4 research outputs found

    An analytical comparison of datasets of Real-World and simulated falls intended for the evaluation of wearable fall alerting systems

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    Automatic fall detection is one of the most promising applications of wearables in the field of mobile health. The characterization of the effectiveness of wearable fall detectors is hampered by the inherent difficulty of testing these devices with real-world falls. In fact, practically all the proposals in the literature assess the detection algorithms with ‘scripted’ falls that are simulated in a controlled laboratory environment by a group of volunteers (normally young and healthy participants). Aiming at appraising the adequacy of this method, this work systematically compares the statistical characteristics of the acceleration signals from two databases with real falls and those computed from the simulated falls provided by 18 well-known repositories commonly employed by the related works. The results show noteworthy differences between the dynamics of emulated and real-life falls, which undermines the testing procedures followed to date and forces to rethink the strategies for evaluating wearable fall detectors.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. This research was funded by FEDER Funds (under grant UMA18-FEDERJA-022), Andalusian Regional Government (-Junta de Andalucía- grant PAIDI P18-RT-1652) and Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucia Tech

    Selecting Power-Efficient Signal Features for a Low-Power Fall Detector

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    Falls are a serious threat to the health of older people. A wearable fall detector can automatically detect the occurrence of a fall and alert a caregiver or an emergency response service so they may deliver immediate assistance, improving the chances of recovering from fall-related injuries. One constraint of such a wearable technology is its limited battery life. Thus, minimization of power consumption is an important design concern, all the while maintaining satisfactory accuracy of the fall detection algorithms implemented on the wearable device. This paper proposes an approach for selecting power-efficient signal features such that the minimum desirable fall detection accuracy is assured. Using data collected in simulated falls, simulated activities of daily living, and real free-living trials, all using young volunteers, the proposed approach selects four features from a set of ten commonly used features, providing a power saving of 75.3%, while limiting the error rate of a binary classification decision tree fall detection algorithm to 7.1%

    Human Activity Recognition and Fall Detection Using Unobtrusive Technologies

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    As the population ages, health issues like injurious falls demand more attention. Wearable devices can be used to detect falls. However, despite their commercial success, most wearable devices are obtrusive, and patients generally do not like or may forget to wear them. In this thesis, a monitoring system consisting of two 24×32 thermal array sensors and a millimetre-wave (mmWave) radar sensor was developed to unobtrusively detect locations and recognise human activities such as sitting, standing, walking, lying, and falling. Data were collected by observing healthy young volunteers simulate ten different scenarios. The optimal installation position of the sensors was initially unknown. Therefore, the sensors were mounted on a side wall, a corner, and on the ceiling of the experimental room to allow performance comparison between these sensor placements. Every thermal frame was converted into an image and a set of features was manually extracted or convolutional neural networks (CNNs) were used to automatically extract features. Applying a CNN model on the infrared stereo dataset to recognise five activities (falling plus lying on the floor, lying in bed, sitting on chair, sitting in bed, standing plus walking), overall average accuracy and F1-score were 97.6%, and 0.935, respectively. The scores for detecting falling plus lying on the floor from the remaining activities were 97.9%, and 0.945, respectively. When using radar technology, the generated point clouds were converted into an occupancy grid and a CNN model was used to automatically extract features, or a set of features was manually extracted. Applying several classifiers on the manually extracted features to detect falling plus lying on the floor from the remaining activities, Random Forest (RF) classifier achieved the best results in overhead position (an accuracy of 92.2%, a recall of 0.881, a precision of 0.805, and an F1-score of 0.841). Additionally, the CNN model achieved the best results (an accuracy of 92.3%, a recall of 0.891, a precision of 0.801, and an F1-score of 0.844), in overhead position and slightly outperformed the RF method. Data fusion was performed at a feature level, combining both infrared and radar technologies, however the benefit was not significant. The proposed system was cost, processing time, and space efficient. The system with further development can be utilised as a real-time fall detection system in aged care facilities or at homes of older people