36,259 research outputs found

    Semantic-Aware Adversarial Training for Reliable Deep Hashing Retrieval

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    Deep hashing has been intensively studied and successfully applied in large-scale image retrieval systems due to its efficiency and effectiveness. Recent studies have recognized that the existence of adversarial examples poses a security threat to deep hashing models, that is, adversarial vulnerability. Notably, it is challenging to efficiently distill reliable semantic representatives for deep hashing to guide adversarial learning, and thereby it hinders the enhancement of adversarial robustness of deep hashing-based retrieval models. Moreover, current researches on adversarial training for deep hashing are hard to be formalized into a unified minimax structure. In this paper, we explore Semantic-Aware Adversarial Training (SAAT) for improving the adversarial robustness of deep hashing models. Specifically, we conceive a discriminative mainstay features learning (DMFL) scheme to construct semantic representatives for guiding adversarial learning in deep hashing. Particularly, our DMFL with the strict theoretical guarantee is adaptively optimized in a discriminative learning manner, where both discriminative and semantic properties are jointly considered. Moreover, adversarial examples are fabricated by maximizing the Hamming distance between the hash codes of adversarial samples and mainstay features, the efficacy of which is validated in the adversarial attack trials. Further, we, for the first time, formulate the formalized adversarial training of deep hashing into a unified minimax optimization under the guidance of the generated mainstay codes. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets show superb attack performance against the state-of-the-art algorithms, meanwhile, the proposed adversarial training can effectively eliminate adversarial perturbations for trustworthy deep hashing-based retrieval. Our code is available at https://github.com/xandery-geek/SAAT

    Deep reinforcement learning based Evasion Generative Adversarial Network for botnet detection

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    Botnet detectors based on machine learning are potential targets for adversarial evasion attacks. Several research works employ adversarial training with samples generated from generative adversarial nets (GANs) to make the botnet detectors adept at recognising adversarial evasions. However, the synthetic evasions may not follow the original semantics of the input samples. This paper proposes a novel GAN model leveraged with deep reinforcement learning (DRL) to explore semantic aware samples and simultaneously harden its detection. A DRL agent is used to attack the discriminator of the GAN that acts as a botnet detector. The agent trains the discriminator on the crafted perturbations during the GAN training, which helps the GAN generator converge earlier than the case without DRL. We name this model RELEVAGAN, i.e. [“relieve a GAN” or deep REinforcement Learning-based Evasion Generative Adversarial Network] because, with the help of DRL, it minimises the GAN's job by letting its generator explore the evasion samples within the semantic limits. During the GAN training, the attacks are conducted to adjust the discriminator weights for learning crafted perturbations by the agent. RELEVAGAN does not require adversarial training for the ML classifiers since it can act as an adversarial semantic-aware botnet detection model. The code will be available at https://github.com/rhr407/RELEVAGAN

    SADA: Semantic Adversarial Diagnostic Attacks for Autonomous Applications

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    One major factor impeding more widespread adoption of deep neural networks (DNNs) is their lack of robustness, which is essential for safety-critical applications such as autonomous driving. This has motivated much recent work on adversarial attacks for DNNs, which mostly focus on pixel-level perturbations void of semantic meaning. In contrast, we present a general framework for adversarial attacks on trained agents, which covers semantic perturbations to the environment of the agent performing the task as well as pixel-level attacks. To do this, we re-frame the adversarial attack problem as learning a distribution of parameters that always fools the agent. In the semantic case, our proposed adversary (denoted as BBGAN) is trained to sample parameters that describe the environment with which the black-box agent interacts, such that the agent performs its dedicated task poorly in this environment. We apply BBGAN on three different tasks, primarily targeting aspects of autonomous navigation: object detection, self-driving, and autonomous UAV racing. On these tasks, BBGAN can generate failure cases that consistently fool a trained agent.Comment: Accepted at AAAI'2
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