20 research outputs found

    Distributed aspect-oriented service composition for business compliance governance with public service processes

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    Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) offers a technical foundation for Enterprise Application Integration and business collaboration through service-based business components. With increasing process outsourcing and cloud computing, enterprises need process-level integration and collaboration (process-oriented) to quickly launch new business processes for new customers and products. However, business processes that cross organisations’ compliance regulation boundaries are still unaddressed. We introduce a distributed aspect-oriented service composition approach, which enables multiple process clients hot-plugging their business compliance models (business rules, fault handling policy, and execution monitor) to BPEL business processes

    Optimizing Lighting in the Workplace and Occupational Risk Prevention through Mobile Applications

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    Nowadays, there are many problems arising from the exploitation of energy resources and the production and use of energy. This research aims to analyze in which way the development of a mobile application may help on registering the lighting levels from different kind of environments, allowing to manage and assess consumption, comply with current regulations. Furthermore, the application provides information about how to optimize the use of energy and prevent occupational risks resulting from mismanagement. To do this relevant information is stored for the evaluation of the measurements through a rule engine that behaves as an expert system capable of guiding in the decision-making process

    Towards Flexible Process Support on Mobile Devices

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    Ubiquitous computing is considered as enabler for linking everyday life with information and communication technology. However, developing pervasive and mobile applications that provide personalized user assistance still constitutes a challenge. Mobile application scenarios are diverse and encompass domains like healthcare, logistics, and sales. For their support two fundamental technologies with increasing maturity are emerging: development frameworks for mobile devices and light-weight process engines. Their integrated use, however, is in a rather premature state. Generally, the use of a process engine for supporting mobile collaboration raises many challenging issues. This paper picks up some of these challenges and shows how we have coped with them in the MARPLE project. MARPLE targets at a tight integration of process management technology with mobile computing frameworks in order to enable mobile process support in advanced application scenarios. We give insights into the MARPLE architecture and its components.In particular, we introduce the MARPLE process engine, which enables light-weight as well as flexible process support on mobile devices. This will be key for mobile user assistance in advanced application scenarios

    Collaboration Support Through Mobile Processes and Entailment Constraints

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    The computational capability of smart mobile devices increasingly fosters their prevalence in many business domains. Along this trend, process management technology is going to be enhanced with mobile task support. However, tasks executed stationarily so far cannot be simply transfered to mobile devices. For the latter purpose, we developed an approach within the MARPLE project enabling mobile and robust task execution in the context of business processes. In particular, this approach provides self-healing techniques that relieve mobile users from manually handling errors (e.g., lost connections) during mobile task execution. In this paper, we extend the collaboration facilities of our approach by adding entailment constraints to mobile task management. In the context of a business process, for example, two tasks may have to be executed by the same (mobile) user. Related research on integrating such constraints with business processes has received growing attention recently. However, realizing entailment constraints in the context of mobile processes and tasks raises additional issues, which must be probably integrated with the mentioned error handling techniques. We present fundamental entailment constraints supported by our approach and discuss how they can be realized in a robust and flexible manner. In particular, this will significantly enhance mobile task and process support in next generation information systems

    Integrating Mobile Tasks with Business Processes: A Self-Healing Approach

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    Process management technology constitutes a fundamental component of any service-driven computing environment. Process management facilitates both the composition of services at design time and their orchestration at run time. In particular, when applying the service paradigm to enterprise integration management, high flexibility is required. In this context, atomic as well as composite services representing the business functions should be quickly adaptable to cope with dynamic business changes. Furthermore, they should enable mobile and quick access to enterprise information. The growing maturity of smart mobile devices has fostered their prevalence in knowledge-intensive areas in the enterprise as well. As a consequence, process management technology needs to be enhanced with mobile task support. However, tasks hitherto executed stationarily, cannot be simply transferred in order to run on smart mobile devices. Many research groups focus on the partitioning of processes and the distributed execution of the resulting fragments on smart mobile devices. Opposed to this fragmentation concept, this chapter proposes an approach to enable the robust and flexible execution of single process tasks on smart mobile devices by provisioning self-healing techniques to address the smooth integration of mobile tasks with business processes

    Runtime Monitoring of Web Service Conversations

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    Surveillance dynamique de compositions de services web à l'aide de protocoles de comportement

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    Dans ce travail nous proposons une adaptation du paradigme de la programmation par contrat - contrats exprimés sous forme de protocoles de comportement - au contexte des architectures orientées services, et ce à travers la conception d'un cadre d'applications (framework) supportant l'ensemble du processus de contractualisation, à savoir, la définition des contrats, la surveillance dynamique et la réaction en fonction du respect ou non des règles établies. La solution proposée permet de détecter les ruptures de contrat à chaud, c'est-à-dire en cours d'exécution des compositions de services, ouvrant ainsi la porte à l'instauration de mécanismes dynamiques de compensation. Les contrats surveillés représentent des protocoles de comportements de processus BPEL, ce qui permet de définir des contraintes sur l'ordre d'exécution des opérations publiques des services partenaires. Nous en présentons également une mise en œuvre, BPEL.RPM, qui est adaptable, dans le sens où elle peut aisément intégrer des modules externes de compensation, mais qui est aussi portable, puisqu'elle fonctionne indépendamment de l'environnement d'exécution des services Web. \ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : services Web, programmation par contrat, surveillance dynamique, BPEL

    Web service composition: A survey of techniques and tools

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    Web services are a consolidated reality of the modern Web with tremendous, increasing impact on everyday computing tasks. They turned the Web into the largest, most accepted, and most vivid distributed computing platform ever. Yet, the use and integration of Web services into composite services or applications, which is a highly sensible and conceptually non-trivial task, is still not unleashing its full magnitude of power. A consolidated analysis framework that advances the fundamental understanding of Web service composition building blocks in terms of concepts, models, languages, productivity support techniques, and tools is required. This framework is necessary to enable effective exploration, understanding, assessing, comparing, and selecting service composition models, languages, techniques, platforms, and tools. This article establishes such a framework and reviews the state of the art in service composition from an unprecedented, holistic perspective