2,120 research outputs found

    Evolving Ensemble Fuzzy Classifier

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    The concept of ensemble learning offers a promising avenue in learning from data streams under complex environments because it addresses the bias and variance dilemma better than its single model counterpart and features a reconfigurable structure, which is well suited to the given context. While various extensions of ensemble learning for mining non-stationary data streams can be found in the literature, most of them are crafted under a static base classifier and revisits preceding samples in the sliding window for a retraining step. This feature causes computationally prohibitive complexity and is not flexible enough to cope with rapidly changing environments. Their complexities are often demanding because it involves a large collection of offline classifiers due to the absence of structural complexities reduction mechanisms and lack of an online feature selection mechanism. A novel evolving ensemble classifier, namely Parsimonious Ensemble pENsemble, is proposed in this paper. pENsemble differs from existing architectures in the fact that it is built upon an evolving classifier from data streams, termed Parsimonious Classifier pClass. pENsemble is equipped by an ensemble pruning mechanism, which estimates a localized generalization error of a base classifier. A dynamic online feature selection scenario is integrated into the pENsemble. This method allows for dynamic selection and deselection of input features on the fly. pENsemble adopts a dynamic ensemble structure to output a final classification decision where it features a novel drift detection scenario to grow the ensemble structure. The efficacy of the pENsemble has been numerically demonstrated through rigorous numerical studies with dynamic and evolving data streams where it delivers the most encouraging performance in attaining a tradeoff between accuracy and complexity.Comment: this paper has been published by IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy System

    An Incremental Construction of Deep Neuro Fuzzy System for Continual Learning of Non-stationary Data Streams

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    Existing FNNs are mostly developed under a shallow network configuration having lower generalization power than those of deep structures. This paper proposes a novel self-organizing deep FNN, namely DEVFNN. Fuzzy rules can be automatically extracted from data streams or removed if they play limited role during their lifespan. The structure of the network can be deepened on demand by stacking additional layers using a drift detection method which not only detects the covariate drift, variations of input space, but also accurately identifies the real drift, dynamic changes of both feature space and target space. DEVFNN is developed under the stacked generalization principle via the feature augmentation concept where a recently developed algorithm, namely gClass, drives the hidden layer. It is equipped by an automatic feature selection method which controls activation and deactivation of input attributes to induce varying subsets of input features. A deep network simplification procedure is put forward using the concept of hidden layer merging to prevent uncontrollable growth of dimensionality of input space due to the nature of feature augmentation approach in building a deep network structure. DEVFNN works in the sample-wise fashion and is compatible for data stream applications. The efficacy of DEVFNN has been thoroughly evaluated using seven datasets with non-stationary properties under the prequential test-then-train protocol. It has been compared with four popular continual learning algorithms and its shallow counterpart where DEVFNN demonstrates improvement of classification accuracy. Moreover, it is also shown that the concept drift detection method is an effective tool to control the depth of network structure while the hidden layer merging scenario is capable of simplifying the network complexity of a deep network with negligible compromise of generalization performance.Comment: This paper has been published in IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy System

    Online Tool Condition Monitoring Based on Parsimonious Ensemble+

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    Accurate diagnosis of tool wear in metal turning process remains an open challenge for both scientists and industrial practitioners because of inhomogeneities in workpiece material, nonstationary machining settings to suit production requirements, and nonlinear relations between measured variables and tool wear. Common methodologies for tool condition monitoring still rely on batch approaches which cannot cope with a fast sampling rate of metal cutting process. Furthermore they require a retraining process to be completed from scratch when dealing with a new set of machining parameters. This paper presents an online tool condition monitoring approach based on Parsimonious Ensemble+, pENsemble+. The unique feature of pENsemble+ lies in its highly flexible principle where both ensemble structure and base-classifier structure can automatically grow and shrink on the fly based on the characteristics of data streams. Moreover, the online feature selection scenario is integrated to actively sample relevant input attributes. The paper presents advancement of a newly developed ensemble learning algorithm, pENsemble+, where online active learning scenario is incorporated to reduce operator labelling effort. The ensemble merging scenario is proposed which allows reduction of ensemble complexity while retaining its diversity. Experimental studies utilising real-world manufacturing data streams and comparisons with well known algorithms were carried out. Furthermore, the efficacy of pENsemble was examined using benchmark concept drift data streams. It has been found that pENsemble+ incurs low structural complexity and results in a significant reduction of operator labelling effort.Comment: this paper has been published by IEEE Transactions on Cybernetic

    Next challenges for adaptive learning systems

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    Learning from evolving streaming data has become a 'hot' research topic in the last decade and many adaptive learning algorithms have been developed. This research was stimulated by rapidly growing amounts of industrial, transactional, sensor and other business data that arrives in real time and needs to be mined in real time. Under such circumstances, constant manual adjustment of models is in-efficient and with increasing amounts of data is becoming infeasible. Nevertheless, adaptive learning models are still rarely employed in business applications in practice. In the light of rapidly growing structurally rich 'big data', new generation of parallel computing solutions and cloud computing services as well as recent advances in portable computing devices, this article aims to identify the current key research directions to be taken to bring the adaptive learning closer to application needs. We identify six forthcoming challenges in designing and building adaptive learning (pre-diction) systems: making adaptive systems scalable, dealing with realistic data, improving usability and trust, integrat-ing expert knowledge, taking into account various application needs, and moving from adaptive algorithms towards adaptive tools. Those challenges are critical for the evolving stream settings, as the process of model building needs to be fully automated and continuous.</jats:p

    A survey on learning from imbalanced data streams: taxonomy, challenges, empirical study, and reproducible experimental framework

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    Class imbalance poses new challenges when it comes to classifying data streams. Many algorithms recently proposed in the literature tackle this problem using a variety of data-level, algorithm-level, and ensemble approaches. However, there is a lack of standardized and agreed-upon procedures on how to evaluate these algorithms. This work presents a taxonomy of algorithms for imbalanced data streams and proposes a standardized, exhaustive, and informative experimental testbed to evaluate algorithms in a collection of diverse and challenging imbalanced data stream scenarios. The experimental study evaluates 24 state-of-the-art data streams algorithms on 515 imbalanced data streams that combine static and dynamic class imbalance ratios, instance-level difficulties, concept drift, real-world and semi-synthetic datasets in binary and multi-class scenarios. This leads to the largest experimental study conducted so far in the data stream mining domain. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of state-of-the-art classifiers in each of these scenarios and we provide general recommendations to end-users for selecting the best algorithms for imbalanced data streams. Additionally, we formulate open challenges and future directions for this domain. Our experimental testbed is fully reproducible and easy to extend with new methods. This way we propose the first standardized approach to conducting experiments in imbalanced data streams that can be used by other researchers to create trustworthy and fair evaluation of newly proposed methods. Our experimental framework can be downloaded from https://github.com/canoalberto/imbalanced-streams

    A Systematic Review of Learning based Notion Change Acceptance Strategies for Incremental Mining

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    The data generated contemporarily from different communication environments is dynamic in content different from the earlier static data environments. The high speed streams have huge digital data transmitted with rapid context changes unlike static environments where the data is mostly stationery. The process of extracting, classifying, and exploring relevant information from enormous flowing and high speed varying streaming data has several inapplicable issues when static data based strategies are applied. The learning strategies of static data are based on observable and established notion changes for exploring the data whereas in high speed data streams there are no fixed rules or drift strategies existing beforehand and the classification mechanisms have to develop their own learning schemes in terms of the notion changes and Notion Change Acceptance by changing the existing notion, or substituting the existing notion, or creating new notions with evaluation in the classification process in terms of the previous, existing, and the newer incoming notions. The research in this field has devised numerous data stream mining strategies for determining, predicting, and establishing the notion changes in the process of exploring and accurately predicting the next notion change occurrences in Notion Change. In this context of feasible relevant better knowledge discovery in this paper we have given an illustration with nomenclature of various contemporarily affirmed models of benchmark in data stream mining for adapting the Notion Change

    Process-Oriented Stream Classification Pipeline:A Literature Review

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    Featured Application: Nowadays, many applications and disciplines work on the basis of stream data. Common examples are the IoT sector (e.g., sensor data analysis), or video, image, and text analysis applications (e.g., in social media analytics or astronomy). With our work, we gather different approaches and terminology, and give a broad overview over the topic. Our main target groups are practitioners and newcomers to the field of data stream classification. Due to the rise of continuous data-generating applications, analyzing data streams has gained increasing attention over the past decades. A core research area in stream data is stream classification, which categorizes or detects data points within an evolving stream of observations. Areas of stream classification are diverse—ranging, e.g., from monitoring sensor data to analyzing a wide range of (social) media applications. Research in stream classification is related to developing methods that adapt to the changing and potentially volatile data stream. It focuses on individual aspects of the stream classification pipeline, e.g., designing suitable algorithm architectures, an efficient train and test procedure, or detecting so-called concept drifts. As a result of the many different research questions and strands, the field is challenging to grasp, especially for beginners. This survey explores, summarizes, and categorizes work within the domain of stream classification and identifies core research threads over the past few years. It is structured based on the stream classification process to facilitate coordination within this complex topic, including common application scenarios and benchmarking data sets. Thus, both newcomers to the field and experts who want to widen their scope can gain (additional) insight into this research area and find starting points and pointers to more in-depth literature on specific issues and research directions in the field.</p

    A Survey on Concept Drift Adaptation

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    Concept drift primarily refers to an online supervised learning scenario when the relation between the in- put data and the target variable changes over time. Assuming a general knowledge of supervised learning in this paper we characterize adaptive learning process, categorize existing strategies for handling concept drift, discuss the most representative, distinct and popular techniques and algorithms, discuss evaluation methodology of adaptive algorithms, and present a set of illustrative applications. This introduction to the concept drift adaptation presents the state of the art techniques and a collection of benchmarks for re- searchers, industry analysts and practitioners. The survey aims at covering the different facets of concept drift in an integrated way to reflect on the existing scattered state-of-the-art
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