5 research outputs found

    Development Framework for the Evaluation of Usability in E-Government: A Case Study of E-Finance Government of Malang

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    E-government is an effort to utilize information and communication technology especially internet to improve public service quality which generally implemented in a web based application. Usability is one of the important quality criteria for the success of a web. In this study we developed a framework for evaluation of usability in e-government consisting of  eight stages: (1) determining the evaluation objectives, (2) determining the usability aspects, (3) determining the metrics usability, (4) selecting usability evaluation method candidates, (5) determining the required criteria of the method to be evaluated, (6) evaluating the method, (7) selecting and making the instrument, and (8) evaluate usability.. The results of the application of this framework in the case study of e-finance resulted in two methods used: user testing and questionnaires. The evaluation of usability in e-government for e-finance case studies using the proposed framework results in usability level of e-finance in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction are 96%, 92%, and 70 respectively. Which can be identified to be grouped into 16 problems consisting of aspects of effectiveness and efficiency

    Measuring satisfaction on augmented reality courseware for hearing-impaired students: adjustment formula form system usability scale

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    Satisfaction is an important usability attribute in developing a courseware which involves end users. Measuring satisfaction among hearing-impaired students is different than measuring it among common students because they learn using sign language and have different learning styles. An educational courseware for hearing-impaired students is employed to measure this. The courseware uses the Augmented Reality technology and it is called PekAR-Mikroorganisma. Hence, this article focuses on the methodology of measuring and the attributes that contribute to users’ satisfaction. An adaptation of the System Usability Scale was used to identify the satisfaction value. Fifteen hearing-impaired students were employed as a case study. Findings show that the average satisfaction value of SUS in using PekAR Mikroorganisma is 87.8 per cent, and it consider as high or B grade. It is hoped PekAR-Mikroorganisma can help the hearing-impaired to understand lessons better through the enhancement of their comprehension on abstract concepts. The teaching and learning using AR able to assure equity in education for the students in understanding certain topics. The study suggested the used of AR for hearing-impaired students for various level up to the higher education

    Estratégias de análises de obra interativa: laboratório alternativo como ferramenta

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    The interactive installation is currently an important alternative for disseminating works in museums and calling on new audiences, but one of its limitations is the early diagnosis of potential problems that may occur in the interactive communication process. Faced with this initial hypothesis, the aim of this work was to create an educational audiovisual laboratory capable of evaluating and diagnosing possible difficulties in this communicative process and help to establish strategies to advance alternative proposals and improve the interaction between the works at the museum and the public. As a result, a test laboratory was adapted in a television studio where the emot-brain test was applied: a method for evaluating user experience to the installation -Uno se muere y sigue aprendiendo a pintar- (Even dead one keeps learning how to paint, in English) with a focus group of students and professors from Universidad del Valle. The test yielded thymic indicators that were recorded through the Emotiv-epoc® device and chronemic and proxemic relationships that were systematized through participant observation, infrared and high sensitivity cameras and interviews. The evaluations provided evidence of the practical strengths and limitations of the works exhibited and allowed the interactive relationships to be noticed, understood and enriched. With these inputs, the corrections were adjusted, and the work was disseminated. The experience constitutes a support resource to guide students and creators in the face of uncertainty about the functionality of their works with evidence to support creative processes, revealing aspects that creators do not notice in the conception of the works.La instalación interactiva constituye actualmente una alternativa importante para difundir obras en museos y convocar nuevos públicos, pero una de sus limitaciones es diagnosticar a tiempo problemas potenciales que puedan darse en el proceso de comunicación interactivo. Frente a esta hipótesis de partida, se planteó como objetivo la creación de un laboratorio audiovisual pedagógico capaz de evaluar y diagnosticar posibles dificultades en dicho proceso comunicativo y ayudar a establecer las estrategias para adelantar propuestas alternativas y mejorar la interacción entra la obra y el público. En consecuencia, se adecuó un laboratorio de ensayo en un estudio de televisión donde se aplicó la prueba emot-brain: Método de evaluación de experiencia de usuario a la instalación Uno se muere y sigue aprendiendo a pintar con un grupo focal de estudiantes y profesores de la universidad del Valle. El ensayo arrojó indicadores tímicos que se registraron a través del dispositivo Emotiv-epoc y relaciones cronémicas y proxémicas que se sistematizaron a través de la observación participante, cámaras infrarrojas y de alta sensibilidad y entrevistas. Las evaluaciones arrojaron evidencias de las fortalezas y limitaciones en la praxis de las obras expuestas y permitieron advertir, comprender y enriquecer las relaciones interactivas. Con estos insumos se ajustaron los correctivos y se difundió la obra. La experiencia constituye un recurso de apoyo para orientar a estudiantes y creadores frente a la incertidumbre sobre la funcionalidad de sus obras con pruebas para apoyar procesos creativos. De esta manera, se revelan aspectos que los creadores no advierten en la concepción de las obras.A instalação interativa constitui atualmente uma alternativa importante para propagar obras emmuseus e convocar novos públicos, mas uma das suas limitações é diagnosticar a tempo potenciaisproblemas que possam apresentar-se durante o processo de comunicação interativa. Ante essahipóteses, buscou-se como objetivo a criação de um laboratório audiovisual pedagógico capaz deavaliar e diagnosticar possíveis dificuldades no citado processo comunicativo e ajudar a estabeleceras estratégias para adiantar propostas alternativas e melhorar a interação entre a obra e o público. Emconsequência, adequou-se um laboratório de ensaio em um estúdio de televisão aonde aplicou-sea prova emot-brain: Método de avaliação da experiência do usuário a instalação. Morreu-se um esegue aprendendo a pintar com um grupo focal de estudantes e professores da Universidade doValle. O ensaiou obteve indicadores ¿tímicos? que se registraram através do dispositivo Emotiv-epoce relações ¿cronémicas? E proxêmicas que foi sistematizado através da observação participante,câmeras infravermelhas e de alta sensibilidade e entrevistas. As avaliações mostraram as fortalezase limitações na práxis das obras expostas e permitiram advertir, compreender e enriquecer asrelações interativas. Com esses suprimentos ajustou-se as correções e difundiu-se a obra. Aexperiência constitui um recurso de apoio para orientar a estudantes e criadores ante a incertezasobre a funcionalidade das suas obras com provas para apoiar processos criativos. Dessa maneira,revelam-se aspectos que os criadores não advertem na concepção das obras

