25,777 research outputs found

    Self-Selective Correlation Ship Tracking Method for Smart Ocean System

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    In recent years, with the development of the marine industry, navigation environment becomes more complicated. Some artificial intelligence technologies, such as computer vision, can recognize, track and count the sailing ships to ensure the maritime security and facilitates the management for Smart Ocean System. Aiming at the scaling problem and boundary effect problem of traditional correlation filtering methods, we propose a self-selective correlation filtering method based on box regression (BRCF). The proposed method mainly include: 1) A self-selective model with negative samples mining method which effectively reduces the boundary effect in strengthening the classification ability of classifier at the same time; 2) A bounding box regression method combined with a key points matching method for the scale prediction, leading to a fast and efficient calculation. The experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively deal with the problem of ship size changes and background interference. The success rates and precisions were higher than Discriminative Scale Space Tracking (DSST) by over 8 percentage points on the marine traffic dataset of our laboratory. In terms of processing speed, the proposed method is higher than DSST by nearly 22 Frames Per Second (FPS)

    Vector Quantization Video Encoder Using Hierarchical Cache Memory Scheme

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    A system compresses image blocks via successive hierarchical stages and motion encoders which employ caches updated by stack replacement algorithms. Initially, a background detector compares the present image block with a corresponding previously encoded image block and if similar, the background detector terminates the encoding procedure by setting a flag bit. Otherwise, the image block is decomposed into smaller present image subblocks. The smaller present image subblocks are each compared with a corresponding previously encoded image subblock of comparable size within the present image block. When a present image subblock is similar to a corresponding previously encoded image subblock, then the procedure is terminated by setting a flag bit. Alternatively, the present image subblock is forwarded to a motion encoder where it is compared with displaced image subblocks, which are formed by displacing previously encoded image subblocks by motion vectors that are stored in a cache, to derive a first distortion vector. When the first distortion vector is below a first threshold TM, the procedure is terminated and the present image subblock is encoded by setting flag bit and a cache index corresponding to the first distortion vector. Alternatively, the present image subblock is passed to a block matching encoder where it is compared with other previously encoded image subblocks to derive a second distortion vector. When the second distortion vector is below a second threshold Tm, the procedure is terminated by setting a flag bit, by generating the second distortion vector, and by updating the cache.Georgia Tech Research Corporatio

    Hardware acceleration architectures for MPEG-Based mobile video platforms: a brief overview

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    This paper presents a brief overview of past and current hardware acceleration (HwA) approaches that have been proposed for the most computationally intensive compression tools of the MPEG-4 standard. These approaches are classified based on their historical evolution and architectural approach. An analysis of both evolutionary and functional classifications is carried out in order to speculate on the possible trends of the HwA architectures to be employed in mobile video platforms

    A hierarchical genetic disparity estimation algorithm for multiview image synthesis

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    Visual Importance-Biased Image Synthesis Animation

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    Present ray tracing algorithms are computationally intensive, requiring hours of computing time for complex scenes. Our previous work has dealt with the development of an overall approach to the application of visual attention to progressive and adaptive ray-tracing techniques. The approach facilitates large computational savings by modulating the supersampling rates in an image by the visual importance of the region being rendered. This paper extends the approach by incorporating temporal changes into the models and techniques developed, as it is expected that further efficiency savings can be reaped for animated scenes. Applications for this approach include entertainment, visualisation and simulation