20,607 research outputs found

    Model selection criteria and quadratic discrimination in ARMA and SETAR time series models

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    We show that analyzing model selection in ARMA time series models as a quadratic discrimination problem provides a unifying approach for deriving model selection criteria. Also this approach suggest a different definition of expected likelihood that the one proposed by Akaike. This approach leads to including a correction term in the criteria which does not modify their large sample performance but can produce significant improvement in the performance of the criteria in small samples. Thus we propose a family of criteria which generalizes the commonly used model selection criteria. These ideas can be extended to self exciting autoregressive models (SETAR) and we generalize the proposed approach for these non linear time series models. A Monte-Carlo study shows that this family improves the finite sample performance of criteria such as AIC, corrected AIC and BIC, for ARMA models, and AIC, corrected AIC, BIC and some cross-validation criteria for SETAR models. In particular, for small and medium sample size the frequency of selecting the true model improves for the consistent criteria and the root mean square error of prediction improves for the efficient criteria. These results are obtained for both linear ARMA models and SETAR models in which we assume that the threshold and the parameters are unknown

    Variance Estimates and Model Selection

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    The large majority of the criteria for model selection are functions of the usual variance estimate for a regression model. The validity of the usual variance estimate depends on some assumptions, most critically the validity of the model being estimated. This is often violated in model selection contexts, where model search takes place over invalid models. A cross validated variance estimate is more robust to specification errors (see, for example, Efron, 1983). We consider the effects of replacing the usual variance estimate by a cross validated variance estimate, namely, the Prediction Sum of Squares (PRESS) in the functions of several model selection criteria. Such replacements improve the probability of finding the true model, at least in large samples.Autoregressive Process, Lag Order Determination, Model Selection Criteria, Cross Validation

    Inferring causal relations from multivariate time series : a fast method for large-scale gene expression data

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    Various multivariate time series analysis techniques have been developed with the aim of inferring causal relations between time series. Previously, these techniques have proved their effectiveness on economic and neurophysiological data, which normally consist of hundreds of samples. However, in their applications to gene regulatory inference, the small sample size of gene expression time series poses an obstacle. In this paper, we describe some of the most commonly used multivariate inference techniques and show the potential challenge related to gene expression analysis. In response, we propose a directed partial correlation (DPC) algorithm as an efficient and effective solution to causal/regulatory relations inference on small sample gene expression data. Comparative evaluations on the existing techniques and the proposed method are presented. To draw reliable conclusions, a comprehensive benchmarking on data sets of various setups is essential. Three experiments are designed to assess these methods in a coherent manner. Detailed analysis of experimental results not only reveals good accuracy of the proposed DPC method in large-scale prediction, but also gives much insight into all methods under evaluation

    Determining the Number of Regimes in a Threshold Autoregressive Model Using Smooth Transition Autoregressions

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    In this paper we propose a method for determining the number of regimes in threshold autoregressive models using smooth transition autoregression as a tool. As the smooth transition model is just an approximation to the threshold autoregressive one, no asymptotic properties are claimed for the proposed method. Tests available for testing the adequacy of a smooth transition autoregressive model are applied sequentially to determine the number of regimes. A simulation study is performed in order to find out the finite-sample properties of the procedure and to compare it with two other procedures available in the literature. We find that our method works reasonably well for both single and multiple threshold models.Model specification; model selection criterion; nonlinear modelling; sequential testing; switching regression


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    We show that analyzing model selection in ARMA time series models as a quadratic discrimination problem provides a unifying approach for deriving model selection criteria. Also this approach suggest a different definition of expected likelihood that the one proposed by Akaike. This approach leads to including a correction term in the criteria which does not modify their large sample performance but can produce significant improvement in the performance of the criteria in small samples. Thus we propose a family of criteria which generalizes the commonly used model selection criteria. These ideas can be extended to self exciting autoregressive models (SETAR) and we generalize the proposed approach for these non linear time series models. A Monte-Carlo study shows that this family improves the finite sample performance of criteria such as AIC, corrected AIC and BIC, for ARMA models, and AIC, corrected AIC, BIC and some cross-validation criteria for SETAR models. In particular, for small and medium sample size the frequency of selecting the true model improves for the consistent criteria and the root mean square error of prediction improves for the efficient criteria. These results are obtained for both linear ARMA models and SETAR models in which we assume that the threshold and the parameters are unknown.

    Testing Nonlinearity: Decision Rules for Selecting between Logistic and Exponential STAR Models

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    A new LM specification procedure to choose between Logistic and Exponential Smooth Transition Autoregressive (STAR) models is introduced. The new decision rule has better properties than those previously available in the literature when the model is ESTAR and similar properties when the model is LSTAR. A simple natural extension of the usual LM-test for linearity is introduced and evaluated in terms of power. Monte-Carlo simulations and empirical evidence are provided in support of our claims.Publicad
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