3 research outputs found

    Overview of the CLEF 2022 JOKER Task 3: Pun Translation from English into French

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    The translation of the pun is one of the most challenging issues for translators and for this reason has become an intensively studied phenomenon in the field of translation studies. Translation technology aims to partially or even totally automate the translation process, but relatively little attention has been paid to the use of computers for the translation of wordplay. The CLEF 2022 JOKER track aims to build a multilingual corpus of wordplay and evaluation metrics in order to advance the automation of creative-language translation. This paper provides an overview of the track’s Pilot Task 3, where the goal is to translate entire phrases containing wordplay (particularly puns). We describe the data collection, the task setup, the evaluation procedure, and the participants’ results. We also cover a side product of our project, a homogeneous monolingual corpus for wordplay detection in French

    Automatic Humor Evaluation

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    Cílem této práce je vytvoření systému pro automatické hodnocení humoru. Systém umožňuje predikovat vtipnost a kategorii pro vstup zadaný v angličtině. Hlavní podstatou je vytvoření klasifikátoru a trénování modelu na vytvořených datových sadách pro získání co nejlepších výsledků. Architektura klasifikátoru je založena na neuronových sítích. Systém zároveň obsahuje webové uživatelské rozhraní pro komunikaci s uživatelem. Výsledek je webová aplikace propojená s klasifikátorem umožňující hodnocení uživatelského vstupu a poskytování zpětné vazby od uživatelů.The aim of this thesis is to create a system for automatic humor evaluation. The system allow to predict humor and category for english input. The main essence is to create a classifier and train the model with the created datasets to get the best possible results. The classifier architecture is based on neural networks. The system also includes a web user interface for communication with the user. The result is a web application linked to a classifier that allows user input to be evaluated and user feedback to be provided.

    Geographic information extraction from texts

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    A large volume of unstructured texts, containing valuable geographic information, is available online. This information – provided implicitly or explicitly – is useful not only for scientific studies (e.g., spatial humanities) but also for many practical applications (e.g., geographic information retrieval). Although large progress has been achieved in geographic information extraction from texts, there are still unsolved challenges and issues, ranging from methods, systems, and data, to applications and privacy. Therefore, this workshop will provide a timely opportunity to discuss the recent advances, new ideas, and concepts but also identify research gaps in geographic information extraction