96,411 research outputs found

    Development of Neurofuzzy Architectures for Electricity Price Forecasting

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    In 20th century, many countries have liberalized their electricity market. This power markets liberalization has directed generation companies as well as wholesale buyers to undertake a greater intense risk exposure compared to the old centralized framework. In this framework, electricity price prediction has become crucial for any market player in their decisionā€making process as well as strategic planning. In this study, a prototype asymmetricā€based neuroā€fuzzy network (AGFINN) architecture has been implemented for shortā€term electricity prices forecasting for ISO New England market. AGFINN framework has been designed through two different defuzzification schemes. Fuzzy clustering has been explored as an initial step for defining the fuzzy rules while an asymmetric Gaussian membership function has been utilized in the fuzzification part of the model. Results related to the minimum and maximum electricity prices for ISO New England, emphasize the superiority of the proposed model over wellā€established learningā€based models

    Forecasting day-ahead electricity prices in Europe: the importance of considering market integration

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    Motivated by the increasing integration among electricity markets, in this paper we propose two different methods to incorporate market integration in electricity price forecasting and to improve the predictive performance. First, we propose a deep neural network that considers features from connected markets to improve the predictive accuracy in a local market. To measure the importance of these features, we propose a novel feature selection algorithm that, by using Bayesian optimization and functional analysis of variance, evaluates the effect of the features on the algorithm performance. In addition, using market integration, we propose a second model that, by simultaneously predicting prices from two markets, improves the forecasting accuracy even further. As a case study, we consider the electricity market in Belgium and the improvements in forecasting accuracy when using various French electricity features. We show that the two proposed models lead to improvements that are statistically significant. Particularly, due to market integration, the predictive accuracy is improved from 15.7% to 12.5% sMAPE (symmetric mean absolute percentage error). In addition, we show that the proposed feature selection algorithm is able to perform a correct assessment, i.e. to discard the irrelevant features

    Neural Network Ensembles for Time Series Prediction

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    Rapidly evolving businesses generate massive amounts of time-stamped data sequences and defy a demand for massively multivariate time series analysis. For such data the predictive engine shifts from the historical auto-regression to modelling complex non-linear relationships between multidimensional features and the time series outputs. In order to exploit these time-disparate relationships for the improved time series forecasting, the system requires a flexible methodology of combining multiple prediction models applied to multiple versions of the temporal data under significant noise component and variable temporal depth of predictions. In reply to this challenge a composite time series prediction model is proposed which combines the strength of multiple neural network (NN) regressors applied to the temporally varied feature subsets and the postprocessing smoothing of outputs developed to further reduce noise. The key strength of the model is its excellent adaptability and generalisation ability achieved through a highly diversified set of complementary NN models. The model has been evaluated within NISIS Competition 2006 and NN3 Competition 2007 concerning prediction of univariate and multivariate time-series. It showed the best predictive performance among 12 competitive models in the NISIS 2006 and is under evaluation within NN3 2007 Competition
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