106,229 research outputs found

    Autonomous vehicle control in CARLA Challenge

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    Congreso Campus FIT 2020. 24-26 junio 2020, onlineThe introduction of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) in a realistic urban environment is an ambitious objective. AV validation on real scenarios involving actual objects such as cars or pedestrians in a wide range of traffic cases would escalate the cost and could generate hazardous situations. Consequently, autonomous driving simulators are quickly evolving to cover the gap to achieve a fully autonomous driving architecture validation. Most used 3D simulators in self-driving cars field are V-REP (Rohmer, E., 2013) and Gazebo (KOENIG, N. and HOWARD, A., 2004), due to an easy integration with ROS (QUIGLEY, 2009) platform to increase the interoperability with other systems. Those simulators provide accurate motion information (more appropriate for easier scenes like robotic arms) but not a realistic appearance and not allowing real-time systems, not being able to recreate complex traffic scenes. CARLA (DOSOVITSKIY, A., 2017) open-source AV simulator is designed to be able to train and validate control and perception algorithms in complex traffic scenarios with hyper-realistic environments. CARLA simulator allows to easily modify on-board sensors such as cameras or LiDAR, weather conditions and also the traffic scene to perform specific traffic cases. In Summer 2019, CARLA launched its driving challenge to allow everyone to test their own control techniques under the same traffic scenarios, scoring its performance regarding traffic rules. In this paper, the Robesafe researching group approach will be explained, detailing vehicle motion control and object detection adapted from Smart Elderly Car (GÓMEZ-HUÉLAMO, C., 2019) that lead the group to reach the 4th place in Track 3 challenge, where HD Map, Waypoints and environmental sensors data (LiDAR, RGB cameras and GPS) were provided.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y UniversidadesComunidad de Madri

    From a Competition for Self-Driving Miniature Cars to a Standardized Experimental Platform: Concept, Models, Architecture, and Evaluation

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    Context: Competitions for self-driving cars facilitated the development and research in the domain of autonomous vehicles towards potential solutions for the future mobility. Objective: Miniature vehicles can bridge the gap between simulation-based evaluations of algorithms relying on simplified models, and those time-consuming vehicle tests on real-scale proving grounds. Method: This article combines findings from a systematic literature review, an in-depth analysis of results and technical concepts from contestants in a competition for self-driving miniature cars, and experiences of participating in the 2013 competition for self-driving cars. Results: A simulation-based development platform for real-scale vehicles has been adapted to support the development of a self-driving miniature car. Furthermore, a standardized platform was designed and realized to enable research and experiments in the context of future mobility solutions. Conclusion: A clear separation between algorithm conceptualization and validation in a model-based simulation environment enabled efficient and riskless experiments and validation. The design of a reusable, low-cost, and energy-efficient hardware architecture utilizing a standardized software/hardware interface enables experiments, which would otherwise require resources like a large real-scale test track.Comment: 17 pages, 19 figues, 2 table

    Dawn of autonomous vehicles: review and challenges ahead

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    This paper reviews the state of the art on autonomous vehicles as of 2017, including their impact at socio-economic, energy, safety, congestion and land-use levels. This impact study focuses on the issues that are common denominators and are bound to arise independently of regional factors, such as (but not restricted to) change to vehicle ownership patterns and driver behaviour, opportunities for energy and emissions savings, potential for accident reduction and lower insurance costs, and requalification of urban areas previously assigned to parking. The challenges that lie ahead for carmakers, law and policy makers are also explored, with an emphasis on how these challenges affect the urban infrastructure and issues they create for municipal planners and decision makers. The paper concludes with strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis that integrates and relates all these aspects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Design Criteria to Architect Continuous Experimentation for Self-Driving Vehicles

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    The software powering today's vehicles surpasses mechatronics as the dominating engineering challenge due to its fast evolving and innovative nature. In addition, the software and system architecture for upcoming vehicles with automated driving functionality is already processing ~750MB/s - corresponding to over 180 simultaneous 4K-video streams from popular video-on-demand services. Hence, self-driving cars will run so much software to resemble "small data centers on wheels" rather than just transportation vehicles. Continuous Integration, Deployment, and Experimentation have been successfully adopted for software-only products as enabling methodology for feedback-based software development. For example, a popular search engine conducts ~250 experiments each day to improve the software based on its users' behavior. This work investigates design criteria for the software architecture and the corresponding software development and deployment process for complex cyber-physical systems, with the goal of enabling Continuous Experimentation as a way to achieve continuous software evolution. Our research involved reviewing related literature on the topic to extract relevant design requirements. The study is concluded by describing the software development and deployment process and software architecture adopted by our self-driving vehicle laboratory, both based on the extracted criteria.Comment: Copyright 2017 IEEE. Paper submitted and accepted at the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture. 8 pages, 2 figures. Published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7930218

    Drive: urban experience and the automobile

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