    Método automatizado para la evaluación de la usabilidad en sistemas e-learning usando monitoreo de actividad cerebral

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    Los métodos de evaluación de la usabilidad que miden la satisfacción, se caracterizan por el uso de instrumentos de indagación como cuestionarios y/o entrevistas, los cuales se aplican a usuarios finales luego de la interacción con el software. Esto implica un cierto grado de subjetividad en los resultados obtenidos, ya que dichos instrumentos pueden ser mal interpretados y su diligenciamiento depende de la recordación y no de información tomada en el momento mismo de la interacción. Dado este contexto, se propone la definición de un método automatizado de evaluación de la satisfacción, basado en el monitoreo de la actividad cerebral (BCI), estableciendo así, una métrica y un método innovador que captura datos en el tiempo real de la interacción y genera autónomamente información relativa a la medida de la satisfacción. Para efectos de la validación, se aplicó en objetos de aprendizaje para entornos e-learning. Los resultados arrojados indican que la variable Atención calculada a partir del monitoreo de la actividad cerebral del usuario durante el tiempo de la interacción puede ser usada como métrica confiable para la medida de la satisfacción.Abstract: Evaluation methods of measuring usability satisfaction are characterized by the use of inquiry instruments such as questionnaires and / or interviews that are applied to end users after the interaction process. The above implies a certain degree of subjectivity in the results, as these instruments can be misinterpreted and depends on information not taken at the moment of interaction. Given this context, it is propose an automated method of satisfaction evaluation based on the monitoring of brain activity (BCI), so, It is establishing a metric and an innovative method to capture data in real time interaction and autonomously generates information on the measure of satisfaction. For validation purposes, the method was applied in learning objects for e-learning environments. Results indicate that attention variable calculated from cerebral monitoring user activity during the time of interaction can be used as reliable metric for measuring satisfaction.Maestrí

    Selecting usability evaluation methods for software process descriptions

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    Reviewing many usability evaluation methods (UEMs) can he challenging and so selecting the appropriate UEM for a particular context, such as software process descriptions (SPDs), is difficult. Consequently, systematic analysis of UEMs based on a reusable set of evaluation criteria and strategies is essential. In this paper, we employ the feature analysis - screening mode of the DESMET methodology to analyse a range of UEMs and to suggest several UEM candidates for evaluating the usability of SPD