438 research outputs found

    Power Processing for Electrostatic Microgenerators

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    Microgenerators are electro-mechanical devices which harvest energy from local environmental from such sources as light, heat and vibrations. These devices are used to extend the life-time of wireless sensor network nodes. Vibration-based microgenerators for biomedical applications are investigated in this thesis. In order to optimise the microgenerator system design, a combined electro-mechanical system simulation model of the complete system is required. In this work, a simulation toolkit (known as ICES) has been developed utilising SPICE. The objective is to accurately model end-to-end microgenerator systems. Case-study simulations of electromagnetic and electrostatic microgenerator systems are presented to verify the operation of the toolkit models. Custom semiconductor devices, previously designed for microgenerator use, have also been modelled so that system design and optimisation of complete microgenerator can be accomplished. An analytical framework has been developed to estimate the maximum system effectiveness of an electrostatic microgenerator operating in constant-charge and constant-voltage modes. The calculated system effectiveness values are plotted with respect to microgenerator sizes for different input excitations. Trends in effectiveness are identified and discussed in detail. It was found that when the electrostatic transducer is interfaced with power processing circuit, the parasitic elements of the circuit are reducing the energy generation ability of the transducer by sharing the charge during separation of the capacitor plates. Also, found that in constant-voltage mode the electrostatic microgenerator has a better effectiveness over a large operating range than constant-charge devices. The ICES toolkit was used to perform time-domain simulation of a range of operating points and the simulation results provide verification of the analytical results

    MEMS Technology for Biomedical Imaging Applications

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    Biomedical imaging is the key technique and process to create informative images of the human body or other organic structures for clinical purposes or medical science. Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology has demonstrated enormous potential in biomedical imaging applications due to its outstanding advantages of, for instance, miniaturization, high speed, higher resolution, and convenience of batch fabrication. There are many advancements and breakthroughs developing in the academic community, and there are a few challenges raised accordingly upon the designs, structures, fabrication, integration, and applications of MEMS for all kinds of biomedical imaging. This Special Issue aims to collate and showcase research papers, short commutations, perspectives, and insightful review articles from esteemed colleagues that demonstrate: (1) original works on the topic of MEMS components or devices based on various kinds of mechanisms for biomedical imaging; and (2) new developments and potentials of applying MEMS technology of any kind in biomedical imaging. The objective of this special session is to provide insightful information regarding the technological advancements for the researchers in the community


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    The research presented in this thesis is focused on the design and development of MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System) electrostatic actuators. Different kinds of electrostatic actuators are analyzed and presented . The study of torsional electrostatic actuator is carried out and the design of an micromirrors array for beam steering optical switching in a thick polysilicon technology is presented. The main advantage of these devices is that they are realized in a commercial surface micromachining technology (THELMA by STMicrolectronics) hence they are less expensive with respect to other solutions present in literature. For the torsional actuators, a novel semi-analytical model which allows prediction of the behaviour of the structures and takes into account the flexural deformation of the structure is presented. A very good agreement between the model, FEM simulation and experimental results has been obtained. The possibility of using another competitive surface micromachining technology (developed at IMEC) which uses poly silicon germanium as structural layer to realize the micromirrors is also investigated. Poly Silicon Germanium has the advantage that can be integrated on top of commercial CMOS. The development of optimized (low stressed) layers of poly silicon germanium has been addressed and some test micromirrors using this technology have been designed. Moreover an analysis of the levitation effect in electrostatic comb fingers atcuators is presented. The use of this actuation for vertical or torsional motion of micromachined structures is exploited. Two different levitational mechanical resonators have been designed and fabricated in THELMA. Because of the high thickness of the structural layer, classic springs shows several limitation, so specifically designed suspension springs (rotated serpentines), with better performance for high thickness, have been used. A full analysis of this kind of spring and a comparison with other springs are also presented. Finally a study of the dependence of the levitation force intensity on the geometric parameters of the actuators is performed using FEM simulations, and information about critical geometrical parameters in the design of operative levitational actuators is obtained. The devices are characterized and the obtained results are compared with FEM simulations

    Thermomechanical noise of arrayed capacitive accelerometers with 300-NM-gap sensing electrodes

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    2017 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS), 18-22 June 2017.Thermomechanical noise of arrayed capacitive accelerometers with sub-micrometer sensing electrodes was evaluated. The unit accelerometer of the array was 80-μm square, designed as a proportional scale-down of a conventional single-axis accelerometer. Since the size effect shows the capacitance sensitivity per unit volume increases by proportional downsizing, a 10-by-10 array of the one-tenth sized unit accelerometer would have the same sensitivity of a single accelerometer of same occupied area. However, the thermomechanical noise needs to be controlled and reduced by vacuum encapsulation because size reduction causes noise increase. By measuring the electrical impedance at the resonant frequency, the damping coefficient was estimated using electrical equivalent circuit modeling. The estimated thermomechanical noise was reduced below 3 μg√VHZ by encapsulating at 100 Pa, which is low enough for instrumentation applications

    UV-LIGA micro-fabrication of inertia type electrostatic transducers and their application

