2 research outputs found

    Vertical video. A review of the literature on communication

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    Los nuevos medios de comunicaci贸n han cambiado la producci贸n y el uso que hacemos de im谩genes est谩ticas y din谩micas que visionamos en las pantallas de nuestros dispositivos m贸viles. El panorama audiovisual se presenta plagado de posibilidades de combinaci贸n de formatos y recursos. En los 煤ltimos a帽os la verticalizaci贸n de la pantalla ha incursionado como soporte de la comunicaci贸n audiovisual en la Tecnolog铆as de Comunicaci贸n e Informaci贸n. El objetivo principal de esta investigaci贸n ha sido conocer la literatura publicada sobre el v铆deo en formato vertical donde se ha optado por la revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica de tipo narrativo, y para su elaboraci贸n se han consultado las bases de datos de Web of Science, Scopus y Google Acad茅mico con una estrategia de b煤squeda relacionada. La evidencia cient铆fica publicada se puede sectorizar en la discusi贸n sobre la relaci贸n entre la imagen y el dispositivo, la relaci贸n de aspecto, los soportes y formatos de los nuevos medios, el v铆deo vertical en redes sociales y lineamientos sobre la gram谩tica del v铆deo vertical. Entre las principales conclusiones destaca que el formato vertical desaf铆a las concepciones tradicionales y conduce a ajustes visuales/espaciales, estil铆sticos y est茅ticos que determinan una nueva forma de ver y experimentar de los medios y plataformas de comunicaci贸n. Esta revisi贸n de la literaria hace patente la escasa bibliograf铆a cient铆fica disponible sobre el tema en cuesti贸n.New Media have modified the production and use we make of the static and dynamic images displayed on our mobile devices. The audio-visual panorama is full of possibilities for combining formats and resources. In recent years, the verticalisation of the screen has arrived as a support for audio-visual communication in Communication and Information Technologies. This research sought to know the published literature on video in vertical format where a narrative-type bibliographic review was selected. To this end, the Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar databases were consulted using a search strategy. The published scientific evidence can be divided into discussion about the relationship between the image and the device, the aspect ratio, the supports and formats of the New Media, vertical video in social networks and guidelines on the grammar of vertical video. One main conclusion is that the vertical format challenges traditional conceptions and leads to visual/spatial, stylistic and aesthetic adjustments that determine a new way of seeing and experiencing media and communication platforms. This review of the literature makes clear the lack of thematic scientific bibliography available

    Social Emotional Development and Character as the Focus of the Education Policy

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    Abstract The importance of emotional and social skills of the character is perceived today for students, communities and workers. In view of the number of risky behavior in our society today, for example, drug use, violence, and other forms of emotional, excessive feelings of frustration and so forth are also venturing into the world of education experienced by students in Indonesia. The problems being faced by this country has always focused on character education. Social learning emotional is a process where children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve goals that are positive, feel and show empathy for others, building and maintaining a positive relationships and make a responsible decision. This learning appears when an understanding that learning in the context of a supportive relationship that makes learning challenging, interesting, and meaningful. And this is best done through effective classroom instruction, students' involvement in positive activities in and out of the classroom, and parents are spacious and community involvement in the planning, implementation, and evaluation. Social emotional learning and character is considered very effective if imposed from preschool through high school. Educators, parents, and policy makers synergize and ensure that the core competencies of social and emotional learning is necessary for the functioning of life for students effective and these skills need to be taught. Keywords: Social and Emotional Learning, Character, Policy Focu