14 research outputs found

    Occlusion-Aware Instance Segmentation via BiLayer Network Architectures

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    Segmenting highly-overlapping image objects is challenging, because there is typically no distinction between real object contours and occlusion boundaries on images. Unlike previous instance segmentation methods, we model image formation as a composition of two overlapping layers, and propose Bilayer Convolutional Network (BCNet), where the top layer detects occluding objects (occluders) and the bottom layer infers partially occluded instances (occludees). The explicit modeling of occlusion relationship with bilayer structure naturally decouples the boundaries of both the occluding and occluded instances, and considers the interaction between them during mask regression. We investigate the efficacy of bilayer structure using two popular convolutional network designs, namely, Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) and Graph Convolutional Network (GCN). Further, we formulate bilayer decoupling using the vision transformer (ViT), by representing instances in the image as separate learnable occluder and occludee queries. Large and consistent improvements using one/two-stage and query-based object detectors with various backbones and network layer choices validate the generalization ability of bilayer decoupling, as shown by extensive experiments on image instance segmentation benchmarks (COCO, KINS, COCOA) and video instance segmentation benchmarks (YTVIS, OVIS, BDD100K MOTS), especially for heavy occlusion cases. Code and data are available at https://github.com/lkeab/BCNet.Comment: Extended version of "Deep Occlusion-Aware Instance Segmentation with Overlapping BiLayers", CVPR 2021 (arXiv:2103.12340

    Rethinking Amodal Video Segmentation from Learning Supervised Signals with Object-centric Representation

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    Video amodal segmentation is a particularly challenging task in computer vision, which requires to deduce the full shape of an object from the visible parts of it. Recently, some studies have achieved promising performance by using motion flow to integrate information across frames under a self-supervised setting. However, motion flow has a clear limitation by the two factors of moving cameras and object deformation. This paper presents a rethinking to previous works. We particularly leverage the supervised signals with object-centric representation in \textit{real-world scenarios}. The underlying idea is the supervision signal of the specific object and the features from different views can mutually benefit the deduction of the full mask in any specific frame. We thus propose an Efficient object-centric Representation amodal Segmentation (EoRaS). Specially, beyond solely relying on supervision signals, we design a translation module to project image features into the Bird's-Eye View (BEV), which introduces 3D information to improve current feature quality. Furthermore, we propose a multi-view fusion layer based temporal module which is equipped with a set of object slots and interacts with features from different views by attention mechanism to fulfill sufficient object representation completion. As a result, the full mask of the object can be decoded from image features updated by object slots. Extensive experiments on both real-world and synthetic benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method, achieving state-of-the-art performance. Our code will be released at \url{https://github.com/kfan21/EoRaS}.Comment: Accepted by ICCV 202

    Amodal Segmentation Through Out-of-Task and Out-of-Distribution Generalization With a {B}ayesian Model

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    Amodal Segmentation through Out-of-Task and Out-of-Distribution Generalization with a Bayesian Model

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    Amodal completion is a visual task that humans perform easily but which is difficult for computer vision algorithms. The aim is to segment those object boundaries which are occluded and hence invisible. This task is particularly challenging for deep neural networks because data is difficult to obtain and annotate. Therefore, we formulate amodal segmentation as an out-of-task and out-of-distribution generalization problem. Specifically, we replace the fully connected classifier in neural networks with a Bayesian generative model of the neural network features. The model is trained from non-occluded images using bounding box annotations and class labels only, but is applied to generalize out-of-task to object segmentation and to generalize out-of-distribution to segment occluded objects. We demonstrate how such Bayesian models can naturally generalize beyond the training task labels when they learn a prior that models the object's background context and shape. Moreover, by leveraging an outlier process, Bayesian models can further generalize out-of-distribution to segment partially occluded objects and to predict their amodal object boundaries. Our algorithm outperforms alternative methods that use the same supervision by a large margin, and even outperforms methods where annotated amodal segmentations are used during training, when the amount of occlusion is large. Code is publically available at https://github.com/YihongSun/Bayesian-Amodal

    Learning Environment-Aware Affordance for 3D Articulated Object Manipulation under Occlusions

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    Perceiving and manipulating 3D articulated objects in diverse environments is essential for home-assistant robots. Recent studies have shown that point-level affordance provides actionable priors for downstream manipulation tasks. However, existing works primarily focus on single-object scenarios with homogeneous agents, overlooking the realistic constraints imposed by the environment and the agent's morphology, e.g., occlusions and physical limitations. In this paper, we propose an environment-aware affordance framework that incorporates both object-level actionable priors and environment constraints. Unlike object-centric affordance approaches, learning environment-aware affordance faces the challenge of combinatorial explosion due to the complexity of various occlusions, characterized by their quantities, geometries, positions and poses. To address this and enhance data efficiency, we introduce a novel contrastive affordance learning framework capable of training on scenes containing a single occluder and generalizing to scenes with complex occluder combinations. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach in learning affordance considering environment constraints. Project page at https://chengkaiacademycity.github.io/EnvAwareAfford/Comment: In 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023). Website at https://chengkaiacademycity.github.io/EnvAwareAfford

    3D Interacting Hand Pose Estimation by Hand De-occlusion and Removal

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    Estimating 3D interacting hand pose from a single RGB image is essential for understanding human actions. Unlike most previous works that directly predict the 3D poses of two interacting hands simultaneously, we propose to decompose the challenging interacting hand pose estimation task and estimate the pose of each hand separately. In this way, it is straightforward to take advantage of the latest research progress on the single-hand pose estimation system. However, hand pose estimation in interacting scenarios is very challenging, due to (1) severe hand-hand occlusion and (2) ambiguity caused by the homogeneous appearance of hands. To tackle these two challenges, we propose a novel Hand De-occlusion and Removal (HDR) framework to perform hand de-occlusion and distractor removal. We also propose the first large-scale synthetic amodal hand dataset, termed Amodal InterHand Dataset (AIH), to facilitate model training and promote the development of the related research. Experiments show that the proposed method significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-art interacting hand pose estimation approaches. Codes and data are available at https://github.com/MengHao666/HDR.Comment: ECCV202

    Coarse-to-Fine Amodal Segmentation with Shape Prior

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    Amodal object segmentation is a challenging task that involves segmenting both visible and occluded parts of an object. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, called Coarse-to-Fine Segmentation (C2F-Seg), that addresses this problem by progressively modeling the amodal segmentation. C2F-Seg initially reduces the learning space from the pixel-level image space to the vector-quantized latent space. This enables us to better handle long-range dependencies and learn a coarse-grained amodal segment from visual features and visible segments. However, this latent space lacks detailed information about the object, which makes it difficult to provide a precise segmentation directly. To address this issue, we propose a convolution refine module to inject fine-grained information and provide a more precise amodal object segmentation based on visual features and coarse-predicted segmentation. To help the studies of amodal object segmentation, we create a synthetic amodal dataset, named as MOViD-Amodal (MOViD-A), which can be used for both image and video amodal object segmentation. We extensively evaluate our model on two benchmark datasets: KINS and COCO-A. Our empirical results demonstrate the superiority of C2F-Seg. Moreover, we exhibit the potential of our approach for video amodal object segmentation tasks on FISHBOWL and our proposed MOViD-A. Project page at: http://jianxgao.github.io/C2F-Seg.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 202