating a centralised repository and automated data integration. It enabled management to visualise customer and sales data and to assess the effectiveness of marketing efforts. Better skills at data analysis among the managers of the case company would have been detrimental to obtaining the full benefits of the solution

    Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Digital Finance

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    This open access book presents how cutting-edge digital technologies like Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Blockchain are set to disrupt the financial sector. The book illustrates how recent advances in these technologies facilitate banks, FinTech, and financial institutions to collect, process, analyze, and fully leverage the very large amounts of data that are nowadays produced and exchanged in the sector. To this end, the book also describes some more the most popular Big Data, AI and Blockchain applications in the sector, including novel applications in the areas of Know Your Customer (KYC), Personalized Wealth Management and Asset Management, Portfolio Risk Assessment, as well as variety of novel Usage-based Insurance applications based on Internet-of-Things data. Most of the presented applications have been developed, deployed and validated in real-life digital finance settings in the context of the European Commission funded INFINITECH project, which is a flagship innovation initiative for Big Data and AI in digital finance. This book is ideal for researchers and practitioners in Big Data, AI, banking and digital finance

    Responsible Knowledge Management in Energy Data Ecosystems

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    This paper analyzes the challenges and requirements of establishing energy data ecosystems (EDEs) as data-driven infrastructures that overcome the limitations of currently fragmented energy applications. It proposes a new data-and knowledge-driven approach for management and process-ing. This approach aims to extend the analytics services portfolio of various energy stakeholders and achieve two-way flows of electricity and information for optimized generation, distribution, and electricity consumption. The approach is based on semantic technologies to create knowledge-based systems that will aid machines in integrating and processing resources contextually and intelligently. Thus, a paradigm shift in the energy data value chain is proposed towards transparency and the responsible management of data and knowledge exchanged by the various stakeholders of an energy data space. The approach can contribute to innovative energy management and the adoption of new business models in future energy data spaces. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland