3,605 research outputs found

    gMark: Schema-Driven Generation of Graphs and Queries

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    Massive graph data sets are pervasive in contemporary application domains. Hence, graph database systems are becoming increasingly important. In the experimental study of these systems, it is vital that the research community has shared solutions for the generation of database instances and query workloads having predictable and controllable properties. In this paper, we present the design and engineering principles of gMark, a domain- and query language-independent graph instance and query workload generator. A core contribution of gMark is its ability to target and control the diversity of properties of both the generated instances and the generated workloads coupled to these instances. Further novelties include support for regular path queries, a fundamental graph query paradigm, and schema-driven selectivity estimation of queries, a key feature in controlling workload chokepoints. We illustrate the flexibility and practical usability of gMark by showcasing the framework's capabilities in generating high quality graphs and workloads, and its ability to encode user-defined schemas across a variety of application domains.Comment: Accepted in November 2016. URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7762945/. in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 201

    Scalable Audience Reach Estimation in Real-time Online Advertising

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    Online advertising has been introduced as one of the most efficient methods of advertising throughout the recent years. Yet, advertisers are concerned about the efficiency of their online advertising campaigns and consequently, would like to restrict their ad impressions to certain websites and/or certain groups of audience. These restrictions, known as targeting criteria, limit the reachability for better performance. This trade-off between reachability and performance illustrates a need for a forecasting system that can quickly predict/estimate (with good accuracy) this trade-off. Designing such a system is challenging due to (a) the huge amount of data to process, and, (b) the need for fast and accurate estimates. In this paper, we propose a distributed fault tolerant system that can generate such estimates fast with good accuracy. The main idea is to keep a small representative sample in memory across multiple machines and formulate the forecasting problem as queries against the sample. The key challenge is to find the best strata across the past data, perform multivariate stratified sampling while ensuring fuzzy fall-back to cover the small minorities. Our results show a significant improvement over the uniform and simple stratified sampling strategies which are currently widely used in the industry

    Towards Efficient Path Query on Social Network with Hybrid RDF Management

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    The scalability and exibility of Resource Description Framework(RDF) model make it ideally suited for representing online social networks(OSN). One basic operation in OSN is to find chains of relations,such as k-Hop friends. Property path query in SPARQL can express this type of operation, but its implementation suffers from performance problem considering the ever growing data size and complexity of OSN.In this paper, we present a main memory/disk based hybrid RDF data management framework for efficient property path query. In this hybrid framework, we realize an efficient in-memory algebra operator for property path query using graph traversal, and estimate the cost of this operator to cooperate with existing cost-based optimization. Experiments on benchmark and real dataset demonstrated that our approach can achieve a good tradeoff between data load expense and online query performance

    The Odyssey Approach for Optimizing Federated SPARQL Queries

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    Answering queries over a federation of SPARQL endpoints requires combining data from more than one data source. Optimizing queries in such scenarios is particularly challenging not only because of (i) the large variety of possible query execution plans that correctly answer the query but also because (ii) there is only limited access to statistics about schema and instance data of remote sources. To overcome these challenges, most federated query engines rely on heuristics to reduce the space of possible query execution plans or on dynamic programming strategies to produce optimal plans. Nevertheless, these plans may still exhibit a high number of intermediate results or high execution times because of heuristics and inaccurate cost estimations. In this paper, we present Odyssey, an approach that uses statistics that allow for a more accurate cost estimation for federated queries and therefore enables Odyssey to produce better query execution plans. Our experimental results show that Odyssey produces query execution plans that are better in terms of data transfer and execution time than state-of-the-art optimizers. Our experiments using the FedBench benchmark show execution time gains of at least 25 times on average.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Old Techniques for New Join Algorithms: A Case Study in RDF Processing

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    Recently there has been significant interest around designing specialized RDF engines, as traditional query processing mechanisms incur orders of magnitude performance gaps on many RDF workloads. At the same time researchers have released new worst-case optimal join algorithms which can be asymptotically better than the join algorithms in traditional engines. In this paper we apply worst-case optimal join algorithms to a standard RDF workload, the LUBM benchmark, for the first time. We do so using two worst-case optimal engines: (1) LogicBlox, a commercial database engine, and (2) EmptyHeaded, our prototype research engine with enhanced worst-case optimal join algorithms. We show that without any added optimizations both LogicBlox and EmptyHeaded outperform two state-of-the-art specialized RDF engines, RDF-3X and TripleBit, by up to 6x on cyclic join queries-the queries where traditional optimizers are suboptimal. On the remaining, less complex queries in the LUBM benchmark, we show that three classic query optimization techniques enable EmptyHeaded to compete with RDF engines, even when there is no asymptotic advantage to the worst-case optimal approach. We validate that our design has merit as EmptyHeaded outperforms MonetDB by three orders of magnitude and LogicBlox by two orders of magnitude, while remaining within an order of magnitude of RDF-3X and TripleBit
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