18,906 research outputs found

    Renyi Entropy based Target Tracking in Mobile Sensor Networks

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    This paper proposes an entropy based target tracking approach for mobile sensor networks. The proposed tracking algorithm runs a target state estimation stage and a motion control stage alternatively. A distributed particle filter is developed to estimate the target position in the first stage. This distributed particle filter does not require to transmit the weighted particles from one sensor node to another. Instead, a Gaussian mixture model is formulated to approximate the posterior distribution represented by the weighted particles via an EM algorithm. The EM algorithm is developed in a distributed form to compute the parameters of Gaussian mixture model via local communication, which leads to the distributed implementation of the particle filter. A flocking controller is developed to control the mobile sensor nodes to track the target in the second stage. The flocking control algorithm includes three components. Collision avoidance component is based on the design of a separation potential function. Alignment component is based on a consensus algorithm. Navigation component is based on the minimization of an quadratic Renyi entropy. The quadratic Renyi entropy of Gaussian mixture model has an analytical expression so that its optimization is feasible in mobile sensor networks. The proposed active tracking algorithm is tested in simulation. Š 2011 IFAC

    Symbiotic Navigation in Multi-Robot Systems with Remote Obstacle Knowledge Sharing

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    Large scale operational areas often require multiple service robots for coverage and task parallelism. In such scenarios, each robot keeps its individual map of the environment and serves specific areas of the map at different times. We propose a knowledge sharing mechanism for multiple robots in which one robot can inform other robots about the changes in map, like path blockage, or new static obstacles, encountered at specific areas of the map. This symbiotic information sharing allows the robots to update remote areas of the map without having to explicitly navigate those areas, and plan efficient paths. A node representation of paths is presented for seamless sharing of blocked path information. The transience of obstacles is modeled to track obstacles which might have been removed. A lazy information update scheme is presented in which only relevant information affecting the current task is updated for efficiency. The advantages of the proposed method for path planning are discussed against traditional method with experimental results in both simulation and real environments

    AWARE: Platform for Autonomous self-deploying and operation of Wireless sensor-actuator networks cooperating with unmanned AeRial vehiclEs

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    This paper presents the AWARE platform that seeks to enable the cooperation of autonomous aerial vehicles with ground wireless sensor-actuator networks comprising both static and mobile nodes carried by vehicles or people. Particularly, the paper presents the middleware, the wireless sensor network, the node deployment by means of an autonomous helicopter, and the surveillance and tracking functionalities of the platform. Furthermore, the paper presents the first general experiments of the AWARE project that took place in March 2007 with the assistance of the Seville fire brigades

    A Message Passing Strategy for Decentralized Connectivity Maintenance in Agent Removal

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    In a multi-agent system, agents coordinate to achieve global tasks through local communications. Coordination usually requires sufficient information flow, which is usually depicted by the connectivity of the communication network. In a networked system, removal of some agents may cause a disconnection. In order to maintain connectivity in agent removal, one can design a robust network topology that tolerates a finite number of agent losses, and/or develop a control strategy that recovers connectivity. This paper proposes a decentralized control scheme based on a sequence of replacements, each of which occurs between an agent and one of its immediate neighbors. The replacements always end with an agent, whose relocation does not cause a disconnection. We show that such an agent can be reached by a local rule utilizing only some local information available in agents' immediate neighborhoods. As such, the proposed message passing strategy guarantees the connectivity maintenance in arbitrary agent removal. Furthermore, we significantly improve the optimality of the proposed scheme by incorporating δ\delta-criticality (i.e. the criticality of an agent in its δ\delta-neighborhood).Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure
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