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    This dissertation discusses the design, working principles, static & dynamic analysis and simulation, mechanics of material, applied MEMS technology, micro-fabrication, and experimental testing of two types of micro-transducers: micro-power relay and micro-accelerometer. Several possible design concepts were proposed, and the advantages and disadvantages of electrostatic working principles were also discussed. Transducers presented in this research used electrostatic force as a driving force in the micro-relay and capacitance as a sensing parameter in the micro-accelerometer. There was an analogy between the micro-relay and the micro-accelerometer in their theoretical approach and fabrication processes. The proposed micro-transducers (micro-relay and micro-accelerometer) were fabricated using UV lithograph of SU-8 & SPR and UV-LIGA process. The advantages and disadvantages of these processes were discussed. The micro-relays fabricated by UV-LIGA technology had the following advantages compared with other reported relays: fast switching speed, high power capacity, high off-resistance, lower on-resistance, low power consumption, and low heat generation. The polymer-based micro-accelerometers were designed and fabricated. Instead of applying SU-8 only as a photo resist, cured SU-8 was used as the primary structural material in fabricating the micro-accelerometers. The great flexibility in size and aspect ratio of cured SU-8 made it feasible to produce highly sensitive accelerometers. The prototype micro-relays and micro-accelerometers were tested for the dynamic characteristics and power capacity. The experimental results in micro-relays had confirmed that reasonably large current capacity and fast response speed was able to be achieved using electromagnetic actuation and the multilayer UV-LIGA fabrication process

    Cantilever beam microactuators with electrothermal and electrostatic drive

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    Microfabrication provides a powerful tool for batch processing and miniaturization of mechanical systems into dimensional domain not accessible easily by conventional machining. CMOS IC process compatible design is definitely a big plus because of tremendous know-how in IC technologies, commercially available standard IC processes for a reasonable price, and future integration of microma-chined mechanical systems and integrated circuits. Magnetically, electrostatically and thermally driven microactuators have been reported previously. These actuators have applications in many fields from optics to robotics and biomedical engineering. At NJIT cleanroom, mono or multimorph microactuators have been fabricated using CMOS compatible process. In design and fabrication of these microactuators, internal stress due to thermal expansion coefficient mismatch and residual stress have been considered, and the microactuators are driven with electro-thermal power combined with electrostatical excitation. They can provide large force, and in- or out-of-plane actuation. In this work, an analytical model is proposed to describe the thermal actuation of in-plane (inchworm) actuators. Stress gradient throughout the thickness of monomorph layers is modeled as linearly temperature dependent Δσ. The nonlinear behaviour of out-of-plane actuators under electrothermal and electrostatic excitations is investigated. The analytical results are compared with the numerical results based on Finite Element Analysis. ANSYS, a general purpose FEM package, and IntelliCAD, a FEA CAD tool specifically designed for MEMS have been used extensively. The experimental results accompany each analytical and numerical work. Micromechanical world is three dimensional and 2D world of IC processes sets a limit to it. A new micromachining technology, reshaping, has been introduced to realize 3D structures and actuators. This new 3D fabrication technology makes use of the advantages of IC fabrication technologies and combines them with the third dimension of the mechanical world. Polycrystalline silicon microactuators have been reshaped by Joule heating. The first systematic investigation of reshaping has been presented. A micromirror utilizing two reshaped actuators have been designed, fabricated and characterized

    CMOS systems and circuits for sub-degree per hour MEMS gyroscopes

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    The objective of our research is to develop system architectures and CMOS circuits that interface with high-Q silicon microgyroscopes to implement navigation-grade angular rate sensors. The MEMS sensor used in this work is an in-plane bulk-micromachined mode-matched tuning fork gyroscope (M² – TFG ), fabricated on silicon-on-insulator substrate. The use of CMOS transimpedance amplifiers (TIA) as front-ends in high-Q MEMS resonant sensors is explored. A T-network TIA is proposed as the front-end for resonant capacitive detection. The T-TIA provides on-chip transimpedance gains of 25MΩ, has a measured capacitive resolution of 0.02aF /√Hz at 15kHz, a dynamic range of 104dB in a bandwidth of 10Hz and consumes 400μW of power. A second contribution is the development of an automated scheme to adaptively bias the mechanical structure, such that the sensor is operated in the mode-matched condition. Mode-matching leverages the inherently high quality factors of the microgyroscope, resulting in significant improvement in the Brownian noise floor, electronic noise, sensitivity and bias drift of the microsensor. We developed a novel architecture that utilizes the often ignored residual quadrature error in a gyroscope to achieve and maintain perfect mode-matching (i.e.0Hz split between the drive and sense mode frequencies), as well as electronically control the sensor bandwidth. A CMOS implementation is developed that allows mode-matching of the drive and sense frequencies of a gyroscope at a fraction of the time taken by current state of-the-art techniques. Further, this mode-matching technique allows for maintaining a controlled separation between the drive and sense resonant frequencies, providing a means of increasing sensor bandwidth and dynamic range. The mode-matching CMOS IC, implemented in a 0.5μm 2P3M process, and control algorithm have been interfaced with a 60μm thick M2−TFG to implement an angular rate sensor with bias drift as low as 0.1°/hr ℃ the lowest recorded to date for a silicon MEMS gyro.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Farrokh Ayazi; Committee Member: Jennifer Michaels; Committee Member: Levent Degertekin; Committee Member: Paul Hasler; Committee Member: W. Marshall Leac