3 research outputs found

    A novel case-based reasoning approach to radiotherapy dose planning

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    In this thesis, novel Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) methods were developed to be included in CBRDP (Case-Based Reasoning Dose Planner) -an adaptive decision support system for radiotherapy dose planning. CBR is an artificial intelligence methodology which solves new problems by retrieving solutions to previously solved similar problems stored in a case base. The focus of this research is on dose planning for prostate cancer patients. The records of patients successfully treated in the Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, City Hospital Campus, UK, were stored in a case base and were exploited using case-based reasoning for future decision making. After each successful run of the system, a group based Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm automatically searches for an optimal/near optimal combination of feature weights to be used in the future retrieval process of CBR. A number of research issues associated with the prostate cancer dose planning problem and the use of CBR are addressed including: (a) trade-off between the benefit of delivering a higher dose of radiation to cancer cells and the risk to damage surrounding organs, (b) deciding when and how much to violate the limitations of dose limits imposed to surrounding organs, (c) fusion of knowledge and experience gained over time in treating patients similar to the new one, (d) incorporation of the 5 years Progression Free Probability and success rate in the decision making process and (e) hybridisation of CBR with a novel group based simulated annealing algorithm to update knowledge/experience gained in treating patients over time. The efficiency of the proposed system was validated using real data sets collected from the Nottingham University Hospitals. Experiments based on a leave-one-out strategy demonstrated that for most of the patients, the dose plans generated by our approach are coherent with the dose plans prescribed by an experienced oncologist or even better. This system may play a vital role to assist the oncologist in making a better decision in less time; it incorporates the success rate of previously treated similar patients in the dose planning for a new patient and it can also be used in teaching and training processes. In addition, the developed method is generic in nature and can be used to solve similar non-linear real world complex problems

    A novel case-based reasoning approach to radiotherapy dose planning

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    In this thesis, novel Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) methods were developed to be included in CBRDP (Case-Based Reasoning Dose Planner) -an adaptive decision support system for radiotherapy dose planning. CBR is an artificial intelligence methodology which solves new problems by retrieving solutions to previously solved similar problems stored in a case base. The focus of this research is on dose planning for prostate cancer patients. The records of patients successfully treated in the Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, City Hospital Campus, UK, were stored in a case base and were exploited using case-based reasoning for future decision making. After each successful run of the system, a group based Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm automatically searches for an optimal/near optimal combination of feature weights to be used in the future retrieval process of CBR. A number of research issues associated with the prostate cancer dose planning problem and the use of CBR are addressed including: (a) trade-off between the benefit of delivering a higher dose of radiation to cancer cells and the risk to damage surrounding organs, (b) deciding when and how much to violate the limitations of dose limits imposed to surrounding organs, (c) fusion of knowledge and experience gained over time in treating patients similar to the new one, (d) incorporation of the 5 years Progression Free Probability and success rate in the decision making process and (e) hybridisation of CBR with a novel group based simulated annealing algorithm to update knowledge/experience gained in treating patients over time. The efficiency of the proposed system was validated using real data sets collected from the Nottingham University Hospitals. Experiments based on a leave-one-out strategy demonstrated that for most of the patients, the dose plans generated by our approach are coherent with the dose plans prescribed by an experienced oncologist or even better. This system may play a vital role to assist the oncologist in making a better decision in less time; it incorporates the success rate of previously treated similar patients in the dose planning for a new patient and it can also be used in teaching and training processes. In addition, the developed method is generic in nature and can be used to solve similar non-linear real world complex problems

    A novel combination of Cased-Based Reasoning and Multi Criteria Decision Making approach to radiotherapy dose planning

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    In this thesis, a set of novel approaches has been developed by integration of Cased-Based Reasoning (CBR) and Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) techniques. Its purpose is to design a support system to assist oncologists with decision making about the dose planning for radiotherapy treatment with a focus on radiotherapy for prostate cancer. CBR, an artificial intelligence approach, is a general paradigm to reasoning from past experiences. It retrieves previous cases similar to a new case and exploits the successful past solutions to provide a suggested solution for the new case. The case pool used in this research is a dataset consisting of features and details related to successfully treated patients in Nottingham University Hospital. In a typical run of prostate cancer radiotherapy simple CBR, a new case is selected and thereafter based on the features available at our data set the most similar case to the new case is obtained and its solution is prescribed to the new case. However, there are a number of deficiencies associated with this approach. Firstly, in a real-life scenario, the medical team considers multiple factors rather than just the similarity between two cases and not always the most similar case provides with the most appropriate solution. Thus, in this thesis, the cases with high similarity to a new case have been evaluated with the application of the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). This approach takes into account multiple criteria besides similarity to prescribe a final solution. Moreover, the obtained dose plans were optimised through a Goal Programming mathematical model to improve the results. By incorporating oncologists’ experiences about violating the conventionally available dose limits a system was devised to manage the trade-off between treatment risk for sensitive organs and necessary actions to effectively eradicate cancer cells. Additionally, the success rate of the treatment, the 2-years cancer free possibility, has a vital role in the efficiency of the prescribed solutions. To consider the success rate, as well as uncertainty involved in human judgment about the values of different features of radiotherapy Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) based on grey numbers, was used to assess the efficiency of different treatment plans on an input and output based approach. In order to deal with limitations involved in DEA regarding the number of inputs and outputs, we presented an approach for Factor Analysis based on Principal Components to utilize the grey numbers. Finally, to improve the CBR base of the system, we applied Grey Relational Analysis and Gaussian distant based CBR along with features weight selection through Genetic Algorithm to better handle the non-linearity exists within the problem features and the high number of features. Finally, the efficiency of each system has been validated through leave-one-out strategy and the real dataset. The results demonstrated the efficiency of the proposed approaches and capability of the system to assist the medical planning team. Furthermore, the integrated approaches developed within this thesis can be also applied to solve other real-life problems in various domains other than healthcare such as supply chain management, manufacturing, business success prediction and performance evaluation