10,547 research outputs found

    A Neural Model of How the Cortical Subplate Coordinates the Laminar Development of Orientation and Ocular Dominance Maps

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    Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-98-1-0108, F49620-0 1-1-0397); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409); National Science Foundation (IIS-97-20333); Office of Naval Research (N00014-01-1-0624

    A Neural Model for Self Organizing Feature Detectors and Classifiers in a Network Hierarchy

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    Many models of early cortical processing have shown how local learning rules can produce efficient, sparse-distributed codes in which nodes have responses that are statistically independent and low probability. However, it is not known how to develop a useful hierarchical representation, containing sparse-distributed codes at each level of the hierarchy, that incorporates predictive feedback from the environment. We take a step in that direction by proposing a biologically plausible neural network model that develops receptive fields, and learns to make class predictions, with or without the help of environmental feedback. The model is a new type of predictive adaptive resonance theory network called Receptive Field ARTMAP, or RAM. RAM self organizes internal category nodes that are tuned to activity distributions in topographic input maps. Each receptive field is composed of multiple weight fields that are adapted via local, on-line learning, to form smooth receptive ftelds that reflect; the statistics of the activity distributions in the input maps. When RAM generates incorrect predictions, its vigilance is raised, amplifying subtractive inhibition and sharpening receptive fields until the error is corrected. Evaluation on several classification benchmarks shows that RAM outperforms a related (but neurally implausible) model called Gaussian ARTMAP, as well as several standard neural network and statistical classifters. A topographic version of RAM is proposed, which is capable of self organizing hierarchical representations. Topographic RAM is a model for receptive field development at any level of the cortical hierarchy, and provides explanations for a variety of perceptual learning data.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409

    Linking Visual Cortical Development to Visual Perception

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    Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409); National Science Foundation (IRI-97-20333); Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0657

    Self-Organization of Topographic Mixture Networks Using Attentional Feedback

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    This paper proposes a biologically-motivated neural network model of supervised learning. The model possesses two novel learning mechanisms. The first is a network for learning topographic mixtures. The network's internal category nodes are the mixture components, which learn to encode smooth distributions in the input space by taking advantage of topography in the input feature maps. The second mechanism is an attentional biasing feedback circuit. When the network makes an incorrect output prediction, this feedback circuit modulates the learning rates of the category nodes, by amounts based on the sharpness of their tuning, in order to improve the network's prediction accuracy. The network is evaluated on several standard classification benchmarks and shown to perform well in comparison to other classifiers. Possible relationships are discussed between the network's learning properties and those of biological neural networks. Possible future extensions of the network are also discussed.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409

    Neural Modeling and Imaging of the Cortical Interactions Underlying Syllable Production

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    This paper describes a neural model of speech acquisition and production that accounts for a wide range of acoustic, kinematic, and neuroimaging data concerning the control of speech movements. The model is a neural network whose components correspond to regions of the cerebral cortex and cerebellum, including premotor, motor, auditory, and somatosensory cortical areas. Computer simulations of the model verify its ability to account for compensation to lip and jaw perturbations during speech. Specific anatomical locations of the model's components are estimated, and these estimates are used to simulate fMRI experiments of simple syllable production with and without jaw perturbations.National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (R01 DC02852, RO1 DC01925

    View-Invariant Object Category Learning, Recognition, and Search: How Spatial and Object Attention Are Coordinated Using Surface-Based Attentional Shrouds

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    Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-01-1-0397); National Science Foundation (SBE-0354378); Office of Naval Research (N00014-01-1-0624

    Emergence of Functional Specificity in Balanced Networks with Synaptic Plasticity

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    In rodent visual cortex, synaptic connections between orientation-selective neurons are unspecific at the time of eye opening, and become to some degree functionally specific only later during development. An explanation for this two-stage process was proposed in terms of Hebbian plasticity based on visual experience that would eventually enhance connections between neurons with similar response features. For this to work, however, two conditions must be satisfied: First, orientation selective neuronal responses must exist before specific recurrent synaptic connections can be established. Second, Hebbian learning must be compatible with the recurrent network dynamics contributing to orientation selectivity, and the resulting specific connectivity must remain stable for unspecific background activity. Previous studies have mainly focused on very simple models, where the receptive fields of neurons were essentially determined by feedforward mechanisms, and where the recurrent network was small, lacking the complex recurrent dynamics of large-scale networks of excitatory and inhibitory neurons. Here we studied the emergence of functionally specific connectivity in large-scale recurrent networks with synaptic plasticity. Our results show that balanced random networks, which already exhibit highly selective responses at eye opening, can develop feature-specific connectivity if appropriate rules of synaptic plasticity are invoked within and between excitatory and inhibitory populations. If these conditions are met, the initial orientation selectivity guides the process of Hebbian learning and, as a result, functionally specific and a surplus of bidirectional connections emerge. Our results thus demonstrate the cooperation of synaptic plasticity and recurrent dynamics in large-scale functional networks with realistic receptive fields, highlight the role of inhibition as a critical element in this process, and paves the road for further computational studies of sensory processing in neocortical network models equipped with synaptic plasticity
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